Food Customizer

Chapter 292 The disappointing Three Cups Chicken


Thomas was so shocked by the fish and bear's paws just a second ago that he couldn't say anything. When the taste was still lingering in his mouth, he saw three little girls coming out carrying square wooden disks.

He stretched his neck to look at it. On the plate was a carp that looked crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, covered in bright red sauce.

‘This is braised fish! This time we have to move quickly! ’

With my previous experience of eating fish, the first piece of meat must be pinched towards the belly of the fish. The piece of meat is fresh and tender and melts in your mouth, which is a must-have!

As soon as the fish plate arrived on the table, Thomas got started immediately!

This time, even if the others didn’t know how to use chopsticks, they were not to be outdone. Anyway, they stabbed the fish with their knives and forks.

Just like the old lady sitting next to Thomas at the moment, she has only one thought in her mind.

If you don’t want me to eat well, I won’t let you eat well either! At worst, the meat will be smashed to pieces and no one will eat it!

Unfortunately, the old lady still underestimated the fighting power of these animals. Although she tried her best to disrupt the situation, there were still many people who flexibly took away most of the meat from the fish.

When the old lady finally got a piece of meat, there was only a bare fish bone left in the fish plate!

"This can hold the meat so cleanly, there isn't even a bit of minced meat on the fish bones. How soft and rotten the meat is!"

An idea came to the old lady's mind, and she was also a little annoyed at the same time. If she had known that she would not have disturbed the situation just now, at least she could have eaten one more piece.

The small piece of fish on the plate was put into the mouth. It was salty and fragrant, and it had a very ordinary braised flavor. However, the old lady's expression gradually turned to one of enjoyment.

"Sir, may I ask where this carp comes from? It tastes so good!"

The leader of Huaxia nodded, and the assistant next to him began to introduce.

"The Yellow River giant carp is a kind of wild carp produced in the Central Plains section of the Yellow River, the mother river of China. Because the Yellow River has a lot of sediment, the carp has a lot of activity, so the meat is firm and tender."

After hearing this, many people silently recorded this ingredient in the notebooks they carried with them.

If you could bring this kind of fish back to your own country, it would definitely be very popular, right?

The old lady thought for a moment and wanted to ask something else, such as if there was anything else in the kitchen, this fish was really delicious, and so on.

Before she could say anything, she saw the three little girls coming out again carrying plates!

The ingredients this time are even more common, not too big anchovy shrimp!

The shrimps were fried to a golden color and didn't seem to have any condiments. As soon as they were served, they were divided up very quickly by everyone!

Thomas's chopsticks did a great job, and he picked up three or four shrimps in the bowl in an instant. The old lady was at a bit of a disadvantage this time, and only managed to get two with her fork.

Even so, everyone still ignored the complaints and bowed their heads to show off.

The golden-fried river prawns perfectly illustrate what it means to be truly crispy on the outside and tender on the inside!

There is a very thin layer of crispy shell on the surface. Just bite it gently and this layer of shell will give your mouth such a taste and then disappear without a trace.

The almost invisible pepper and salt sprinkled on the surface give the dish a slightly salty and special spiciness, making the originally fragrant shrimps taste more complex and aromatic.

Thomas had just finished eating the anchovies when Thomas suddenly stood up.

"Oh my god! Look! There are new dishes coming out!"

The sweet hawthorn-flavored Mao's Braised Pork is a dish that goes without saying. It has maintained extremely high sales among the home-cooked dishes on the third floor. Nothing can make diners feel more attached to this dish than real gold and platinum. I love the food.

Finally, there is such a dish that you won’t be left behind even with a fork!

The old lady used both her knife and fork. She stuck a piece of meat with the knife in her left hand and two pieces of meat with the fork in her right hand. She looked proudly at Thomas who only grabbed one piece of meat and said, "Hey, don't be discouraged. Believe me, this dish is not that delicious." of."

Thomas snorted and put a piece of braised pork two centimeters square into his mouth.

There is indeed a sweet feeling in the first mouth, and the sour and sweet taste of hawthorn. This is a completely different kind of sour and sweet taste from the "sweet and sour taste". It seems to be more biased towards... yes, it is the taste of nature!

Thomas was about to feel the pleasure when his mouth was about to bite.

"Huh?" He was suddenly startled, and smacked his lips twice, "Where's my meat?"

No, I obviously ate a piece of meat and put it in my mouth just now, but why did the meat disappear on its own before I chewed it properly?

The old lady on the side covered her mouth and just wanted to laugh, "This meat is stewed very softly. The fat meat doesn't need to be chewed at all. It seems that it will melt into gravy by itself. The lean meat can't help chewing either. You know there is a famous saying in China: What did you say?"

Thomas tilted his head and waited for the next step.

"Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit!"

Thomas tried hard to think about what this sentence meant. All the guests had already eaten all the braised pork, and the voices of praise were endless!

"Is this really pork?"

"I suddenly realized that I didn't know pork at all, and someone would actually make it look like this."

"If this is all pork, I don't know what the pork chop I used to eat was!"

"I really want to apologize for the tens of millions of pigs that die every year in our country. They shouldn't be eaten like that!"

The S-grade braised pork was so powerful that the guests lingered after eating it. Some of them didn't speak the whole time, leaning back in their chairs with their eyes closed, as if they could keep the taste in their brains forever.

He Shuting probably knows this feeling best.

As a girl who claims that she can't eat fatty meat and will vomit if she eats it.

On the day when Su Chen first made the S-grade braised pork, He Shuting had refused it sternly, but later, under Liu Shengnan's coaxing, she still took a bite.

That was the first time He Shuting discovered it.

It turns out that fat meat can be eaten without feeling sick.

It turns out that it doesn't taste greasy just because it looks fat.

It turns out that not all fat meat tastes like fat!

Since then, He Shuting sometimes couldn't help ordering a portion of braised pork when eating out, and after tasting it, she felt nauseous for a long time.

Finally, she packed up all the leftovers and took them back.

Then she came to the company and ordered a braised pork on the third floor to continue tasting.

It was really different!

Braised pork was not only delicious, but also seemed to have rekindled the appetites of the guests who were already 70% full, just like this old lady.

When she was eating fish just now, she felt that she was almost full. She followed others to grab the food purely because she didn't want others to eat more than her.

But for some reason, after eating these three pieces of braised pork, the feeling of fullness disappeared. The old lady smacked her mouth in confusion, thinking that she could still eat a pig now!

'What a strange braised pork, can it help digestion? '

Little did she know that S-level delicacies were evaluated like this in Su Chen's practice room: Eat one at a time, and don't say a word!

Luckily, it was still S-level. If you really eat SS-level delicacies, your stomach memory is really not covered!

The shock of the braised pork was not over yet, and the old lady squinted her eyes and found that the three girls came over again!

"What's going on? Why are the dishes coming out so fast?"

"Hiss! It seems to be true. We had to wait for at least a few minutes between each dish just now, but now we can eat again after just finishing it!"

"Maybe Boss Su has a change of heart and thinks it's not good to keep us waiting, haha!"

"Long live Boss Su!"

The soft-shelled eel made by the Jiang brothers appeared on everyone's table at this moment!

There is no need to say much about this dish. Eels have always been a popular ingredient among the people, and the blanching method of soft-shelled eels directly removes the black mucous membrane of the eels, retaining the eel skin to the greatest extent.

After all, this dish is made almost entirely of eel back meat. If the fish skin is damaged, the color and taste of the dish will be greatly reduced.

And the eels that were originally blanched are actually in a mature state when the back meat is cut.

Finally, you only need to stir-fry the garlic until fragrant, add a bowl of soy sauce, salt, sugar and other ingredients, stir-fry over high heat for five or six seconds and serve.

This dish is extremely tender and has a strong garlic flavor. It has appeared at state banquets many times. It is no problem for it to continue to be the representative of Huaiyang cuisine today!

Although the braised pork has opened up the appetites of the guests again, the food in their stomachs has been eaten in a real way. The guests who have tasted many dishes have slowed down their eating speed.

While the guests are tasting, Su Chen is preparing the latest dish in the kitchen.

Gan cuisine!

This cuisine, which is characterized by strong flavor and heavy greasiness, was also very popular in the early years. However, as people's diet has become lighter, Gan cuisine has gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. Nowadays, few people except locals will go to eat Gan cuisine specifically.

But only those who have eaten Gan cuisine know that there is really something in the way this cuisine is made!

Just like the dish that Su Chen is preparing to cook now, it is even the top famous dish in Gan cuisine, the signature dish of the Dongfanghong Restaurant in NC City back then - Three Cups Chicken!

At the beginning, Su Chen was still wondering, since this dish can be a famous dish, and it is also the most popular dish in the largest state-owned restaurant in Gan Province, there must be something particular about it, right?

But when Su Chen found this dish in the famous recipe and started to make it, he was a little confused.

Simple, too simple!

The way to make this dish is so simple that Su Chen is a little embarrassed to show it. This is simply a dish that can be made with hands!

First, cut the tender chicken into small pieces of meat that are three-quarters square.

According to the recipe, even the gizzards and chicken hearts and other internal organs must be cut and made together, but Su Chen considered the occasion and eating habits, so he threw away all the internal organs.

Then, put it in a casserole.

Put the chopped green onion and ginger into the casserole.

Then, pour a cup of soy sauce, a cup of lard, and a cup of sweet rice wine into the casserole.

Simmer over low heat until the soup in the casserole is completely boiled away, then drip a few drops of sesame oil on the surface of the chicken pieces, and the dish is done!

Su Chen repeatedly confirmed and tried in the practice room.

The first time he made it, it was A-level, and then he repeatedly adjusted the ratio of rice wine, soy sauce, and lard. As long as there was a slight change, the level would immediately drop to B-level.

This shows a problem.

The upper limit of the Three Cups Chicken dish is here. Grade A is its ceiling. If you want to continue to break through, you probably have to use the ingredients in the vending machine in the practice room and the rice wine brewed by Su Chen himself.

There is little point in doing that.

Such a simple process, such simple ingredients, and such simple seasonings can easily make an A-level dish, which is enough to show that the chefs in Gan Province decades ago did have some research on eating.

As soon as the countdown alarm rang, Su Chen opened the lid of the casserole and took a look.

The steps are almost the same as those he practiced in the practice room. The soup in the pot has just been boiled clean, and the flame is quickly turned off. If you hesitate a little at this time, the chicken pieces at the bottom will have a layer of slightly burnt.

Everyone curiously surrounded Su Chen and watched this dish.

In order to make the dish more beautiful, Su Chen placed the blanched vegetables along the edge of the casserole.

The chicken pieces that were slowly cooked over a low fire have bright soup on the surface, but no soup is seen at the bottom of the pot.

"Just by looking at this dish, you can imagine that the taste must be very mellow!"

If you want it to be mellow, you have to work hard. The tender chicken itself is very tender. If you simmer it for another half an hour, the flavor will penetrate into the meat.

"What a pity." Su Chen arranged the vegetables, clapped his hands and called the three girls to serve the dishes, and then said, "It was originally a famous dish in Gan Province, but it unexpectedly became popular in Baodao."

This matter is a bit inexplicable.

The degree of love of Baodao folks for this dish has exceeded the understanding of ordinary people.

What's more terrifying is that now there are hawkers selling this dish in the food streets of some cities, and the sign is: Baodao Three Cups Chicken.

It's outrageous. I don't know what the Gan people who love food will think when they see this scene.

And the very important condiment in Three Cups Chicken: Jiangmi Wine, the rice wine brewed by the people of Gan Province, is really unique in the country.

It belongs to the type of people who smile when drinking and sell their mothers when they see the wind.

When the three-cup chicken appeared on the table, some well-informed guests did not feel unfamiliar. This dish had appeared at the state banquet before, and many people here had eaten it.

Revisiting the old place and eating the old food again, everyone scooped up a lot of chicken pieces with spoons and stuffed them into their mouths.

Needless to say, the tenderness of the meat is naturally needless to say, and the chicken is almost entirely cooked with wine, so there is no need to consider the fishy smell.

The most important thing is that this dish tastes like a strange rice aroma when it is slowly stewed with folk homemade rice wine.

Although it is not eaten with rice, it is more like eating with rice!

Just now, Su Chen's sigh did not win the approval of everyone.

After hearing this, Cui Yufen sneered, "Some chefs are not motivated. Instead of thinking about how to improve their skills and improve their dishes, they think about taking shortcuts. They deserve to lose their capital!"


Just as Su Chen was about to start the next dish, he looked at the live broadcast screen and saw that the guests were eating much slower, so there was no need to be so anxious.

Listen to Lao Cui again, is there something else behind his words?

"Teacher Cui, tell me more!"

This is a story that is not even recorded in the history of food. (End of this chapter)

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