Food Customizer

Chapter 230 Boss Su must be playing a big game

Boss Fang is always so domineering, and he eats the 30,000 yuan meal whenever he wants.

But think about it again. A few months ago, the boss organized Delicious to bring employees to go abroad to play. It seems that this guy has really made a lot of money recently.

But when it comes to eating, you can't just eat by yourself, so after Fang Changying came down, he returned to his company as soon as possible.

"Wife, wife! Something good happened today. I'm going to treat you tonight and let's have a hearty meal at Delicious Food!" At the end, Fang Chang added, "Boss Su will cook it himself."

Jiang Yuan was also happy on the other end of the phone, "What are you so happy about? What are you going to eat tonight?"

"Zhang Yi finally decided to divorce his wife. It's such a joyful thing in the world! Boss Su will have a college entrance banquet on the 19th floor tomorrow. I reserved a table for today. Let's try it first tonight, hehe ”

Jiang Yuan was stunned when she heard what the man said.

Your buddy got divorced and you held a banquet to celebrate?

This reminded Jiang Yuan of another thing. Boss Su said he wanted to eat hot pot, but Fang Chang brought more than ten kilograms of meat with him.

I always feel like something is wrong, but I can't put my finger on it.

do not care!

Jiang Yuan said, "Okay, I'll ask the leader for leave right now and go there early in the afternoon to see if there's anything I can do to help."

After several contacts, Jiang Yuan became very familiar with the employees at Delicious Food.

Sometimes I would ask Zhang Li and the others to go shopping together on my days off.

Just as the phone was disconnected, it rang again. Jiang Yuan put on a happy smile and said, "Dad, aren't you busy today?"

Jiang Wensheng's old face appeared in the mobile phone video. The moment he saw his daughter, his face showed an aunty smile, "If you're not busy, what are you doing? You're not disturbing your work, are you?"

"It's okay. I'm going to take a leave."

"Ah?" Jiang Wensheng suddenly became nervous, "Why are you asking for leave? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No. Fang Chang said he was going to a delicious restaurant tonight. Boss Su will cook and prepare the banquet himself. I'll go over there early to see if there's anything I can help with."

Jiang Wensheng at the other end of the video was silent for a few seconds, "You mean Boss Su personally cooks and prepares the banquet? What's going on?"

Jiang Yuan was about to speak when she looked up and saw her leader coming out of the office, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about it for now. I'll go ask for leave quickly."

Facing the sudden black screen of his mobile phone, Jiang Wensheng felt at a loss for a moment. After thinking about it, he called his elder brother Jiang Wusheng.

"It's said that Boss Su will personally cook and prepare the banquet tonight."

Jiang Wusheng was studying a new recipe in the museum. The kitchen knife in his hand was thrown on the cutting board, "What's going on?"

"No, my daughter said so. It seems that my son-in-law paid for it, and I don't know what happened to ask Boss Su to cook it himself."

Jiang Wusheng smacked his lips, frowning and thinking for a while, "Do you know what's going on with Lao Lu and Lao Cui recently?"

"I have no contact, so I don't know. But they have both been promoted to level four members. It's really outrageous."

Jiang Wusheng began to pinch his chin. Every time he made this gesture in the past, he would be thinking about something.

"Did you say there is a flight to Jingzhou today?"

Jiang Wensheng's voice sounded far away, "I'll take a look later!"

A minute later, "Yes, there will be one in three hours. Hey, brother, it's too late for us to go now! He's having a big dinner in the evening."

Jiang Wusheng nodded to the void, as if his younger brother was right in front of him, "There must be something fishy here! Otherwise, why didn't Lao Cui and Lao Lu come out to show off? Anyway, there is nothing wrong in these two days, let's go! Let's go to the scene. I’m going to visit my niece.”

Jiang Wensheng was stunned.

Why is Big Brother more anxious than me? I didn't even think about going to see my daughter, but you are going to see your niece?

Do you want to go to a big banquet?

But honestly, he wanted to too.

"Okay, it just so happens that I also miss my daughter. Let's go to Jingzhou to see Yuanyuan. This girl really ran away after getting married. I don't know how to come home to see her."

Jiang Wusheng was also stunned.

I was thinking about how my younger brother could find excuses to slip away even more than me.

The two of them had a tacit understanding, but they knew it in their hearts but not in words. After booking a flight to Jingzhou in a very tacit understanding, Jiang Wusheng opened the official website of the Culinary Association on his mobile phone.

"Why did these two old guys sneak up to level four? What happened?"

After all, we are all sworn brothers.

When Lao Cui and Lao Lu were both at level five, the Jiang brothers were still at level six. They only wanted to be happy for their brother and sister.

But these two people suddenly jumped to level four, and they were still the only two level four members in the country, which made the Jiang brothers a little uncomfortable.

You were obviously sworn brothers, but you secretly worked hard to advance to the next level?

I am really afraid that my brother will not be happy, and I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

But due to face, it was not convenient to ask directly on the phone about this kind of thing. The only thing they knew was that Cui Yufen and Lu Yongliang were now working at Delicious Food.

It just so happened that I could take this opportunity to visit Jiang Yuan. Not only could I study how Boss Su cooked in person, but I could also study how these two people reached level four. Killing three birds with one stone!

But as for Su Chen, after Boss Fang generously arranged a banquet, Su Chen got into the kitchen without hesitation and started working.

Zhang Heping and Lao Shiqi had work on the third floor and could not come to help for the time being. Liu Abao had to prepare lunch for the kindergarten on the second floor and could not come to help, so the team members from the delicious food resumed their role as kitchen helpers.

In the kitchen, Zhang Li was sitting in the corner, picking garlic. "This feels so familiar. I haven't been in the kitchen to help in a long time."

All the chopped garlic must be ground into minced garlic with a meat grinder, and the boss will use it to make garlic juice.

Bai Xiaobo was wearing gloves and was simply marinating the sashimi sliced ​​by Su Chen. He was becoming more and more skilled in massaging the fish slices. Zhang Jiayi, who was watching from the sidelines, wondered several times whether this guy had done massage for the blind before. of?

Not to mention their young people, even Aunt Fang came to the kitchen to help today for the first time.

She is mainly responsible for pasta.

But Su Chen only asked Aunt Fang to assist in kneading the noodles, and he still had to complete the subsequent production himself. After all, Su Chen had not yet made a good meal of noodles since he obtained the full level of noodle skills.

Ling Shuyu also made a rare visit to the kitchen.


Facing the task assigned to her by Su Chen, she was a little dazed.

‘Am I just a kitchen idiot in Boss Su’s eyes? ’

The pool in front of her was full of vegetables. Su Chen asked her to wash and pick vegetables.

Liu Shengnan is relatively down-to-earth.

It is said that she rented a B\u0026B during her honeymoon and cooked for Han Cheng every day. During that time, her cooking skills improved rapidly.

Of course, Liu Shengnan would not tell her husband about asking her boss for advice on WeChat from time to time.

Now that the two have resumed their separation, Liu Shengnan also insists on cooking at home every day. Now he is unambiguous when it comes to handling some meat. The tenderloin is cut in a decent manner, but the speed is a little slower.

Everyone is busy, and Su Chen is no exception.

As the chef of this college entrance banquet, Su Chen's first task now is to prepare the clear soup and milk soup. This is the fundamental guarantee for all dishes.

As for the menu this time, it really gave Su Chen a big headache when discussing it with Aunt Fang.

Jingzhou actually has no local cuisine at all. Common banquets generally bring together cuisines from all over the country. Whichever dish is delicious and easy to prepare will appear on Jingzhou's banquets.

As a kingdom of carbohydrates, Jingzhou’s banquets feature three to five staple dishes.

There is such a line in a TV show that everyone is familiar with. Chu Yunfei told Li Yunlong that if the cuisine of Shanxi Province is not good, it will not be on the table. The only cuisine in the whole north is Shandong cuisine.

This is not entirely true, but there is some truth to it.

Originally, Su Chen imitated other restaurants and decided on a menu based on everyone's strengths, but during the discussion, Aunt Fang rejected them all.

Aunt Fang said this at the time: I eat the same food at home, a bowl of noodles is enough for a meal, but when hosting a college entrance banquet for Xiao Bin, we must do it decently. Let’s give those guests something rare that we can’t eat in Jingzhou!

What is rare in Jingzhou?

Without a doubt, seafood.

And after Su Chen listened carefully to Aunt Fang's general requirements for this college entrance banquet, he also understood.

What Aunt Fang means is that Xiaobin went to a good university, and she has many famous relatives and friends, so the cost of the banquet can be higher, but the face must be sufficient.

It's just like the food in an ordinary restaurant, not upscale.

She has attended many banquets, and most of those relatives and friends attended just to meet each other. There would be a lot of things left on the table at the end. It would be a waste if they were thrown away, and it would be quite embarrassing if no one would eat them if they were not left behind.

So Auntie’s aim is: don’t be afraid of spending money, but the things must be good!

Su Chen later thought it was a bit funny. It seemed that Aunt Fang spent a lot more money after the salary increase.

Moreover, Su Chen had no intention of making money from Aunt Fang at the beginning, so he simply ordered a banquet with mainly aquatic ingredients. I believe that if a Jingzhou local came to eat, such a banquet would be regarded as a practice room. Even if the rating is a little lower, people will still like it.

What's more, didn't Boss Fang buy part of the banquet order for Auntie?

After the soup stock started boiling, Su Chen began to process some of the ingredients. These were all purchased by Mr. Fang. This guy has now expanded his physical business to the provincial capital, and he can produce all kinds of fresh seafood products. Yes, almost all of them are flown back from coastal areas.

Of course, the price is not sloppy at all. Adhering to the business philosophy of Fang's Meat Industry, after Fang's strict selection, the price of these aquatic products is basically about half and thirty times more expensive than those on the ordinary market.

What Su Chen is preparing to deal with now is a piece of pork.

"Boss, didn't you say that our banquet is mainly about seafood? Is that so?"

Zhang Jiayi got tired of seeing Bai Xiaobo massaging the fish, so she ran over to Su Chen to watch.

How can the hand of a rich lady holding the steering wheel hold a kitchen knife?

"Who said you can't use pork when making seafood? And focusing on seafood doesn't mean just eating seafood."

Seeing that Zhang Jiayi was still very confused, Su Chen was not impatient, "This dish is called pheasant roll, and it is also a famous dish across the country."

The piece of meat Su Chen chose was very particular.

In order to get this part of the meat completely, it cost nearly three times the price of market pork.

This piece of meat is the thick fat on both sides of the pork spine, which is cut open from the belly of the whole pig. The spine part cannot be cut off, but is removed from the bones to form a complete pork, and then cut from the middle of the whole fan of pork. Get that part of the meat off.

The skin is about six inches long and wide, and a large piece weighs eight kilograms.

This piece of meat is clearly fat and lean, and is square in shape. Su Chen's kitchen knife has to be pulled up and down to separate the fat and lean meat into two parts.

Zhang Jiayi looked at Su Chen's knife skills and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "You are really awesome. There is no fat on the lean meat, and there is no trace of fat on the fat meat. I admire it."

Su Chen ignored her rainbow fart.

The preparation of this dish actually pays great attention to the selection of ingredients and the skill of the knife. And because the whole piece of meat needs to be cut horizontally from the middle, wild knife skills are not used. You can only concentrate on using the knife slowly. Pull forward slowly.

But it was obvious that Zhang Jiayi couldn't stop talking, "But boss, why did you say this is called pheasant roll? I didn't see pheasant? This is only pork."

Su Chen gave him a blank look, "Is there a wife in the wife cake?"

"Is there fish meat in the fish-flavored pork shreds? Is there husband and wife in the husband and wife lung slices? Is there squirrel in the squirrel mandarin fish? Hmm. Are there ants in the ants climbing the tree?"

Zhang Jiayi was dumbfounded by the boss's retort. She opened her mouth slightly for a long time and didn't know what to say. She could only hold back the last sentence: "What if!"

whispering sound.

Su Chen ignored it, because the next process might be the most test of his knife skills since he started working.

Knife skills like Wensi Tofu are actually not that difficult with the bonus of precise strikes, but this knife skill is not that easy now.

The square piece of fat, which was six inches long, one inch thick, was just lying on the cutting board. Su Chen needed to cut this piece of fat from the side into fat slices that remained the same length and width but only one minute thick.

The thickness of the sliced ​​meat must be consistent throughout. According to Su Chen's operations in the practice room these days, if there is a slight bump in the middle of the meat slice, although it will not have a big impact on the taste, it will not affect the taste. It can still be clearly distinguished.

For example, the suddenly thickened parts will suddenly feel a bit fatty when chewing, while the thinned parts will not taste rich enough.

Su Chen bent over slightly and stretched his neck so that he could fully see the way the Chef's Knife cut into the meat. Every time he pulled the knife downwards, he would be very careful to ensure that the knife was in an absolutely horizontal state.

One centimeter thick, converted into current units, is 0.3 centimeters.

The thickness of the meat was only three millimeters, and it was a six-inch square piece of meat. Su Chen felt a little sweat on his forehead when he cut it.

Zhang Jiayi felt that Su Chen's cutting of meat was boring, and it would be more fun to go back to the wild knife skills he used to do.

He simply ran to where the others were.

Su Chen vaguely heard that he was discussing with Ling Shuyu why there was no wife in the wife cake.

Layer after layer, Su Chen cut off thirteen pieces of fat from this piece of meat that was more than an inch thick!

When I lifted it up and looked at it, the white fat pork actually seemed to be translucent!

This was just fat meat. The lean meat had just been cut. Su Chen trimmed all the corners and was ready to cut it into slices of the same thickness.

Slicing lean meat is an unparalleled challenge for knife skills. After all, lean meat has extremely distinctive fiber texture.

Su Chen opened the white jade hand without hesitation, put on the badge at the same time, and finally stuck the magic sticker on the wrist, so as to ensure that his hand remained absolutely stable during the meat cutting process. !

The kitchen where the delicious food comes is busy in an orderly manner, and the ingredients are prepared one after another until they are almost ready.

And at the same time.

The Jiang brothers finally arrived in Jingzhou near noon.

"What!!! Are you saying that Lu Yongliang and Cui Yu returned to the capital to form their own team, and then returned to Delicious to set up their own cuisine restaurant?"

The first thing he did after arriving in Jingzhou was to understand the situation. Jiang Wensheng was shocked when his son-in-law Fang Chang said this.

Fang Chang said with certainty, "It seems that not only those two, but also the president of the Sichuan Province Association has also returned to his hometown. He said he wanted to deal with some matters and brought his apprentice over."

hiss! ! !

This time, even Jiang Wusheng couldn't help but gasped, "Are these three people crazy? It means that now Boss Su is planning to open a restaurant with famous cuisines in Yumei, and then he will gather all the major cuisines across the country, and Are these three cuisines representing their provinces ready to be introduced to Delicious Food?”

Outrageous, this is too outrageous!

Jiang Wusheng even thought of many possibilities in just a short moment.

All three of these are state banquet chefs, and their membership levels are two at level four and one at level five.

Such a lineup can be called luxurious. If they all come to Mei Lai, even if they have not yet gathered other cuisines, just with the well-known title of state banquet chef, Mei Lai will definitely become famous in a short time and become one of the most popular restaurants in China. A relatively new restaurant at the moment.

The key is that there are state banquet chefs who are willing to endorse others!

If you don’t believe me, Boss Su, don’t you still believe in the state banquet chef?

Besides, Boss Su is even more terrifying than the chef at the state banquet. Anyway, Jiang Wusheng thinks that he has never seen anyone whose skills are more awesome than Boss Su.

"Wen Sheng, this can't work. Now Sichuan, Shandong and Hubei cuisines have all introduced delicious dishes. How about Huaiyang cuisine?"

Jiang Wensheng was also anxious and had no choice, "The problem is what should I do in the restaurant in my hometown? I can't leave my ancestral business alone, right?"

This is indeed something that can't be helped.

"If we don't take action, we might be overtaken by those old guys." Jiang Wusheng was worried to death.

He and his brothers have never shown their prominence at state banquets. Compared with their reputations, they are indeed not as good as those others.

But in Huaiyang cuisine, the two of them are relatively well-known figures, and because they have some friendship with Boss Su, it is definitely much easier than others to get things done.

Moreover, Jiang Wusheng had a vague feeling that Su Chen was playing a big game of chess!

This is a step to gather all the famous people in the country under his command, and then open the company into a unique existence in the country!

Maybe others also have the ability to start a company, but who in the world can bring together so many national chefs from various cuisines?

Not really.

Tangled, tangled!

Jiang Wusheng was already so confused, "In this case, let's just go and have a meal tonight, and by the way, we can find out the news. If Boss Su really plays such a big game, our Huaiyang cuisine will definitely be on the list." in."

Jiang Wensheng looked at his brother's bright eyes.

"Representatives of Huaiyang cuisine! We brothers must join the game!" Jiang Wusheng said decisively.

What is the purpose of keeping an ancestral industry? Isn't it just to let future generations carry it forward? Even the Huaiyang Cuisine Museum that Jiang Wusheng is building now has this purpose.

But these things are not very effective.

Now there is an unprecedented opportunity in front of us. Let me ask, which descendant of a famous chef can't be tempted?

The two brothers spoke seriously, and they were already looking forward to this meal!

More than that.

After the farce ended, reporter Cai Sirong apologized to Zhang Yi several times, and was finally persuaded by Su Chen to stay and have dinner together in the evening.

Cai Sirong originally felt embarrassed and didn't want to agree, but then she remembered that the snacks she ate on the fourth floor were so good.

How delicious would it be if Boss Su cooked it himself?


She thought about it and finally decided to go back to the stage to say hello to the leader first.

"What! Are you sure it's Boss Su who cooks it himself?"

The head of the TV station, Wang Jianguo, slapped the table and stood up excitedly and asked.

"Sure, Boss Su and the others are busy in the kitchen right now."

Wang Jianguo took a breath and paced back and forth in the office anxiously.

After walking around for a few times, he seemed to have made up his mind.

"Xiao Cai, you go over there tonight and send me a message when you arrive."

"Ah?" Cai Sirong was a little confused.

"Well, it's nothing. After all, it is a company that our city focuses on. I also want to know something about it."

It turned out to be a matter of work. Cai Sirong readily agreed and immediately ran home to change into nice-looking clothes.

Wang Jianguo is sitting in the office.

The TV station itself is very busy. Is it normal for me to suddenly find Xiao Cai to do some work at night?

As a leader who cares for his subordinates, it’s not too much for me to go to the hotel in person to deliver the documents, right?

We Chinese people are all here, Boss Su will always say it, right?


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