Food Customizer

Chapter 295 The Secret of Shrimp Du Gluten

After sprinkling the chopped green onion, Su Chen poured in the soy sauce, and the oil temperature that had just risen was immediately lowered.

"For this dish, you have to cook the soy sauce first, and thoroughly stimulate the flavors of the star anise, chopped green onion and soy sauce."

Unlike most dishes, you have to cook the flavor of the ingredients first, and then add various seasonings to blend with the ingredients.

The taste of gluten itself is very light, or it can be said that it has no taste at all, and it is even slightly sour, the kind of sourness that is annoying.

So what the chef can cook the soup into, the taste of the gluten after it is finally made into a dish!

Many things do not need to be explained too much. Those who understand will understand naturally, and those who don’t understand will not learn no matter how much they are explained, so Su Chen also spoke just right when he spoke in the live broadcast room, leaving enough imagination space for those chefs who secretly learn the skills in the live broadcast room.

When the three seasonings are cooked to a sufficient aroma, the mixture in the pot is no longer just grease, but has reached a temperature that is just high enough to not burn the seasonings. That is when it is!

Su Chen then sprayed a stream of cooking wine on the edge of the pot. Under the high temperature, the cooking wine evaporated almost instantly, but it had already played its due role.

Although Zhang Maolin does not know how to cook, he has rich theoretical knowledge.

Looking at Su Chen's methods at this moment, he was inevitably shocked.

No wonder this dish has not been more widely recognized and loved for so many years, although many places have made it delicious.

When he returned to his hometown before, he was invited to several restaurants to eat, and he also saw their skills in the kitchen. Let alone other dishes, just talking about this one

In terms of heat, no one can master it more accurately than Boss Su.

It's not just Zhang Maolin who feels shocked.

In the live broadcast room, there are indeed many chefs from Tianjin who are secretly learning skills.

Jinshi, Fengweilou.

This restaurant is a little special in Jinshi. It is not a particularly large restaurant, but its scale is not bad. The most important thing is that only people who have lived in this area for most of their lives love to come here to eat. In the more popular words now, this is a treasure restaurant for locals!

Shrimp and gluten is the signature dish of Fengweilou, and it is also the dish with the most orders every day. Some neighbors and villagers nearby will directly pack a portion and take it back for lunch when they pass by.

At this moment, it is obviously meal time, but Fengweilou has closed its doors and will not accept any guests.

All the kitchen staff of Fengweilou are not because of leave or something, but all of them are huddled in the restaurant, each holding a mobile phone in their hands.

"How's it, Lao San?"

"Tsk, his control of the heat is quite amazing. I'm not saying that he controls the heat well, I mean that he adds other seasonings every time to cool down the temperature. Isn't this a good timing? You can see it by looking carefully at the quality of those seasonings."

Lao San is the chef who specializes in the dish of Du Mian Jin in Fengweilou. He doesn't need to use his skills in other ways. He just needs to make this dish repeatedly every day.

The steps that Su Chen took just now are almost the same as Lao San's usual cooking, except for one thing that is different.

When Lao San cooks, he turns off the fire first in the previous step, and after cooking soy sauce and cooking wine in another pot, he will pour the fried aniseed and chopped green onions into this new pot to achieve the purpose of fusion.

Of course, Lao San also knew that this was definitely not as good as adding it directly to the pot, but the degree was difficult to control.

If you are not careful with the chopped green onions, they will burn. These things will eventually get into the gluten and be eaten directly in the mouth. Even if they are slightly burnt, the taste will be greatly reduced.

The more knowledgeable people are, the more they know how powerful Su Chen's step is.

Hearing this, the other chefs were silent. Since Lao San said it was powerful, it must be powerful!

The lobby of Fengwei Building was quiet for a while, with only the sound of kitchen utensils colliding from their mobile phones and the sound of boiling soup in the pot.

And when Su Chen continued to the next step, Lao San suddenly stood up.

"What! White sugar!"

In the chef world, adding white sugar to cooking is not a rare thing, but adding white sugar to this dish is really an incredible thing!

Not only white sugar, according to Lao San's idea, in this step, only a small amount of MSG will be added to the soup in the pot.

Su Chen didn't, but scooped half a spoonful of clear soup from a large basin.

"That soup seems to be a special soup in their kitchen that is used to enhance the flavor of chicken essence."

The third brother nodded, "That's right, I saw it in the previous live broadcast, it seems to be a kind of soup in Shandong cuisine."

The third brother was even a little curious, is this soup really better than MSG or chicken essence?

He thought about it, "Xiao Li, prepare some soup for me."

"Third brother, what do you want?"

The third brother nodded, "I must try it with Boss Su's method now, if his method is really better than our previous one."

Having said that, the third brother did not continue.

Xiao Li went into the kitchen with his mobile phone and started to prepare. After a while, he stuck his head out, "Three, all done."

The third brother also held his mobile phone. Seeing this, other chefs followed behind him, and even the boss of Fengweilou walked into the kitchen together.

Today's learning of this dish is of great significance to Fengweilou.

We closed for one day because we received a message from Mr. Zhang Maolin in advance, saying that he would find a way to let Boss Su explain this dish as much as possible in the live broadcast.

What Lao San didn't say just now is that if this dish is really better than before, then the catering industry in Tianjin will definitely usher in an earth-shaking change.

Not only this dish, it is foreseeable that in the future, how many big bosses will take their chefs to Jingzhou to explore the store in order to learn a little bit of Boss Su's skills?

Came to the kitchen.

Lao San took a look and saw that Xiao Li's work efficiency was very good. He had almost prepared the ingredients according to the content of the live broadcast just now.

At this time, Su Chen's voice came from the phone again.

"Stir-frying shrimps is a skill."

In a short sentence, Lao San looked at the screen of the phone and saw that Su Chen didn't even take the pot off the stove, but directly scooped half a spoonful of oil in the hand spoon, and just put the spoon directly on the flame.

It took no more than four or five seconds, and with the other hand, he poured the prepared shrimps into the hand spoon and used chopsticks to stir them a few times.

"Shrimps are very delicate and tender. If the oil temperature is too high, they will be mushy. If the oil temperature is too low, they will not taste good. How to master it depends on yourself."

The third brother watched Su Chen pour the fried shrimps into the soup just cooked, and he felt his scalp tingling.

Is this the legendary cooking skill of the second-level member?

What Su Chen said just now was right. The shrimps are too delicate, and the change of oil temperature is almost just a moment, so the third brother usually does it.

Hot pan, cold oil.

Pour the shrimps directly into it, and as the cold oil in the pan gradually heats up, stir and observe the color of the shrimps.

The disadvantage of this method is that the shrimps will go through an oil immersion process.

But Boss Su's is different. After the shrimps are put into the oil, they will burst out with the greatest freshness and fragrance almost instantly!

"I can't learn this, I can only try it slowly. Let's try it first."

The skill of the hands is really unavoidable.

But the third brother wanted to find out one thing right now, what was that little bit of sugar about!

Following Su Chen's steps, step by step, the third brother did it very carefully.

However, when stir-frying the shrimp, he still used his previous stupid method, because he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of so many people.

"Then add gluten, and cook it thoroughly on medium heat."

When Su Chen did this, he looked at Zhang Maolin speechlessly, and couldn't help but complain, "How could anyone not make such a simple dish well? Mr. Maolin, you are not teasing me on purpose, right?"

In Su Chen's opinion, this dish is too simple, and the real difficulty lies in finding the color.

It is difficult to find a very beautiful color for the dish. Once the color is not found right, this thing looks like a pile of rotten paste.

Su Chen was embarrassed to say that it looked a bit like vomit.

But even so, the words just now made countless Tianjin chefs in the live broadcast room feel extremely hurt.

"Maybe it's easy for those who know, but difficult for those who don't. Excuse me, the method of stir-frying shrimps is enough for me to practice for a while. The key is, which boss is willing to let me practice with shrimps?"

"Let alone stir-frying shrimps, who can master the method of using cold oil and cooking wine to cool down?"

"I give it a try. I just tried Boss Su's method, and the chopped green onions turned into boiled green onions. What the hell."

"Excuse me, is it normal that the gluten in my pot is expanding? I'm not from Jinshi, I just want to try it!"

Su Chen couldn't see the barrage and couldn't interact with the audience.

The gluten gurgled in the soup for several minutes, and it looked cooked.

This step is to let the soup completely and thoroughly penetrate into every small hole of the gluten, and let the gluten absorb the soup very fully!

Even so, there is still a lot of soup in the pot.

The third brother in Fengweilou was sweating secretly when he looked at the things in his pot.

What the hell is this!

According to common sense, there should be almost no soup in the pot at this time, and then a little bit of starch sauce should be poured on it, and the dish will be done.

What about now?

The gluten that has absorbed the soup is still soaked in the soup that is almost equal to the gluten.

Is Boss Su serious?

The third brother threw down the pot and spoon in frustration, "This dish is gone. I feel that Boss Su may not understand our first dish in Tianjin at all. He is just making it up. I will make another one for everyone to eat later."

Others also nodded regretfully.

"Maybe Boss Su's cooking is delicious, but at present, this dish is really nothing to recommend it. Compared with the third brother, it is far worse." Xiao Li said.

He has been making gluten with the third brother for so many years, and he still knows this.

The others all nodded in disapproval, feeling that this dish was no longer interesting. Boss Su's status as a second-level member was indeed worthy of recognition, but the state of the pot was not right at this point.

Could it be that he had to cook it over high heat to collect the sauce?

That would be ridiculous.

A group of people were going to go back to the hall to continue watching the live broadcast.

As for the semi-finished products on the stove, the third brother was too lazy to care about them, and he would just let Xiao Li clean them up later.

Just as he walked to the door, Xiao Li, who was about to wash the pot, suddenly dropped the spatula in his hand, "Fuck! Look! Look at your phone!"

Everyone subconsciously stopped and picked up their phones.

Just at this time, Su Chen's voice continued to be heard from inside.

"The starch, you have to thicken it well. This thing can't be taught, you can only figure it out yourself."

Pour a spoonful of starch juice into the middle of the gluten, and then turn the pot down slightly. The spoon in Su Chen's hand is like a motor!

The speed is so fast that you can even vaguely see the afterimage in the live broadcast room!

But although the speed is fast, the strength seems to be very moderate, and the gluten in the pot is not broken by the high-speed stirring.

"The main thing is to stir quickly, from the inside to the outside, so that the starch juice and the soup are completely integrated, and all of them go into the gluten."

The principle is this principle, and Su Chen can't really say how to do it.

Now that all 36 skills are at the maximum level, he seems to be born with many skills. With the rapid stirring, when the soup in the pot becomes slightly less, Su Chen's right hand does not stop moving, and his left hand drips some soy sauce from the shelf beside him into the pot.

This step is to really find the color.

After mixing the soy sauce with the soup and starch sauce, the soup in the pot just now magically began to decrease, and finally there was no soup in the pot!

At this moment, the gluten blocks in the pot looked extremely full, and the surface could clearly feel a layer of translucent sauce-colored soup wrapped around it. Because of the starch, this layer of soup was slightly reflective.

Not only that.

At this time, Su Chen scooped up half a spoonful of bright oil from the side.

But he did not pour it directly on the gluten, but just took advantage of the spoon to scoop a spoonful of gluten. After the other party was in the middle of the white jade plate, he lifted the wok and shoveled all the remaining gluten into the plate.

"Here, serve the food!"

Zhang Maolin glanced at the girls coming to the door and said anxiously, "Don't! Don't! Didn't you just promise me to leave me a bite of this dish!"

"Ah," Su Chen laughed dryly, "Sorry, I forgot."

He took the spoon and scooped out half a spoonful from the plate, and then pushed the remaining gluten in the plate with chopsticks, trying to make it look fuller.

"Here, eat it."

Zhang Maolin's throat moved subconsciously a few times, took the chopsticks used by Su Chen, picked up a piece of gluten, and observed it carefully.

"Is this still the shrimp gluten I know?"

The surface of the gluten was covered with soup, and Zhang Maolin also found that the inside of the gluten was also covered with soup.

Where did all the soup go when there was still a lot of soup in the pot just now?

It was obvious that under the rapid stirring of Boss Su, all of it went into the gluten. You don't even need to taste it to know that at this moment, those visible and invisible pores must be filled with soup and shrimps!

If I take a bite of this.


Maolin doesn't want to endure it anymore! (End of this chapter)

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