Food Customizer

Chapter 290 Su Chen, Cooking a Cow into a Bear

Fish, and bear paws.

After hearing such a name, the noisy guests became quiet. They were noisy before because they were not sure whether the dish in front of them was what they imagined. Once they heard the answer, it was no good. It's noisy.

Is this really true, bear paw?

There were even a few guests who actually stopped talking, but their hands were not idle. Thomas was one of them. He quickly took out his mobile phone and opened a search website.

[If protected animals are eaten without knowledge, is the producer or the eater punished? 】

He cares about this issue.

If the producer is punished, then there is nothing to say. Anyway, I can’t understand Chinese, so I just ate it in a daze without knowing anything.

If those who eat it are also punished, then they have to think carefully about whether this dish is worth spending a few years on their own.

No doubt others are also searching for relevant laws.

But Su Chen's words kept reaching their ears.

"As we all know, there is a saying in ancient my country: I want fish, and I want bear paws. You can't have both. The name of this dish comes from here. What I want to do is, fish Have your cake and eat it too.”

Thomas silently removed the simultaneous interpreter from his ears.

Boss Su, you dare to say this, I dare not listen!

Now he finally understands why the hostages in some movies were confused and panicked after seeing the robber's mask fall off. I'm so scared when I hear you talking now, Boss Su!

But the translator next to her didn't seem to realize this problem, even though Thomas winked wildly and told her not to talk to him!

But the translator's attention was all on that dish

We translators are human beings too. When have we ever had a job like this where we can only talk but not eat? It’s so uncomfortable!

She just stared at the dishes on the table, feeling the inexplicable smell of meat in the air, and her brain mechanically translated the sounds she heard without thinking too much.

"Don't worry, everyone. Although the ingredients you see now look like bear paws, in fact, I am not just using other ingredients to imitate the taste of bear paws as much as possible. I hope everyone likes this innovative dish from the three northeastern provinces! "

Thomas heard such words in the chaos, and immediately his eyes widened, staring at the dish on the table that was obviously larger than the others.

"Isn't this a bear paw?"

"How is that possible? This is obviously bear paw! I ate it before when I was in Japan, and it is exactly the same as the one I ate!"

"This appearance, this texture, this taste, you actually said it's not bear paw?"

"Could it be that Boss Su said this deliberately in order to evade legal sanctions? Logically speaking, we ate this stuff without knowing it. Even if we are held responsible in the end, it won't be our turn, right?"

Some people questioned, some were greedy, a red-haired man whose height and weight were even much more exaggerated than Thomas who was 1.9 meters tall.

The uncle tugged at his beard, which was also red, and said, "Why do you care so much! We are here to participate in an official food exchange. If this food is inedible, Boss Su will definitely not cook it for us! Just eat it!"

Despite this, the others still looked at each other, and no one dared to move their chopsticks first.

Needless to say, the power of criminal law is indeed very powerful!

But the red-haired man didn't care so much. As a foreign guest who knew how to use chopsticks, he reached out and picked up one of the "bear paws" that looked very elastic and put it into the bowl. He didn't forget to eat more before eating. Take a few glances.

It can be seen that the meat is white, and there is a tender fish fillet sandwiched between two 'bear paws'. It is not possible to tell what kind of fish it is.

The uncle looked at it for a few times and then stuffed such a large piece of meat into his mouth.

Others stared at his expression, for fear of missing something exciting.

Chew. Chew again and again!

A taste that has never been seen before. With every chewing, it becomes a little bit deeper and wanders around in the mouth wantonly. The uncle's expression becomes more and more intoxicated!

The others watching were swallowing saliva one after another.

"No matter, since there are people eating it, it means it's not a big problem!"

"That's right. You see, President Zhang is also eating! He eats it himself, so it will definitely be fine if we eat it!"

President Zhang is the representative figure of the Chinese side at this banquet.

At this time, he was also chewing a piece of 'bear's paw' and fish slowly, and the expression of enjoyment on his face made everyone feel greedy.

More and more people started to try it.

Not long after, all the food on the plate had been eaten, and almost everyone had eaten the fish and bear paw. After Thomas ate the third piece, he said with certainty: "I swear, this is the same as me." The bear paw eaten in Japan is really the same!”

After finishing speaking, he said with difficulty, "It's even more delicious than that one, but the taste of this one is definitely not wrong!"

The red-haired uncle also nodded one after another, "Indeed, I caught one while hunting in the forest last time. It wasn't as delicious as this one when I cooked it when I went home, but the taste is about the same."

In some parts of the world, hunting is legal with a hunting license.

"I never thought that when this kind of elastic meat is mixed with fish, it would emit such a strong aroma. It feels like these two types of meat are meant to be eaten together!"

"The freshness of fish complements the lack of flavor of this mammal, and this... well, let's think it's bear paw for now. The taste of this bear paw perfectly complements the lack of fish taste. Hmm, it's really delicious!"

It can be seen that this innovative dish is still loved by everyone, but because the ingredients are too shocking, some guests are unwilling to participate in the discussion.

Back kitchen.

"Fuck! These foreigners really can't tell what this thing is!"

"Awesome. In ancient times, people called a deer a horse. Today, Boss Su cooked a cow as a bear. It's awesome!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Boss Su is a serious man, not Zhao Gao."

Su Chen was a little speechless. These kitchen helpers seemed to have a relatively average cultural level. When chatting, they always talked about unexpected directions.

"It's normal. Even if you cook your shoe soles as ingredients, you can't tell what it tastes like," Su Chen said lightly.

Because at that time, the three northeastern provinces only prepared one dish, and choosing which province's dish became a big problem, and the three northeastern provinces were similar in terms of eating habits, nothing more than those well-known dishes.

Later, Su Chen simply innovated such a dish himself.

When he first proposed this dish, he almost scared the old men in the association. Later, after Su Chen carefully explained his ideas, they were relieved.

But there were new concerns.

Can you use cow hooves as bear paws?

And Su Chen also used his own skills to tell them that it is absolutely possible!

The inspiration for this dish came from a video that Su Chen had seen on the Internet before. I vaguely remember that the video was shot quite early, and the video picture was even blurry.

The so-called bear paw production actually still needs to be deodorized through chicken, duck, and a large amount of onion, ginger, and wine. After cooking, various deodorizing condiments should be added to further deodorize it by steaming.

Even so, when the dish is finally made, it needs to be poured with broth before it can be eaten.

Su Chen didn't have the chance before, but now that he has a practice room, he can try it without restraint.

After this dish appeared in his mind, Su Chen went into the practice room and started making it. After summoning a bear paw, the first impression this thing gave Su Chen was: stinky!

Even if it was cooked at high temperature and the hair was removed, it was still stinky!

Then it was cooking. According to the method recorded in the video at that time, the chicken, duck, green onion and ginger should be boiled in a large barrel first, and they should be boiled until the chicken and duck meat are all melted in the soup before the bear paw can be cooked.

Su Chen was thinking. If you do this, let alone bear paws, even if you throw a shoe horn in, it will taste fresh and fragrant.

Facts have proved that Su Chen's thoughts are still a bit simple.

Even if this thing is stewed in such a high-quality broth for two hours, it still has an unacceptable fishy smell when it is cut and eaten!

It seems that the taste is engraved in every cell. At that time, Su Chen once doubted that the older generation said that this thing is delicious when they can eat it. Are they serious?

Then steam it with scallion, ginger and cooking wine for two hours, and the fishy smell is much lighter.

But this leads to a new problem: after such a long time of steaming, the taste of the bear paw itself has long been lost, and only the freshness of the chicken and duck broth, as well as the taste of scallion and ginger can be tasted.

Especially when the sauce made with broth, soy sauce and sugar is sprinkled on it, even if Su Chen has the plug-in "Top of Taste", he only feels that he is eating for the taste when eating.

Q, elastic, soft and smooth.

Very similar to a certain ingredient: beef tendon.

Su Chen immediately summoned a processed bear paw and eight beef hooves again.

Use the same cooking method to make it and try again.

Sure enough!

After doing this, the beef tendon tastes almost the same as the bear paw. Even the beef flavor contained in the beef tendon itself has disappeared without a trace.

In this case!

Su Chen continued to try, slicing the beef tendon, and then sandwiched the fish fillet that was boiled in water until it was 70% cooked between the beef tendon, and then poured the sauce made from the broth on it.


You won’t know until you try it, and you’ll be shocked when you try it!

This thing is so delicious when paired together?

And when Su Chen demonstrated this dish in the shocked eyes of everyone, and cut the cut beef tendon into various shapes, and directly spliced ​​it into a bear paw shape on the plate.

The three presidents from the Northeast just tasted it and almost knelt on the spot.

"I want it! This dish must be included in the innovative dishes of our Heilongjiang Province Cooking Association! From now on, this is our provincial dish!"

"Bullshit! This is obviously our Ji Province dish, what does it have to do with your Heilongjiang Province?"

"Haha, Liao Province is not worthy? Why don’t you study where the bear paw thing first came from?"

Facing the dispute between the three presidents, Su Chen also made a suggestion at the time.

Instead of developing the three provinces separately, it is better to merge the cuisines. In the future, don’t talk about Liao cuisine or Ji cuisine. Just call it Northeast cuisine!

After all, in the minds of the general public, it is really Northeast cuisine

After all, Su Chen is a second-level member, and he is also the creator of this dish. After careful consideration, the three presidents also agreed with Su Chen’s statement.

Thus, this "fish and bear's paw" was born!

"That's right, in the future, when you stew beef trotters at home, you can just follow this method, it will definitely taste good!" Liu Abao said.

He still felt a little unbelievable.

How could a person with a normal sense of taste not taste the difference between beef and bear?

This is strange.

"If there are so many at home, won't you be scolded to death? This beef trotter is not expensive, and chicken, duck, fish, etc. are all dissolved in soup! What a waste!"

"Indeed. Although this dish is delicious, it does not meet the requirements of our Chinese people for eating at home. It's okay in restaurants, after all, their broth can be reused."

"Boss Su is amazing! This wave almost scared those foreigners to death, but they were so satisfied with the meal just now, and they probably forgot that this dish is very spicy, haha!"

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's going on outside?"

A Bao glanced at the screen on the wall. "We've finished eating. We were all afraid to eat the first bite, but we couldn't help it after eating. The big red-haired guy almost got into a fight with the foreigner who sneaked into the kitchen to eat."

"Oh?" Su Chen also looked over. "What happened?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I saw that the two of them were having an unpleasant quarrel. Now Shu Ting arranged for the big red-haired guy to change seats with a guest in the private room."

Su Chen shook his head.

What's so fussy about eating a meal?

"It seems to be going a little fast now?"

A Bao said, "It's fast to eat at a big banquet. As soon as a dish is served, everyone starts to scramble to eat it as if they are dying, for fear of not eating enough and suffering a loss."


Su Chen moved his neck. Although there were not many dishes in total, it was actually quite tiring.

It was mainly because the intensity was too high.

And this fish and bear's paw was a dividing line between all the dishes.

After this dish, the essence of the cuisines from all over China is almost included, and the major cuisines that are more recognized by the general public at this stage are almost all after this dish.

‘If the dishes in front can make people fight, then the dishes in the back’

Su Chen considered whether he should let everyone go back to the banquet hall and eat like at the beginning.

When the dishes came to Henan Province, Su Chen took out a fresh live fish from the fish tank.

Lu Yongliang sneered, "I thought you were going to show off your spicy soup at first, and I think that thing is also very delicious."

"I think the stewed noodles are also very good." Cui Yufen added.

This is the difference between the north and the south. Cui Yufen is from Shandong Province and has a higher acceptance of pasta, while Lu Yongliang is from the south and his pasta is just so-so.

Su Chen shook his head, "If I were to say so myself, the texture and taste of Hu La Tang and Hui Mian are both better than this dish."

"But their characteristics are too distinct."

Take Hu La Tang for example. People from other provinces who come to Henan Province to play can accept it because they really love it, and even feel like ants crawling on them if they don't drink it for a day.

If you order a pan-fried bun or pancake with Hu La Tang, it's a breakfast that even gods can't change!

But there are still people who can't accept it.

They just think that this thing is gray and sticky, and it's so unacceptable whether you eat it or smell it.

This kind of dish is not suitable for large banquets.

So, Su Chen chose this dish, which can't go wrong no matter how it is made.

Yellow River, big carp! (End of this chapter)

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