Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 203 The way to deal with Eishan\r

"Alice, how are you?"

"I'll just say you're not my opponent. 55

"Your cooking skills are good, but your thinking is still a little immature.

"There are many forms of expression of molecular cuisine, but your thinking is still not broad enough.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as you beg me, I can teach you a few more tricks.

"How? Do you want to act like a spoiled brat to me?"

Seeing Qin Ran's "comfortable" expression, Alice clenched her silver teeth tightly and was really pissed off.

66' Qin Ran, are you complacent now?


"Good to win!"

"If you can get in today, I'll change my name to yours!"

"I tell you, you haven't even slept on the bathroom floor! 55

Qin Ran and Alice left the venue as soon as the official autumn audition ended.

The two are on their way to the office now,

Hearing what Alice said, Qin Ran's whole body felt a little bad.

"No, Alice, why are you threatening me with this?"

"Didn't you say before that even if I win, you can't scare me?

Alice glared at Qin Ran:

"Miss Ben is happy, isn't she?"

"A gentleman can't follow his words, Qin Ran, do you want to emphasize this to me?"

"Tell you, Miss Ben has never been a gentleman. 35

"Who made you mess with me?

"Tell you, for the next month, you won't have any benefits."

Are the benefits gone?

Qin Ran wanted to cry a little.

He really wanted the benefits Alice gave.

black silk white silk suit,

f*ck, if I knew it earlier, I might as well surrender as soon as I come up.

Anyway, the autumn selection is not important to Qin Ran at all.

While rushing on the road, he worked hard to gain benefits for his future, and soon Qin Ran and Alice walked into an office together.

This office is Erina's.

But Erina isn't here now, and Hisako is the only one in the room.

The little secretary is sitting at the desk and wearing glasses.

She is concentrating and sorting out some materials.

Seeing Qin Ran coming, Hisako subconsciously stood up and called out Lord Qin Ran.

Since returning from her house that time, Hisako has not called Qin Ran Jun again.

He must have been grateful to himself in his heart, Qin Ran guessed boldly in his heart,

But now is not the time to think about such things,

Qin Ran looked at Hisako and asked:

"Hisako, have all the information I asked you to sort out for you to sort out.||?35

Hisako nodded slightly:

"Lord Qin Ran, I have already sorted out most of the information you asked me to sort out.

"It's all here, do you want to review it now?

Qin Ran nodded, then sat down behind the desk,

Seeing that Qin Ran was seriously looking at the information, Alice, who was sitting on the sofa, said a little bored:

"Hey, Qin Ran, you haven't told me yet, how on earth are you going to drive that bastard out of Eisan."

"Didn't I say I want to help you? You can arrange something for this lady. 35

"Miss Ben really came to you with sincerity, don't ignore me, okay?"

Hearing Alice's words, Qin Ran put down the document in his hand and said speechlessly:

"Alice, don't worry."

"When the real shot comes, I'll let you help. 35

Alice looked at Qin Ran suspiciously:

"When the real shot? When was that?"

"Qin Ran, now that there are no outsiders here, can't you tell me all of your plans?"

Qin Ran thought for a while, looked at Alice and said:

"It's not that I can't tell you.

"Forget it, since you want to know, I'll tell you."

"Hisako, let's listen to it too."

"Alice, Hisako, do you know how Eizan became the Elite Ten?

Hearing Qin Ran's question, Alice shook her head:

"I don't know, I haven't paid attention to that guy. 39

"But in Tōtsuki, the only reason for becoming an Elite Ten is that they are strong enough. 35

Hisako hesitated for a moment, then whispered:

"I have heard a bit about Eizan-senpai's experience.

"It seems that Eizan-senpai has a very good business acumen and was selected for the Elite Ten seat."5

Hearing this, Qin Ran nodded slightly:

"Hisako, you're right.

"This guy Eizan was elected to the Elite Ten seat because he has a business acumen."

"However, to obtain the nickname of Tōtsuki's alchemist, his strength should not be underestimated.

"However, in this school, his cooking skills are not as good as the others. 35

Eizan's management level is very strong. After he became an Elite Ten, he negotiated a lot of business for the school.

At the same time, using the status of Elite Ten and the platform of Tōtsuki Academy, he also got a lot of business for himself.

The reason why Eizan's position in the council is so stable is precisely because he himself has brought huge profits to Tōtsuki.

Qin Ran said here, paused, and then continued:

"." Don't underestimate this guy Eishan. "

"Although in the Elite Ten Council, his strength is at the bottom,"

"But the people who support him are the most."

"The reason why he has a stable position is very simple, because he can bring everyone to make money together.

Some people might say, wouldn't it be enough to pull Eizan down directly through the halberd?

For this kind of thinking, Qin Ran has only one expression, and that is "naive"!

Let's not say whether Ruishan is willing to eat halberd with you,

Even if he accepts this kind of thing, the Elite Ten Council won't necessarily approve of you.

Pulling Eizan off the Elite Ten seat (Wang Wang's) and getting yourself into the Elite Ten Council are two different things.

So now, if Qin Ran wants to achieve his goal, he must meet two conditions.

One, take some measures to force Eizan to take seats as a bet with you.

Second, get the support of other members of the council!

If you simply won Eizan, other members of the council may not necessarily recognize you as the new ninth seat.

So now, Qin Ran has to do two things,

One is for Eizan to no longer hold the ninth seat, and the second is for the Elite Ten Council to elect him as the new ninth seat.

Hisako came to the office early this morning to sort out the information Qin Ran wanted.

All of these materials are the list and types of Eisan's cooperative customers.

What's next?

Of course it's digging a wall.

Just before that, Qin Ran needs to do another thing,

That is to get in touch with the other Elite Tens in advance! Stretch.

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