Food Customizer

Chapter 294 Tianjin Famous Dishes

Although it was weird, Su Chen felt that it was pretty good for one time.

"Yes, Boss Su, instead of eating up and down like this, why not just bring them all out at once for us to enjoy!"

"What Thomas said makes sense. We are already quite full from what we have eaten. Boss Su, there is no need to rush. Cook slowly and serve the food at once. This is the best!"

Su Chen couldn't make his own decision about this kind of thing, so he glanced at the Huaxia leader through the crowd.

The president sat at the main table and nodded slightly to express his acquiescence.

Su Chen then smiled and said to everyone, "Since all the guests have requests, let's do what everyone said! Please be patient, we are going to go all out!"

As soon as Su Chen left, the leader of Huaxia whispered a few words to the secretary beside him.

After listening, the secretary strolled to the middle of the three tables and clapped his hands, "Dear guests, everyone knows that the ingredients used in some of the delicacies we ate today are very precious even in China!"

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and Thomas nodded the hardest. Now he was thinking about the bear's paw.

"So we have just contacted suppliers from various places and decided to take advantage of Boss Su's cooking time to start signing some orders now. If you are interested, please send the required ingredients by editing an email. to our mailbox and our staff will give you a reply before the end of the party! ”


After the secretary finished speaking, the cafeteria immediately became agitated.

Some guests who knew each other immediately started whispering to each other, and some foreign guests who had no friends took out their mobile phones and started making calls. Some guests even put their mobile phones in front of them without hesitation, and it was obvious that they were already talking. Wrote an email.

This kind of order, unlike ordinary orders, does not mean the quantity of a certain ingredient that the foreign guest wants to order.

But once signed, it is a long-term contract.

This means that within a certain period of time in the future, it may be one year, it may be three or five years, China will export this kind of food to the outside world.

There is no doubt that it cannot be said to be a major boost to the current stagnant economic situation, but at least it has contributed a bit!

Seeing the reaction of the foreign guests, the Chinese side was very satisfied.

In the kitchen, Su Chen clapped his hands vigorously after coming back, "Get busy, get busy! The food outside will be out at once! Now, steaming, frying, and cooking can all start! Everyone starts Prepare!"


The chefs who were just talking about why Boss Su was not afraid of being burned instantly went into a state of 'preparation for war'.

What Su Chen is going to cook now is a Shaanxi dish.

Shaanxi cuisine, also known as Qin cuisine, is a cuisine with a long history but not very famous. Of course, with the increasing development of tourism in Shaanxi Province, some local delicacies are gradually becoming famous throughout the country.

But it’s nothing more than mutton steamed buns, roujiamo and fried noodles, which are both staple food and snacks.

In fact, Shaanxi cuisine is really good at making banquet dishes, and the first one is naturally the famous local dish, gourd chicken!

This dish has such a name because it looks like a gourd when it is ready, and its preparation is quite a test of the chef's skill.

After the fat hen is processed, it must be soaked in water for thirty minutes to remove blood stains, and then it must be cooked in a boiling water pot for half an hour!

The whole chicken that is almost fully cooked is steamed in a steamer with broth separated by water. At the same time, add Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, green onion, ginger, cinnamon, star anise and salt into the broth. Continue steaming for two hours. !

Because the chicken is soaked in broth and steamed, the maturity will be further improved, but it will not make the meat very soft and rotten. Instead, it will become tough and extremely tender.

At this moment, Su Chen took out five whole chickens and the broth basin from the steamer, poured them on the grate to drain the soup.

Cut each chicken along the backbone, add rapeseed oil to another pan, and heat until 80% oil temperature.

Push the chicken back down into the pot.

"Po, push gently, fry until golden brown, remove and drain!"

Liu Abao took the spoon from Su Chen and said, "Don't worry!"

Su Chen nodded and continued to the next console.

The oil temperature of the gourd chicken has been adjusted just now. Liu Abao does not need to worry about the heat. He only needs to gently push the whole chicken until the outside turns golden brown and then take it out of the pan.

Su Chen stood in front of the new console and took a deep breath.

"Teacher Cui, can I leave this dish to you?"

Cui Yufen took the kitchen knife and said, "It's an honor."

After Shaanxi cuisine, there is Shandong cuisine.

Su Chen has cooked Shandong cuisine in restaurants too many times, and the dish he is serving now is called Tofu Box!

The fried tofu is opened, the tofu inside is hollowed out and stuffed with meat filling, and then steamed in a pot.

In some places in Shandong Province, the prepared sauce is directly poured over after steaming, while in other places it is put into a pot and cooked again. Su Chen adopts the second method.

At this moment, the steamed tofu box was taken out of the steamer. Cui Yufen's expression when he picked up the spatula was very different from the past. He heated the pot and heated the oil, and various condiments were accurately dropped into the pot.

Add the clear soup cooked by Su Chen, pour some gravy, put the steamed tofu into the pot, and start a new round of cooking.

If not for the fact that Su Chen had done such meticulous preparations in advance, even these national chefs would have been a little shocked at the time. Only now that the dishes were served at the same time did everyone realize the importance of these preparations.

Everything is so orderly.

Shanghai cuisine is also not within the scope of this selection. After all, a place like Shanghai doesn't need to improve its economic level through food. It's better to give this precious opportunity to others.

The most important thing is that it's difficult for local cuisine to become a system. No matter how it's made, Shanghai cuisine can't escape the Suzhou and Wuxi flavor. If it's not selected properly, it will be criticized by Jiangsu cuisine.

As for the bottle of delicious and sweet sea buckthorn juice from Jin cuisine, it has been loved by everyone. This thing can't export raw materials, but directly export finished drinks. Many people in the live broadcast room are speculating that perhaps Jin Province is the biggest winner of this banquet.

Su Chen looked at Cui Yufen's method of making tofu boxes. After confirming that there was no big problem, he came to another operating table.

Wang Zhijun has been waiting here for a long time.

"Boss Su, I've been in your company for so long, and I'm waiting for now!"

Su Chen shook his head helplessly. This old guy came to this banquet from the beginning.

But it doesn't matter. No matter what Wang Zhijun is thinking, he is working for a famous Sichuan restaurant. This is an unchangeable fact.

And this time, there is almost no doubt about the Sichuan cuisine. Boiled cabbage!

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"I remember your knife skills clearly. I practiced every night in the past few days! You made the broth and you chose the cabbage. If I can't even change the knife, what's the use of me?"

Su Chen waved his hand, "Don't say that. The so-called knife change is just a fancy trick. Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Lotus version of boiled cabbage, Su Chen has made it before.

When the broth is poured on the cabbage, because of the unique knife change technique, the cabbage will quickly bloom in front of the guests until all the cabbage leaves float in the clear broth.

As a soup dish, it is normal whether it appears in the middle or at the end of the meal.

So the next step is.

"If you hadn't strongly requested, I would definitely not make this dish."

Su Chen glanced at Zhang Maolin who had been hiding in the corner.

Mr. Maolin, originally wanted to get some food in the kitchen, and he got a lot at the beginning, but the guests all went to the canteen for a big feast, so he didn't have much chance.

"Then you have to do it. If you don't, others will think that there is no food in Jinshi."

"Don't we still have pancakes?" Su Chen tore up the prepared gluten and threw it into the basin.

Tianjin cuisine originated from the folks, and because of its very unique geographical location, it belongs to what you want.

We have seafood, seasonal vegetables, poultry and livestock!

This has made the chefs in Tianjin work hard since ancient times, doing whatever they can get, and adapting to a wide range!

The result of being so wide is that there is nothing special about it.

But at Maolin's strong request, he wanted to make a dish that can stand out in Jinmen through this event.

Of course, this was also instructed by someone behind the scenes.

Su Chen couldn't resist Mr. Mao Lin's persuasion. After working hard in the practice room for more than ten hours, he finally figured out one thing: how to make an ugly dish look a little better.

Yes, this dish from Jinshi, the reason why Su Chen didn't want to choose it was not because it was not delicious, but simply because it was ugly.

Shrimp and gluten.

Hearing that Su Chen was still choking him, Zhang Maolin laughed shamelessly, "Can Jianbing Guozi be accepted by the elegant hall!"

"Yes!" While Su Chen was chatting, he did not delay his work. He added enough water to the pot, boiled it quickly over high heat, and threw all the torn gluten into it. "You can tell them that this is our Jinshi hamburger! Maybe foreigners think it's delicious, and then I'll open a Jianbing Guozi chain store for you. In three years, I will overthrow KFC and swallow McDonald's in five years. In the future, Americans will go out with Jianbing Guozi in their left hand and sea buckthorn juice in their right hand. It's beautiful."

Zhang Maolin couldn't tell whether Su Chen was serious or joking.

Because of this matter, it is really possible!

Of course, someone must do it, and Boss Su is a good choice!

Go to Wall Street to set up a stall, sell Jianbing Guozi, and give those Wall Street elites a little shock of Chinese food!

Mao Lin was too embarrassed to say anything, so he changed the subject to Su Chen's hand, "You agreed at this time, but you don't know how the dish is. It would be best if you can give me a taste later?"

Su Chen looked at him sideways, "Okay, I'll serve you a bowl."

After that, he tore a few pieces of gluten and threw them into the pot.

Mao Lin blinked at the live camera on the wall and deliberately said in a loud voice, "Boss Su, then can you tell me why the gluten has to be boiled thoroughly with clear water?"

"Speak properly." Su Chen felt a little awkward, "Otherwise I always feel like I'm listening to crosstalk."

Zhang Maolin is from Jinshi

When he was in Beijing for a meeting before, the old man forgot to speak Mandarin from time to time, but everyone could understand Jin dialect, so no one reminded him.

Su Chen always felt sleepy when others spoke, but he immediately became energetic when Zhang Maolin started talking. No matter what he said, it was like listening to crosstalk, which was very interesting.

"You have to cook the gluten thoroughly to cook out all the fat inside. What is the point of eating gluten? It's the texture of gluten and the rich and fresh flavor of the soup. Only in this way can the gluten absorb the soup to its fullest!"

Su Chen also knew that Mao Lin wanted to help the chefs from Tianjin who were watching the live broadcast to find the secret. There was nothing to hide about this dish.

To be honest, from Su Chen's experience in the practice room, the technique and production experience were more important than anything else.

First of all, the tearing was very particular.

It must be torn neither too big nor too small, and it must look a bit like a walnut. Other sizes are not as good as this size.

After boiling thoroughly in boiling water, blanch it in cold water again, so that all the oil in the gluten is removed.

The gluten, which was slightly yellow before, became much whiter after this treatment.

Su Chen didn't need Mao Lin to ask him, and continued to talk while doing it.

"Innovation in dishes is a good thing, but some dishes still have to follow the ancient method. This dish is a typical example."

"Nowadays, there are very few good chefs who recruit apprentices. Many young chefs come out of school. What do you use to add color to this dish? Ketchup!"

"What do you use to add flavor? Pasta sauce. This is a bit outrageous."

You can only say 70% of what you say, and you can't say too much. As for the meaning inside, Su Chen feels that it is better to leave it to those who really love food to figure it out.

There is no problem with ketchup to add color, just like many people use ketchup for the dish of sweet and sour pork tenderloin.

But serious foodies can tell at the first bite that the sweet and sour pork tenderloin with ketchup is not right!

A chef with a little bit of skill can still make bright red tenderloin even with sugar color and soy sauce!

This is the skill.

Add some base oil to the pot, and throw in three pieces of spices when it is 50% hot.

He kept frying the aniseed back and forth until the aroma of the aniseed came out. Whenever he saw the color of the aniseed turn a little darker, Su Chen would use a spoon to scoop in a few drops of cold oil to cool it down.

Until the aniseed turned slightly black, Su Chen directly added half a spoon of cold oil.

"The aniseed is enough to this extent. If you fry it again, it will have a strange smell."

In other words, it will be mushy.

This degree can only be mastered with experience. Unlike Western food, which can be controlled by the number of grams of materials and temperature, Chinese food has never had such standards.

"This time, pouring cold oil is mainly for the next step."

Throw a handful of chopped green onions into the pot. Of course, low-temperature oil is needed for chopped green onions to this extent. If the oil temperature is a little higher, it will be mushy if it is put in.

Seeing that Su Chen had seen through his trick, Mr. Mao Lin touched the back of his head awkwardly, and simply stopped talking. He just stood quietly by the side watching Su Chen do it and listening to Su Chen at the same time.

And his eyes looked at the live camera from time to time.

As if to say.

Boss Su, only say it once, and only do it once.

Tianjin chefs, how much you can learn is up to you! (End of this chapter)

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