Food Customizer

Chapter 248 All four groups are quite weird

The tools Su Chen got were very simple, including a wok, a spoon, a kitchen knife, a cutting board, and a stainless steel basin.

Well. When taking the stainless steel basin, Cui Yufen even asked jokingly: "Are you taking this to wash your feet in the park?"

Su Chen smiled and said nothing.

What do you ordinary people know?

After getting all kinds of equipment, everyone dispersed with an order.

Jiang Wusheng stood in front of the bus in confusion and asked Zhang Li and Liu Shengnan, "Where have they gone?"

Zhang Li stomped her feet angrily, "I just said that everyone had already thought of countermeasures in the car, but we were the only ones stupidly waiting. Now it's better. We fell behind others at the beginning!"

Jiang Wusheng touched his head in disbelief.

Something's wrong

Is there something wrong with my own thinking?

Isn't this a survival game? Why did you all run away? Did you really start a business with a hundred yuan?

These days, if you start a business with one million, you will die, but you guys start a business with 100 yuan?

Jiang Wusheng smiled.

It seems that he is the only one who truly understands this game. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Li, "Now let's find a park with a better environment. You will know later."

Then he said to Liu Shengnan, "You find a wholesale market, let's go buy some supplies now."

Jiang Wusheng thought clearly.

It only took three days. I bought some noodles, some soy sauce and salt. It didn’t cost more than thirty yuan in total. It was basically enough for three people to eat for three days.

The three-day period is here!

He took out seventy yuan with his own backhand!

At that time, people like Su Chen who choose a set of kitchen utensils for cooking will have to beg themselves to give them some money to buy a burger to eat?

Thinking of this, Jiang Wusheng's face became a little more excited for no reason.

Liu Shengnan and Zhang Li looked at the captain's inexplicable smile. They had no good ideas for the time being and could only follow the captain's instructions.

And at the same time.

Other teams that had finalized their plans also started taking action.

Cui Yu assigned Bai Xiaobo to go to the construction site that he had previously determined in the car to check whether it was suitable for setting up a stall nearby.

And she went to the supermarket near the construction site with Zhang Jiayi.

"Among our Shandong cuisine, there is one dish that is actually very suitable for setting up a stall."

Zhang Jiayi became interested and followed Teacher Cui around the supermarket, "What kind of food? But we only have one hundred yuan, so we can't cook much no matter what kind of food we have."

Cui Yufen smiled mysteriously.

"You don't understand. Strictly speaking, this dish is made in every province, but I personally think the flavor of Shandong cuisine is the most suitable for this dish."

"Oh, Teacher Cui~" Zhang Jiayi grabbed Lao Cui's arm and shook it from side to side, "Don't be so pretentious~ quickly tell me what kind of dish it is!"

It’s time to say it or not.

Zhang Jiayi has an excellent figure to begin with. After all, she had been doing body shaping training with Coach Shen.

In addition, girls from rich families develop a rather wealthy temperament since childhood, and the clothes Zhang Jiayi is wearing today are also very interesting.

Dark gray loose wide-leg pants, the upper body is in the style of a fat and baggy suit, and when you unbutton it, you can see the navel-baring vest inside.

Her movements were rich and generous, and the guy responsible for taking the photos swallowed his saliva several times.

I hurriedly changed positions to find the camera that best reflected Zhang Jiayi's appearance and figure, and continued shooting!

Cui Yufen was originally a serious person, but when Zhang Jiayi shook her around like this, he looked at her helplessly, "Okay, okay, there's nothing mysterious about it, it's just the classic crispy pork in our Shandong cuisine."


Zhang Jiayi immediately became energetic, "The crispy pork is delicious! Come on, it's all meat. It will definitely be popular if you set up a stall at the entrance of the construction site!"

But Cui Yufen did not come to the meat stall immediately, but came to the condiment area first.

"The budget is limited. When I first start cooking, I can only make a simplified version of crispy pork to ensure the basic taste."

Even the most basic taste requires a lot of condiments.

Take starch, for example. According to Cui Yufen, the soul of this dish is starch. If it is not thickened, the crispy meat will just taste like crispy meat.

And chicken fat

After walking around the condiment area, Cui Yufen's handbasket was already full of condiments.

Zhang Jiayi held her phone and pressed the equals sign on the calculator.

"Teacher Cui, we seem to have gone a little too far."

"How much is it?"

Zhang Jiayi showed her cell phone to Cui Yufen, "Now the condiments alone have already cost seventy-four yuan."

Cui Yu didn't panic at all, just nodded silently, "Pork is relatively cheap recently. The meat seller I passed by just now seemed to only cost 12 yuan for a pound of pork belly. That's about right."

In other words, according to the current budget, there is only enough money left to buy two pounds of pork belly.

Zhang Jiayi sighed, "I have never fought such a poor battle!"

Cui Yufen ignored this useless complaint and went straight to the meat selling area, pointing to a piece of pork belly on the counter, "I only have 26 yuan on me. How can I cut it off for you?"

The owner of the meat seller was stunned, and then he saw that the meat seller was an older aunt. The meat cleaver was held horizontally in her hand, and she put the meat in a bag and put it on the scale.

"Twenty-five dollars and eight!"

Cui Yufen took the bag and said, "Let's check out!"

After spending a full 100 yuan and finding two candies at the checkout area, the two of them walked to the address that Bai Xiaobo sent on WeChat.

It was at this time.

Lu Yongliang and Liu Guochu rode their bicycles and quickly arrived at a large hotel called "Yujingyuan".

This hotel looks very luxurious from the outside. The building made of pure glass has six floors on the outside!

And from the LED screen hanging above the door.

This hotel is not the kind of hotel responsible for hosting wedding banquets. It is a restaurant that specializes in business meals and receiving individual guests, but it is more luxurious.

And before coming, Cai Sirong also searched for relevant information on the Internet.

This restaurant has a good reputation in Qinzhou. It is the kind of restaurant that people will go to if they want to "spend a little today".

"I said it's reliable. Look, there is a recruitment notice on the door!" Lu Yongliang parked the car at the door.

Liu Guochu took a closer look and said, "It's true. But the salary is a bit low."

The recruitment notice on the door is clearly written, and it is a year-round recruitment.

After all, the turnover of people in places like hotels and restaurants is really high, and for some really good restaurants, the menu must not be fixed, at least the menu must be changed every two months.

Therefore, for chefs from all over the country, there has always been a shortage of supply. As long as you have skills, you can basically find a job anywhere.

This is also the reason why Zhang Heping has been wandering around the country for more than ten years.

The two smiled at each other.

They walked into Yujing Garden in unison.

On a street three kilometers away from them, Cai Sirong sat helplessly on a bench on the side of the road and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She took out her mobile phone and opened WeChat. There was a small group of three people here.

"Teacher Liu! Teacher Lu! You must remember to say that if you want to recruit, you must bring a waiter!"

Bundled application-the latest routine from the genius Lu Yongliang.

As for the contestants in Group A.

Well. The staff responsible for following Group A is none other than Sun Xiaoting, the general director of this program group.

Seeing Su Chen with two beauties of different styles, they walked into a small restaurant called [Happy Egg Fried Rice] on the roadside.

Director Sun was stunned.

"They came to eat directly at the first stop?"

The staff member following Director Sun scratched his head, "I don't know, but this egg fried rice doesn't cost much. I guess Boss Su didn't eat breakfast in the morning."

Sun Xiaoting frowned and continued to follow.

It really doesn't understand. Even if he didn't eat breakfast in the morning, he wouldn't eat at this time.

It's only ten o'clock in the morning.

Puzzled, Sun Xiaoting followed Su Chen into the restaurant, and handed the filming equipment to another young man beside him, and used hidden equipment instead.

The main feature is a reality!!!

After entering the door, a middle-aged woman immediately came up, "What do you want to eat? There is a menu on the wall."

Su Chen turned his head to look.

This is a very ordinary small restaurant. The menu is also posted on the wall with a big red background paper, and the names of various dishes are printed.

There are not many types of dishes, a total of more than a dozen.

There are also many ready-made foods such as braised eggs and braised sausages.

Others are simple stir-fried potato shreds, vinegar bean sprouts and other home-cooked dishes, which are also reasonably priced.

The main dish of his shop, egg fried rice, is sold for 12 yuan for a large portion and 10 yuan for a small portion.

"Boss, how many eggs are used in the small portion of your egg fried rice?"

The woman was stunned.

She thought that this customer who came before the meal was really picky. He looked very well dressed, but he actually asked her how many eggs were in a fried rice?

However, since the customer asked, the woman smiled and said kindly, "Three for a small portion and four for a large portion."

Su Chen nodded.

Indeed, the things sold in this store are very affordable, but this is also related to the recent prices.

For some reason, pork and eggs are very cheap recently. The last time Fang Chang came to deliver the goods, he complained that the several tons of eggs he bought at 3.6 yuan before dropped by 20 cents overnight, and he was going to lose a lot of money.

Now eggs in the supermarket are only sold at 3.56 yuan per catty.

"How much rice is used for the small portion?"

This question stunned the woman again, "We haven't really weighed it, anyway, this bowl is full."

The woman picked up an empty bowl from the table and showed it to Su Chen.

This kind of bowl is a shallow bowl that is common in restaurants. A bowl of rice like this has at least three taels of rice.

According to this, the large bowl is half a catty of rice.

This amount is definitely enough!

Su Chen continued to nod.

At this time, the woman's husband also came out of the kitchen after hearing the sound.

It seems that this is a husband-and-wife shop.

The woman is responsible for the work in the front, and the husband is responsible for the work in the kitchen.

The man came out and wiped his hands, "What would you like to eat?"

Su Chen looked past the proprietress and looked at the boss, "That's it."

He paused.

"A large portion of fried rice costs 12 yuan. You use oil, salt, rice, and eggs to make fried rice, right?"

The man had just been eavesdropping in the kitchen for a long time, and felt that these guests didn't seem to be here to eat, but to cause trouble, so he came out.

As a result, when he came out, he was immediately confused by the question, "Yes."

Su Chen said again, "In this way, you don't have to open the fire. Just give me a large portion of rice, eggs, salt and oil you used. Do you think it's okay if I spend 10 yuan?"

The man looked at his wife.

At the same time, I silently made a calculation in my mind.

A portion of egg fried rice costs 12 yuan, and he can earn about 7 yuan after throwing away all costs.

If I sell it directly to this guy, I can only make five yuan!

But it saves the cost of labor and gas. The key is not to waste time. Just give him a bowl of rice directly from the kitchen, give him four eggs, and finally get him some salt and oil.

It seems like you made five yuan without doing anything?

Putting this together, the man didn't quite believe it, "Where are you kidding? I've seen people who bring their own ingredients to our place for processing, but I've never seen people who just buy ingredients without processing them. You can't be like that guy on the Internet Why don’t you make a video and tease me?”

At the moment when he was calculating, the boss wanted to understand something.

This is a good deal!

We sell egg fried rice. Our family lacks everything but eggs and rice!

If there was no need to speculate, he would be able to sell as much as he bought, and the profit would be too easy, right?

"I'm not joking. But I don't have much money now. I only have one hundred yuan. I'll buy you 10 copies first."

From what Su Chen said, it really didn't sound like a joke.

The man took the one hundred yuan from Su Chen's hand directly, as if he was afraid that Su Chen would regret it, "That's it! I'll get you some food now!"

Su Chen called to him, "Don't worry. You don't need it now, but I can suggest you cook more rice now. I will buy it later when I have money."

"Oh, by the way," Su Chen said again, "Do you have a pen? And don't you need that cardboard box?"

The boss took the ball pen they usually used to keep accounts directly from the table, "The cardboard box is of no use, just take it!"

Su Chen smiled and nodded, holding a freshly opened beer carton at the door in his hand, "Okay, I'll come over and get rice with you later."

After walking out of the restaurant.

Director Sun couldn't bear it anymore, "Boss Su! Isn't your deal too uneconomical? If you go to the supermarket to buy rice and eggs, you can buy a lot for one hundred yuan!"

Su Chen didn't speak, just looked at Director Sun with a smile.

Ling Shuyu explained for Su Chen at this time, "Director Sun, our tools are limited. On the surface, Boss Su is at a loss, but in fact."

"If you think about it, we are equivalent to hiring two people to steam rice for us, buy rice, and use their steamer and so on. Isn't it much more cost-effective?"

Sun Xiaoting frowned, thinking about it over and over, but couldn't figure out the account.

It seems that what Ling Shuyu said is right, but something seems to be wrong.

But anyway, Sun Xiaoting returned to his post and continued to film the behavior of the members of Group A.

And He Shuting and Ling Shuyu, under Su Chen's command, began to write and draw on the back of the beer carton with ball pens, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Qinzhou, People’s Park.

The short-legged man finished driving the last screw with a groan, then lay down on the lawn exhausted, looking at the blue sky, his stomach growling incessantly.

"Uncle Jiang, are you sure we can win those three teams like this? Don't forget, we represent Minyan!"

Jiang Wusheng was sitting on the camping chair with his legs crossed and basking in the sun. "What's the hurry? We can't think of a way, how can they think of it? Maybe they are all hiding in that park now. At least we still have a tent. no?"

Zhang Li rubbed her belly.

Why am I still hungry even though I have some meat in my belly?

She was very depressed, "I think Boss Su will definitely not sit still and wait for death! Don't forget, we represent the Minyan. If we fall behind, it will be equivalent to holding back Boss Su!"

It's okay not to mention this, but Jiang Wusheng will be angry when he mentions it.

"Bullshit! I don't believe that Boss Su can think of any good ideas. What can he do with a bunch of pots and pans? One hundred yuan is not enough to make a few bowls of egg fried rice. It's useless! In the end! Don’t hold us back!”

Zhang Li sighed and looked at the sky dazedly, not wanting to talk to Jiang Wusheng anymore.

Since you have to rely on saving to spend these three days, the best way is to try to move as little as possible to save some energy!

Liu Shengnan, on the other hand, was sitting on a park bench, looking like he had spent his time peacefully, wondering what was going on in his mind.

Construction site at Marina Bay.

Cui Yufen looked at the time on his phone and said, "It's eleven o'clock. Xiaobai, what you just confirmed is OK?"

Bai Xiaobo wiped his sweat.

The climate in Qinzhou in November is the same as that in Jingzhou, with temperatures that are extremely cold in the morning and evening and extremely hot at noon.

"No problem! I've been chatting with the old concierge for a long time, and I'm sure they will get off work at twelve o'clock on time! Teacher Cui, there will be a lot of stalls in this area later, are you sure?"

Cui Yufen snorted, "Just wait and see!"

Similarly, she also chose equipment similar to Su Chen's as much as possible, almost all of which were used for cooking.

I bought two kilograms of pork belly, cut it into six-inch square pieces with a knife on both sides.

Logically speaking, antler must be used for pickling when making this dish, but due to a limited budget, Lao Cui omitted this step.

Only ground ginger, flour, water dough powder, and an egg are used to marinate the meat.

Lao Cui also used the small bottle of vegetable oil she bought very sparingly. She didn't even use the pot at all, she just poured the vegetable oil into it with a spoon.

Then start to heat oil on a simple stove. When the oil temperature rises to 70% hot, start frying the marinated meat pieces one by one with the other hand.

"Clamp it for me."

Zhang Jiayi immediately took action, holding the chopsticks and began to pick out the fried meat pieces from the spoon.

After repeating this for about ten minutes, all the two kilograms of meat were fried into golden brown.

Cui Yufen placed the fried meat pieces in a steaming bowl, sprinkled them with aniseed, soy sauce, a spoonful of chicken fat, and spread a few green onions on top.

Put it directly into the steamer and start steaming.

"Our simple stove can steam for half an hour at most, which is just enough to make these two portions of steamed meat."

After Cui Yufen finished everything, he clapped his hands and said, "Xiao Bai, go to the supermarket now and buy another three kilograms of pork and a can of gas."

Bai Xiaobo was stunned.

Did you just spend all one hundred yuan?

Let me buy it for zero yuan?

Cui Yufen looked at his confused look and found out what he was thinking.

"It takes you at least fifteen minutes to walk to the supermarket, and five minutes to buy good things. Just wait there, and Jiayi will go over to check out later."

Bai Xiaobo gritted his teeth and said, "Then I'll go."

I was still thinking about it on the way to the supermarket.

Teacher Cui is not trying to trick me, is he?

If Zhang Jiayi doesn't come, wouldn't it be silly for me to wait at the checkout with the meat and the gas can?

But this is a task assigned by the team leader, and Xiaobai has no better way, so he can only listen to the arrangement for the time being.

And here, as the water in the pot begins to boil.

The two bowls of meat on the steamer gradually exuded the alluring aroma of meat.

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