Food Customizer

Chapter 291 I would rather die of hunger than eat Boss Fang!

Like hydrochloric acid fish, the Yellow River carp must also be cooked fresh, so that the meat is fresh and tender!

For some more famous dishes, many people will try to make them at home according to the methods taught on the Internet. This dish is one of them. After all, it is not very difficult, and it is so famous. However, most netizens who tried it at home finally came to a conclusion: this is a dish with a name in name only.

Little did they know that they did not grasp the real core and focus of this dish at all.

The reason why the Yellow River carp can be famous throughout the country is not only because of the cooking skills, but also because of the ingredients.

Carp is not rare in China, and the Yellow River carp has been praised as a delicacy more precious than beef and mutton since ancient times. Among the Yellow River carp, the ones in the Central Plains are the best of the best!

Southerners do not eat carp, thinking that this kind of fish has a strong fishy smell and the meat is a bit woody. Most of them have not eaten the Yellow River carp in the Central Plains.

The three carps in Su Chen's hand were caught from the river section of Henan Province. They were golden scales and red tails, slender and slim, and looked a bit luxurious.

Unfortunately, it is still a bit difficult to eat this kind of wild fish. Most restaurants nowadays use artificially cultivated carps, so the taste is naturally much worse.

Simply put, which restaurant has the highest quality fish among the restaurants outside?

West Lake State Guesthouse is one of them.

But this wild Yellow River carp is definitely not inferior to the fish there.

Needless to say, Su Chen's process of killing fish, the three fish were cleaned in less than a minute amid the exclamations of the crowd.

The knife-changing method is also very simple, which is the most common peony flower knife for braised fish. First, cut from the side of the fish body with an oblique knife, and then push up with a flat knife.

After changing the knife, Su Chen didn't even add any seasoning to the fish to remove the fishy smell.

This kind of wild carp doesn't have such a strong fishy smell. Basically, the fishy smell can be removed during the cooking process. Using pepper powder now will only make things worse.

There is a saying in the chef world: fried food must be fried!

Although it cannot be said to be 100% true, basically, any dish that needs to be cooked needs to be fried in advance.

This dish is no exception.

Heat the oil in the pot to 60% oil temperature.

Unlike many bloggers who cook fish, Su Chen is not in a hurry to fry the fish. Instead, he adds onions, ginger, garlic, star anise and cinnamon to the oil pan, and even adds a spoonful of chopped pork belly!

"The purpose of doing this is to make the oil fragrant, so that the fried fish will have a complex aroma."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he realized that the chefs standing here today were actually not ordinary people, and his explanation was a bit redundant.

After a sneer, he gently pushed the seasonings in the pot with a spoon, and only took out all the seasonings when the onions, ginger and garlic were a little browned.

The three big carps were coated with a thin layer of starch and put directly into the pot. This is the advantage of the restaurant kitchen. It is very easy to cook with a big pot and a big stove.

Su Chen had come across this dish before when he was visiting a restaurant. The big carps in many restaurants were covered with a thick layer of flour.

In fact, the main purpose of doing so is related to their own cooking methods.

Some restaurants are not sure how many fish they can sell in a day, so they have to prepare enough fish first, and then freeze part of the fried fish, and then soak part of it in the broth. When someone orders the dish, just heat the fish and the broth directly.

In fact, this is no longer completely roasted fish, it is more like braised fish.

Under the high temperature and high oil, a thin hard shell quickly formed on the surface of the three fish, which looked slightly yellow.

Su Chen continued to light a pot and directly scooped two spoons of hot oil from this pot, and continued to turn on the high heat!

The three golden fried fish made room and came to this new pot.

Change from frying to pan-frying!

At the same time, pour cooking wine along the edge of the pot. Under high temperature, cooking wine can evaporate quickly, removing the fishy smell without leaving its own taste.

Another spoonful of soy sauce!

Another spoonful of warm water!

"Eat meat with boiling water and drink soup with cold water." Su Chen said subconsciously.

This little trick in the chef world was also summarized under the recent high-intensity practice in the practice room. It is not only catchy, but also very practical!

The water surface covers the ingredients, and then pour all the previously fried ingredients into it, add salt and MSG, and a little sugar.

Su Chen does not need to try to determine the taste. After doing these, he covered the pot and turned to medium and low heat.

"This braised fish is really eye-opening."

"Yes, it's completely different from what I imagined. The seasoning is so simple?"

"I always feel something is wrong, but I feel everything is right!"

Liu Abao's nonsense received dozens of white eyes in the kitchen.

Cui Yufen said, "This is no longer the recipe."

Everyone looked over and found that Cui Yufen was not looking at the dish in the pot, but was looking at Su Chen with interest. "Generally speaking, the taste of similar dishes made by changing the recipe is not bad, and it is even better than the recipe. That means that this dish has been made thousands of times, and the most suitable and simplest method has been found from countless cooking experiences."

Su Chen did not speak, but he was quite impressed in his heart.

He is indeed a master chef. He can peek into the reason just by the cooking method.

Cui Yufen was right. This dish was indeed the way he got it after trying thousands of times in the practice room.

At the beginning, Su Chen also followed the recipe. He heated the oil in a cold pan and stir-fried the sauce, added water, and then seasoned it. He simmered it over low heat and then cooked it over high heat. There were all kinds of procedures.

Later, Su Chen found that it was not that troublesome. As long as he figured out the reason why the recipe was done this way and added these factors into the recipe, there would be no problem.

After several attempts, he found that this method was not only faster and simpler, but also the taste of the braised fish was improved by several levels.

After covering the pot, he put a ten-minute countdown alarm in front of it.

"The guests are eating so much that they have a gap. I think we should speed up the process."

Everyone nodded seriously. It was true. Now that the fish and the bear's paw had been eaten, there were still ten minutes before the fish was ripe.

If this was a higher-level and formal banquet, this alone would be enough to make the organizer embarrassed all over the country.

Fortunately, the level of this banquet was average, and the main reason for this situation was the guests themselves.

First, the separate meals suddenly became a big feast. Second, with their voracious appearance, any dish served would be gone in the blink of an eye. No one could do it!

After Su Chen said this, Lu Yongliang was the most serious.

He nodded fiercely, "It's my turn!"

After Henan Province, it's Hubei Province.

As the president of the Hubei Provincial Cooking Association, Lu Yongliang is the best at this dish!

According to common sense, the signature dish of Hubei cuisine should be the steamed Wuchang fish that Lu Yongliang is best at, but there are already two fishes before, so it's not appropriate for Lao Lu to cook fish again.

It's not appropriate to cook too well and steal the limelight.

It's even worse to cook poorly and be outdone by others.

In addition, considering the factor of promoting certain ingredients, the dish of Hubei cuisine was finally determined to be a more common aquatic dish: prawns.

Su Chen had made this dish before. It is a dish that eats a lot of ingredients, but at that time it was the Huaiyang cuisine prawns method. The Hubei cuisine method is fundamentally different from that.

It's just that the river shrimps have to be decapitated and their stomachs cut into phoenix tail shapes, so they have this unified name.

The quality of the ingredients of this dish can directly determine the evaluation of the dish. Nowadays, the river shrimps purchased from Hubei Province have absolutely no quality problems, and they are even the best of the best.

Then Su Chen can boldly hand it over to Lu Yongliang to make it.

Phoenix tail shrimps only need to be cut and cleaned, mixed with various seasonings, wet starch and egg white, and then fried with sesame oil.

It should be noted that it must be fried twice until the river shrimp meat turns golden yellow. At this time, it can be scooped out and sprinkled with a little pepper and salt.

In the preparation of the whole dish, oil temperature is a key, and the use of seasonings is a key. Old Lu has been a national chef for so many years, so these things are naturally no problem!

As Lu Yongliang began to get busy, Liu Abao also helped to deal with the river shrimps. Liu Guochu, who was standing over there, rubbed his hands, "Boss Su, then I will start too?"

After Hubei Province, it is Hunan Province.

Although the two lakes are adjacent, the taste and flavor of the dishes are very different. Su Chen has cooked Hunan cuisine several times before, and the impression left on people is that Hunan cuisine goes well with rice!

No matter what he cooks, it goes well with rice anyway.

Stir-fried beef, three bowls of rice!

Or a portion of pepper fried pork, the pork belly is not fat or greasy with peppers fried to the meaty aroma, and that bite should be paired with at least three mouthfuls of rice!

Other people's dishes are to eat less staple food and more vegetables.

In Hunan Province, that is to eat rice, and can't finish the vegetables!

This time, the members of the association have worked hard for the dishes of Hunan Province, and they are all scratching their heads anxiously.

Where can I find such a dish that is not very spicy, looks very expensive, and has a special Hunan flavor?

Mao's braised pork.

In the home-cooked dishes on the third floor, Su Chen had already taught the method of braised pork to the second and seventh brothers, and Liu Guochu later communicated with the two brothers.

Referring to the method of hawthorn braised pork, combined with the characteristics of Mao's braised pork, with the help of Chen Laoer and Lao Shiqi, Liu Guochu had no problem in completing this dish, and it was even not worse than Su Chen's!


The braised pork was not made on the spot, and it was basically made in advance under Su Chen's supervision. Liu Guochu just needed to adjust the taste at the end.

Several Hunan chefs also went to work.

Jiang Wensheng and Jiang Wusheng, the brothers lowered their heads and counted on their fingers.

"Just now it was Hunan Province, and H's province seems to be gone?"

"Damn! It's finally J's turn! Look, who is in front of Jiangsu Province and Gan Province?"

Jiang Wusheng excitedly looked at the menu on the table, "We are in front! We are in front, it's our turn!"

In fact, they had already memorized this menu by heart, but at this moment they suddenly accelerated the pace, and several masters suddenly became a little nervous.

Three dishes were made at the same time, and now the fourth dish was also to be made.

Su Chen was somewhat thankful that there were so many people in his kitchen helping him today. If it weren't for them, he would never have been able to prepare this meal by himself.

"Excuse me, you two! I have written down the main points on paper. Do you remember them?"

Jiang Wusheng nodded, "Don't worry! Don't forget to remember the things above. We brothers have done it dozens of times overnight, and there is absolutely no problem!"

This is still my brother. Jiang Wensheng, who was silent, had already grabbed a handful from the water basin, holding several struggling and twisted eels in his hand, "Come on, come on! Let's do it!"

The soft-double long fish is a well-known dish in Jiangsu cuisine. It belongs to the local flavor of Qingjiang and Huai'an. The eel meat is tightly wrapped in marinade and tastes fresh and tender. It is definitely the best in terms of texture and flavor. !

Of course, for students who are naturally afraid of eels, there is nothing they can do.

Jiang Wensheng was carrying several eels with a gradually perverted smile on his face.

Add water, coarse salt, balsamic vinegar, prepared onion knots and ginger slices to the pot, and bring to a boil over high heat!

"Fuck! Brother, didn't Boss Su's note say that it needs to be boiled over a high fire? What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Wensheng quickly turned up the heat to a strong state, and the boiling water in the pot calmed down slightly.

"I'm anxious. I just want the water to heat up quickly. I can't wait!"

Jiang Wusheng glared at his younger brother, "We have to follow Boss Su's steps and don't do this again, do you hear me?"

Jiang Wensheng didn't care about his brother's accusation at all, grinning, "I know!"

Seven or eight live eels were still struggling in Jiang Wensheng's hands, trying to escape. As a result, Jiang Wensheng curled his mouth and all the eels were thrown directly into the boiling water pot!

At the same time, the lid of the pot was quickly closed, and the people nearby could even clearly hear the violent sound of the eels struggling wildly and colliding with the lid of the pot!

"Here, is this old man a little perverted today? I remember he wasn't so violent when he was making this dish two days ago?"

"Tsk tsk. Think about it, one is the owner of the Huaiyang Cuisine Museum, and the other is the heir to a century-old Huaiyang Cuisine brand. At this level, they have never been to a state banquet. Today, it is easy to have an opportunity. , Who can’t be excited?”

"It makes sense! I'm still a chef now. When I personally cook a state banquet dish in the future, I'm afraid I won't be as good as them, hehe."

The cooks were talking quietly.

What they said makes sense. This is a large part of the reason why the Jiang brothers are so excited at the moment.

After so many years, I finally realized my dream of becoming a national chef!

There is quite a feeling of ‘if you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening’.

As the eel in the pot gradually stopped struggling, Jiang Wensheng opened the lid and added two spoons of water to the pot. The iron spoon in his hand kept pushing the eel to turn over.

After the water boils again, lift the entire iron pot away from the heat.

According to experience and Su Chen's instructions, the eel at this time needs to be simmered in the pot for another three minutes.

The two brothers looked at each other and grinned at the same time.

And in Jingzhou, in the same development zone, there is an e-commerce company.

"Did you see it? Did you see it? This is my father-in-law, and this is my uncle! Hehe. Do you know why I don't eat takeout?"

"Zhen Nima, I can't eat at the state banquet every day, okay? Who eats takeout? I won't even eat that stuff if I starve to death, haha."

An employee stood at the door and looked at the takeout dishes he had just bought, including Governor's Tofu, Beijing Roast Duck, and Braised Carp.

"Damn it, I originally wanted to flatter Fang Chang, Boss Fang! This time the flattery went to the horse's mouth!"

Fang Chang subconsciously turned his head and saw the employee at the door and the takeaway he was holding.

"Hey, who is that? What did you buy? Come and take a look."

This is Fang Chang's e-commerce company in the development zone. Today, all employees of the company are given a day off to do nothing but watch the live broadcast!

At this moment, everyone is watching from the screen in the conference room.

The employees placed the takeaways they bought on the conference table one by one, feeling very uneasy.

If I had known better, I really shouldn't have taken the initiative to take this job. If Boss Fang saw the dishes he bought, he would still be imitating the dishes that Boss Su served at today's banquet.

There will definitely be a scolding, do it!

The young employee lowered his head anxiously and did not dare to speak.


After a series of strange sounds, he finally summoned up the courage and raised his eyelids slightly.

Just look at Fang Chang, who has a pancake in his left hand and two pieces of meat in his right hand. He dipped it in sweet sauce and pinched green onions and placed it on the pancake. He stuffed the roll into his mouth without even rolling it.

"Oh my god, it smells so good!" (End of chapter)

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