Food Customizer

Chapter 254 Heizi, speak up!

Seeing the boss’s wife and boss fighting across the table, they both started to fight!

There was no sign of respecting each other, but a bit of a showdown. Su Chen raised his eyebrows and rushed in with He Shuting.

Ten minutes later.

Su Chen stood in the middle of the aisle of Happy Egg Fried Rice, with the boss and the boss’s wife sitting on both sides.

“Indeed, I admit that you two helped me a lot today, so let’s put it this way.”

Su Chen was helpless and speechless.

“Next, I won’t buy rice and eggs from you. You can just provide me with rice and eggs for free. How about I teach you a trick after I finish setting up the stall?”

He said this to the boss.

At the age of 40, this boss hides in the kitchen full of oil smoke every day.

With the elderly and children to take care of, he broke several frying pans in his hand due to the oppression.

He put the frying pans that broke the bottom of the pot on the buckle and hung them on the wall of his home, as if symbolizing his efforts over the years.

But what’s the use of hard work?

Doesn't the mortgage still need to be paid monthly?

Can't you still afford the car?

Doesn't the child's tuition have to be paid by relatives and friends?

Aren't the elderly at home still cautious and afraid of getting sick?

Is he not waving the frying pan diligently enough, or is his wife not working hard enough to clean the house and take care of the elderly and children from dawn to dusk?

Why is life still like this!

These problems, at that moment just now, broke out completely with a super happy golden egg fried rice.

The man said that the woman was not considerate enough, and the woman said that the man only knew how to eat alone. The two of them started arguing, and the quarrel broke out. Su Chen intervened at the right time and stopped their absurd behavior in time.

You are going to break your heads, will I still sell fried rice?

And Su Chen's proposal did no harm to himself, but it was a little helpful to the two people. Su Chen has always been willing to help.

After all, when he was in the service area, he completed a task called: God's mercy.

3S-level fried rice cannot be taught, and even S-level fried rice cannot be taught, but A-level fried rice can be taught.

You only need to master the heat when frying the rice so that the rice grains are perfectly wrapped by the egg liquid that is about to solidify, and you can reach A-level.

And this level of delicacy is not too much to become the main dish of a restaurant. As for how to price it, that is someone else's business.

"Are you serious?"

Su Chen's words made the man's anger towards his wife disappear without a trace, and his expression was even a little excited. "Are you really willing to teach me? Charge?"

Su Chen sat down with a sigh of relief. As long as they don't quarrel, providing him with a stable supply of raw materials for fried rice is better than anything else.

"It's definitely free, but you definitely can't learn to my level. It depends on you what you can do."

Su Chen was about to pour himself some water, and the proprietress hurriedly got up and took out a can of cold Coke from the freezer and stuffed it into Su Chen's hand, "You must be thirsty, drink this."

The rapid change of attitude surprised Su Chen.

"But anyway, I'll set up the stall now. I'll set up the stall here for three days, which means I'll leave the day after tomorrow. I'll take some time to teach you then. It's up to you how much you can learn."

I can't say anything else, but the owner of the stir-fry restaurant is sure of one thing.

In this world, for a craft like the young man in front of me, it's not about how much it sells for, but whether it can be taught. Now that I've finally met someone who is willing to teach me, what else do I need?

"Okay! Just keep busy, I'll go steam the rice! I guarantee it won't delay your business today!"

Su Chen smiled and patted the big brother on the shoulder, "Come on."

After that, he went out and started to stir-fry rice.

The farce did not affect the enthusiasm of the diners. As the sky darkened, the owner of the stir-fry restaurant even took a ladder and installed a lighting lamp on the doorplate at his door!

In addition, as it was time to get off work in the evening, more people began to appear on the street.

At first, many people came to watch the excitement, thinking that there were too many onlookers here, and they didn't know what was going on.

Later, it was discovered that some of the people who squeezed out of the crowd sat on the roadside with paper boxes and started eating, while others stood there and showed off their rice.

Of course, the price of 188 still discouraged many people.

But there are always people who will accept it.

For example, at this moment, a young couple stood outside the crowd.

"Baozi, do you think this egg fried rice is really that delicious? It's so expensive, and there are so many people queuing up?"

The girl was also a little entangled, "I don't know, you can only know whether it's delicious after you try it. If so many people are queuing up, it must be a bit unique, right?"

They stood on the periphery of the crowd, tiptoed and looked inside.

"Anyway, it looks like those people are eating deliciously." The boy was taller, and he saw it clearly, "Oh my gosh! There's a person eating two servings, and his mouth can't be stuffed!"

"Where is it, where is it, let me see!"

The boy squatted on the ground, "Come up."

He directly put the girl on his head. At this height, the girl could see farther. At a glance, all she could see were heads. Even the QR code in the hands of the Hi Si sister in the crowd was snatched by countless hands, and they were frantically scanning the code to pay!

Such a scene shocked the girl.

"I want to eat too, I want to eat too!" The girl jumped off her boyfriend, "So many people are buying it crazily, it must be delicious! Let's just treat it as a hot pot today, okay~~"

In fact.

They originally planned to eat hot pot, but when they passed by here, they were attracted by so many onlookers, and then saw so many people frantically stuffing egg fried rice into their mouths.

Once curiosity comes up, it is really unstoppable!

The boy immediately pushed the crowd of onlookers and tried to squeeze to the innermost part to give his beloved girl a portion of [Super Happiness, Egg Fried Rice! ]

Time passed quickly.

From about six o'clock in the evening, Su Chen's hands almost never stopped.

Even the director Sun Xiaoting was squeezed to a very marginal position. In order to be able to shoot the scene more clearly and realistically, Sun Xiaoting had to hand over a portable camera to Ling Shuyu.

He and another colleague spent a little money to come to the private room on the second floor opposite and watch this shocking scene from a high place.

"As the old saying goes, good wine needs no bush. Boss Su really fully interprets this sentence. I didn't expect that the 188 egg fried rice is so popular." Sun Xiaoting retracted his gaze, "Now, how much is the turnover of this group of members?"

The young man clenched his fist and looked downstairs, "I don't know. At least more than 20,000."

20,000, for Boss Su, it's just more than 100 servings of egg fried rice. Now his hands don't stop at all. He can make four servings of egg fried rice every 3 minutes. In more than an hour, there must be this number.

Sun Xiaoting leaned back in the chair and moved his stiff body, "The victory is determined, there is no dispute."

Such a lively scene lasted until ten o'clock in the evening.

According to the program team's requirements, everyone had to close at this point, but no matter how He Shuting shouted, the crowd was still enthusiastic.

"You want to tire me to death." Su Chen said speechlessly.

It was just talk. In fact, with the help of the magic patch, he didn't feel tired after working hard all day.

Finally, with the help of the fried rice restaurant owner, Su Chen slipped out of the back door of Happy Egg Fried Rice.

At the same time, He Shuting and Ling Shuyu also slipped away. Seeing that even the cook had left, the crowd also beat their feet and stamped their chests, and gradually left with a little dissatisfaction.

"Who knows if the boss will come tomorrow?"

"I really don't know how those hands grow, he can make fried rice so delicious, it's awesome!"

"If I had this skill, I would make fried rice 24 hours a day! You guys will eat me to death!"

Listening to the discussion of the dispersed crowd, Sun Xiaoting shook his head repeatedly, "I think there is no need for Boss Su to set up the stall any longer, why should he set up the stall? In just a few hours, he has sold more than 20,000, and it's a zero-cost business!"

That's right.

Gas stoves and other things are one-time investments, and they don't cost much.

The ingredients at the back are all provided free of charge by the fried rice restaurant owner, which means that Su Chen's group doesn't need to invest in anything at the back.

That can of gas is estimated to last for three days.

Zero investment, high return!

How can this be played?

"Let's go, let's shoot the end of the day's business next."

Sun Xiaoting took his colleagues downstairs and contacted them on the phone for a long time before finding Su Chen and the other two in a corner.

"Boss Su, what are we doing now?"

Looking at the panting Director Sun, Su Chen said, "After a busy day, of course it's time to eat and sleep!"

"But we arranged in the working group before that everyone can move around after 10 o'clock in the evening."

Su Chen took out his mobile phone again, looked at it for a while and said, "Yes, it's said that you can move around, that means you don't have to move around. Who is willing to move around so late? Rest early and get up early to work tomorrow!"

After that, Su Chen led He Shuting and Ling Shuyu out.

"Shuting, book a hotel now. Well, just book the best hotel in Qinzhou City, you two share a room, and I have one."

"Then find out what delicacies Qinzhou has." After a pause, Su Chen laughed dumbly, "Forget it, let's go eat hot pot! Order as much beef and mutton as possible, eat whatever is expensive!"

This nouveau riche look made the guy from the TV station excited, and he immediately put away his equipment and happily moved to Su Chen's side.

Sun Xiaoting was also excited, helping to open the phone and looking for a good hot pot restaurant nearby.

"That." Su Chen looked at Sun Xiaoting with a little apology, "Director Sun, after all, we are still in the competition. No one dares to say that they will definitely win until the last moment. For the sake of safety, that... today I will trouble you two to solve the problem of food and accommodation by yourselves!"

Seeing Sun Xiaoting's face suddenly change.

Su Chen showed a silly smile, "Our program team's budget is definitely enough. After the program recording is over, I will cook in Delicious and give the TV brothers a good meal!"

After that, Su Chen took the arms of the two girls and walked out in a flash.

Sun Xiaoting and the young man were left in a daze.

Director Sun glared at Su Chen's back fiercely, "Cut it in! Cut it all in for me! Let the audience see how ruthless Boss Su is!"

Hate it!

Boss Su made a total of tens of thousands in just a few hours, and now he's going to eat hot pot without us?

And what did the hotel say? The best hotel in Qinzhou City?

Qinzhou Hotel is a five-star hotel. Can you afford it?

Fifteen minutes later.

The only five-star hotel in Qinzhou, Qinzhou Hotel!

Small hotel next door

"Director Sun! Are we really not going to record the show? I think the next plot is not bad." The young guy closed his eyes slightly and raised his head, his face full of fantasy and longing, "Through their own efforts, the members of Group A finally Staying in a luxurious hotel and eating delicious hot pot as night falls, how inspiring.”

"That's enough!" Sun Xiaoting slapped the bedside table hard.

Yes, this small hotel that only costs 88 yuan a night doesn't even have a table that he can slap on when he vents his anger.

"What are we going to do! The three of us are enjoying hot pot in a lively manner and go back to the five-star hotel to sleep comfortably at night. What are we going to do? Hey, let me tell you, do you have masochistic tendencies?"

Staring hard at this young man who had just joined the job, Sun Xiaoting threw the phone over and said, "Let's see if the takeaway is coming soon."

The young man put away his longing and became a little timid. The mobile phone interface displayed: [Happy Egg Fried Rice, there are still 2.3KM away from you].

And at the same time.

Qinzhou City, People’s Park.

Zhang Li and Liu Shengnan hugged each other in the tent to keep each other warm.

"It's still a bit cold in Qinzhou at night. Sister Shengnan, why don't we go to other groups and see what everyone is doing?"

Zhang Li shrank her head into Sister Sheng’s arms again, it felt so comfortable~

"No way, according to Mr. Jiang, every step we take now will consume the energy in the body." Liu Shengnan sighed.

She was also curious.

What are the others doing now? If this is really a survival game, at least Zhang Li and I still have a tent to live in.

Jiang Wusheng still maintained his afternoon posture, sitting motionless outside the tent.

The only uncomfortable thing was that Jiang Wusheng cooked a bowl of noodles in the evening.

Although he is also a famous Huaiyang cuisine cook and even the owner of the Huaiyang Cuisine Museum, his wife cannot cook rice without rice.

That bowl of boiled noodles is hard to describe.

Now Liu Shengnan and Zhang Li's stomachs growled from time to time, but neither of them said it out loud.

"Go and take a look at the group. They don't even have a tent. They may be even more pitiful than the two of us!" Liu Shengnan took out his mobile phone.

Zhang Li nodded her head on her chest, "Yeah, that's it. Show off!"


The two arranged their hair, sat up, and then took a beautiful photo at the door of the tent. After editing the photo, they posted it directly to the work group.

[Liu Shengnan: It’s actually a bit cold at 11 o’clock at night in Qinzhou. Fortunately, we have a tent. What are everyone doing? 】

[Zhang Li: The scenery of People’s Park is really nice. I’ve always wanted to go camping, but I didn’t expect that my wish came true during the program, hehe (#^.^#)]

After the two messages were sent, the two of them looked at each other indifferently.

Immediately he got into the tent again, holding his cell phone and waiting for other people's replies.

About three or four minutes passed.

Ding dong!

Liu Shengnan's and Zhang Li's phones rang at the same time, and they eagerly unlocked their screens and opened WeChat.

[State Banquet and Private Banquet Work Group]

[He Shuting: Is it cold? I don’t know, it’s so hot here! I was sweating. 】

Liu Shengnan sneered, "Shu Ting likes to pretend. The more she says this, the worse their situation is. If nothing else, they are freezing on the street."

Zhang Li blinked her big eyes and said, "Sister Shengnan, should we invite the boss to live in the tent? If we don't take the initiative, he will definitely not mention it himself."

Liu Shengnan shook his head, "This is a survival game!!!"

The WeChat group just rang for a moment, and then there was no message again.

At this moment, there is a small hotel next to the Qinzhou Binhewan Project Department.

This is a small hotel built with colored steel houses. It did not exist before. It was only built after a construction site became available here.

In fact, the effect is very obvious.

It was to provide a place for those 'temporary couples' on the construction site to have a romantic relationship. Zhang Jiayi rolled up all the bedding and everything in disgust.

On the dry hard bed, there were GG leaflets picked up from the supermarket, and then he lay there and leaned against the wall, "Teacher Cui, we can obviously move to a place with better conditions, at least there must be a bathroom!"

Cui Yu was sitting on the pony on the ground. In front of her was the stingy stove that was used to make crispy pork during the day. At this moment, there was a small pot sitting on the stove with a lot of ingredients cooking in it.

At a glance, there are various green vegetables, colorful hot pot balls, and vermicelli, but there is no meat.

"Satisfied, at least we can still eat this simple hot pot now. Look at Jiang Wusheng's group, haha. On the surface, they say they have tents, but in fact they don't have money to stay in a hotel? If my guess is correct, They don’t even have food to eat now.”

Bai Xiaobo filled three small plastic bowls with hot pot dipping sauce that costs 3 yuan a bag. "Everyone, please save some food. Three people share one bag. If you don't pay attention, it will be gone. Oh, that's right, I think There’s nothing wrong with what Teacher Cui said, they must not even eat!”

Click, click, click! ! !

Bai Xiaobo took several photos, then selected the most beautiful one, and added a filter to make the hot pot in the photo look much more delicious.


[Bai Xiaobo: Is it cold? I don’t think it’s cold at all, but I’m used to the delicious food in our company, and suddenly I’m not used to eating this kind of hot pot. It would be nice if it had some meat. 】

On the surface, he looks miserable, but in fact, he is showing off!

After sending it out, Zhang Jiayi looked at the group chat message and shook her head speechlessly.

To be honest, she has only been feeling how good Boss Su's craftsmanship is since she joined the company. She has never felt the corporate culture of the company.

Now, she felt that she really felt it.

That is: everyone is a fool!

as expected.

Not long after the message was sent, someone responded.

[Zhang Li: Xiaobai, just wait for me! When this program is finished and you go back, see how I deal with you! 】

[Liu Shengnan: Bai Xiaobo’s bonus is gone this month. 】

Even so, Bai Xiaobo still held his stomach and laughed, "Look, the defense is broken! Teacher Cui is right, they really have nothing to eat! Hahaha, the defense is broken!"

Zhang Jiayi also quickly integrated into this sand sculpture atmosphere.

[Zhang Jiayi: The food is just like that. It would be better if the accommodation was better. Fortunately, there is a door here, so it can be protected from the wind. 】

"Ahhh!" Zhang Li threw away her phone and hugged her head, "Teacher Jiang! I didn't think it was a survival game at all! I eat hot pot and live in a house with a door! Ahhh!"

Collapse, really collapse.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Liu Shengnan took a deep breath and walked out of the tent, "Teacher Jiang, I suggest we"

she wanted to say.

We really can't continue like this tomorrow. At present, at least Teacher Cui's group is already far ahead.

People live in houses with windows and doors. Although the environment is not very good, at least they have a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

Eating a small hot pot.

Although there is no meat, there is hot pot base, hot pot balls, and vermicelli.

It’s much more delicious than our noodles, right?

Liu Shengnan's words haven't been spoken yet.

A series of ding-dong sounds from the phone.

This time, even Jiang Wusheng couldn't sit still. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

[Lu Yongliang: Haha, Lao Cui! You just live in that kind of place and eat that kind of stuff? Show you ours! 】

Hua Hua Hua~~~

As if there was no traffic, a dozen photos were immediately received on the phone.

Several people clicked and looked at it one by one.

Zhang Li: "Damn! Why did they live in a double room! There is a bathroom, and a toilet, wuwuwu. The sheets and quilts are so clean, where are they?"

Liu Shengnan: "What the hell? Why are there four dishes and one soup for dinner? And it looks like it's in a big hotel?"

Zhang Jiayi: "Teacher Lu is already so far ahead of us? The food and housing are actually better than us!"

Bai Xiaobo: "Damn it! What did they do today? Why did they suddenly take off?"

Cui Yu smiled.

"Don't panic. It's not that we have no money, we just want to save it until the end. Lu Yongliang likes to show off, so let him show off. When the game ends, he will cry!"

Zhang Jiayi and Bai Xiaobo were doubtful.

The first half of what Lao Cui said is correct.

They now have more than 3,000 yuan in savings, which was all earned by Teacher Cui working alone at the gate of the construction site today.

She and Bai Xiaobo were responsible for going back and forth to the supermarket to buy pork belly and various condiments like crazy.

Finally, when the stall is about to close, the funds can be turned over. I don’t need to do a few things and go to the supermarket to buy some. I can buy a lot at once.

But even so, seeing Lu Yongliang's group being treated like this, Zhang Jiayi and Bai Xiaobo still felt a little uncomfortable.

And Lu Yongliang.

Lying in the staff dormitory of Yujingyuan Hotel.

"What am I talking about? Our path is definitely the most correct path. Even though we earn a dead salary, the advantage is stability! Not only can we have a staff meal with four dishes and one soup, but we can also house two employees. The dormitory has its own bathroom. Hehe, Lao Cui is probably secretly crying right now. "

Liu Guochu smacked his lips and said worriedly, "Teacher Cui is a very well-off man. I don't think we can let down our guard. If there is a chance, it is best to add some extra income."

Cai Sirong, who was sitting in the same room chatting with them, was a little confused.

"What are you doing in this group? I can't understand why."

Lu Yongliang squinted his eyes and looked at the packet of Huazi given to him by Wang Laoer, "Of course you don't understand if you don't work at Delicious. Don't look at the peacefulness of this company on the surface, but there is huge competition behind the scenes. ! The people here are not convinced by anyone, and they are all trying to be better than others. "

Cai Sirong, thoughtful.

Then he also turned on his mobile phone.

[Cai Sirong: Where is Boss Su? Why don't you see Boss Su come out to speak? 】

[Zhang Li: 9494! Boss~~ Come out quickly. Where is the person? 】

[Liu Shengnan: Boss, are you really down and out on the street with no place to live? If that's the case, my husband won't mind if you come and squeeze in with me and Zhang Li! 】

[Zhang Jiayi: @Lingshuyu. Mr. Ling, what's your progress today? What's for dinner? Small hotpot? Our little hot pot tastes pretty good. 】

[Bai Xiaobo: @何书婷. Shu Ting~~Wouldn’t your feet be smelly after wearing these for a day? Hahaha! Although I don't have a private bathroom, there are public bathrooms outside. Would you like to take a shower? 】

Lu Yongliang watched these young people competing secretly.

Each and every one of them had something to say, and they wanted to show off the only things they had.

Really, I can't keep calm at all.

The strange thing is that no one spoke after a long time after they sent the message. The people in Group A seemed to have disappeared. Except for He Shuting's previous words about being neither cold nor hot, no one said anything anymore.


This is too strange!

The members of the three groups are all holding their mobile phones and waiting for the reply in the group. They want to know that they are still in this situation despite working so hard. What is the situation of Boss Su?

But since Su Chen didn't reply.

The members of the three groups chatted in the group again, and the unhappiness of the situation was quickly forgotten. The topic has changed from what everyone will do tomorrow to what to eat after the show is over.

It was at this time.

He Shuting, who had just returned to the hotel, opened the door.

"Hey! Sister Ling, this hotel is great. The double rooms are so big! Wow!!!" She rushed into the bathroom, "It actually has a super big bathtub!"

Jumping and running outside again.

Two 2×1.8 large beds were placed there, next to the floor-to-ceiling windows. From the height of the 32nd floor, He Shuting had a panoramic view of the entire city.

The mood is great!

Ling Shuyu took off his coat a little tiredly, "The phone was ringing just now. What were they talking about?"

While talking, he took out his mobile phone.

When I entered the group, I saw someone @ myself.

He Shuting had already read through the chat history and said angrily, "Bai Xiaobo, this bastard, dares to say that my feet smell bad and that I don't have a place to take a bath! Hehe, sister, let you see where I live. !”

She opened the short video recording and was about to start shooting, but then closed it again.

"No, although ours is very good, it's not good enough. I'm going to the boss's house to shoot a video! Sister Ling, are you going?"

Ling Shuyu looked at He Shuting's straight and attractive legs and didn't know what he thought of, "Go!"

The two went from the 32nd floor to the 18th floor. Room 1808 represented one of the few suites in the hotel.

3888 per night.

Su Chen had just laid down when he heard someone knocking on the door. He thought it was the hotel delivery boy, so he got up and opened the door, and it turned out to be two of his teammates.

"What's wrong so late?"

He Shuting slipped under Su Chen's arm that was holding on to the wall, "Boss, didn't you watch the chat in the group? Bai Xiaobo actually dared to diss me! I came to your place to take a video and send it out."

As she spoke, she raised her mobile phone and started taking pictures from the angle of entering the door, while mumbling something.

"Wash your feet? I'm about to wash my feet. My Kangkang bathroom is here."

He Shuting entered a door and hurriedly exited, "Oops! Sorry, this is the cloakroom in the hotel suite, um. Let me take a look here."

"Oh~ this is the living room! This sofa is a bit big. Who knows what this big terrace is for? It's my first time in a hotel like this and I don't understand. Why can't I find the bathroom~"

"Hey~ So the bathroom is here!"

He Shuting opened a door.

"Wow! The bathroom is actually bigger than my home in Jingzhou! Such a big bathtub, such a big mirror, such a smart toilet, what! Why is there an iPad and a fruit plate next to the bathtub! Without further ado, I'm going to take a bath first Take a bath, hehe~"

A video that lasted for more than a minute was filmed.

It took almost ten seconds to send it out, and He Shuting felt proud and proud.

Dare you say my feet are smelly!

Wait until I go back and smoke you to death!

Ling Shuyu stood at the door and stared at Su Chen for a long time, "What time will we set out tomorrow?"

Su Chen also felt a little embarrassed, "Just at noon. If you stay in such a good hotel and check out too early, you will lose a lot of money."

"Hmm, then I'll come and call you at noon." Ling Shuyu looked into the room, "Shu Ting? You're gone. Go back and rest early."

He Shuting then ran out with a bang, "I don't think Bai Xiaobo dares to talk nonsense! Huh?"

After the two entered the elevator, Ling Shuyu slapped his forehead.

"By the way, just now Zhang Jiayi said that the hot pot is delicious?"


A photo, thrown directly into the group.

This was taken when He Shuting borrowed a selfie stick from someone else while eating in a hot pot restaurant, saying she wanted to keep it as a souvenir.

The angle is 45 degrees from top to bottom. He Shuting and Ling Shuyu are making the famous scissor hand gesture to the camera.

Su Chen, who was sitting there, turned around and smiled at the camera.

This is not the point.

The point is.

Liu Shengnan: "What the hell? Teacher Jiang, can you help me see if the remaining plate on the table is the legendary 5A Wagyu?"

Jiang Wusheng: "."

Zhang Li: "Teacher Jiang, why do they order such a big Australian lobster when they are clearly eating hot pot? Is this reasonable?"

Jiang Wusheng: "."

Stop talking, stop talking.

Zhang Jiayi: "What the hell? Did they go to rob a bank? How can they live in a suite? The suite here costs less than 4,000 yuan a night! What the hell!"

As a second-generation rich man, he knows the prices of high-end hotels in nearby cities, which is very reasonable.

Bai Xiaobo just picked up a fish ball that costs 9 yuan per catty and dipped it in a bag of hot pot dipping sauce that costs 3 yuan.

The meatballs that were originally fragrant suddenly became not fragrant.

"Teacher Cui, is this thing on their table freshly chopped shrimp paste?"

Cui Yufen raised his eyelids, glanced at Bai Xiaobo who was asking the question, and silently ate the vermicelli in the bowl into his mouth, "I will change the place to set up the stall tomorrow, and change the dishes."

Xiaobai looked at the artificial meatballs and green vegetables in the bowl.

What I thought was delicious just now suddenly became bland at this moment.

As for Zhang Jiayi, she held her legs and smelled her feet, sighing deeply.

I am a second-generation coal miner, when have I ever suffered such a punishment?

And in a certain employee dormitory.

Lu Yongliang, who was originally chatting enthusiastically, suddenly felt bored after watching the video and then looking at the photos.

"It's late, go to bed."

Liu Guochu also nodded, "Fuck, go to bed."

Seeing that the two had ordered to leave, Cai Sirong had to get up and leave the room and return to her dormitory.

She clicked on the photo again and looked at it for a long time.

Three people, more than 20 dishes, can they really finish it?

It's shameful to waste, right?

She clicked on the video again, took off her clothes and went to bed while watching it.

After watching it, Cai Sirong turned off the lights with a click, threw her phone directly on another empty bed, and went to sleep!

Qinzhou Hotel.

Su Chen took a bath, lying on the big bed with a fragrant and happy smell, eating the fruit plate that the hotel had just sent, and looking at the chat messages in the group was particularly fun.

But the problem is.

Ever since He Shuting posted the video and Ling Shuyu posted the photo, the lively atmosphere in the group suddenly became dead silent.

Eat the orange and drink the juice.

Tap the phone keyboard.

[Su Chen: Why is no one talking? Is the hot pot too delicious, or is camping too fun? ]

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