Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 202 The gap in the realm\r

"You mean..."

"The sauce you use is produced by nature itself?"

"What does this mean?

Hearing Qin Ran's words, a trace of doubt flashed in Senzaemon's eyes,

Qin Ran did not choose to answer directly, but took out a bag of dried persimmons.

"Master Chief, the root of all secrets lies in this persimmon cake. 99

on persimmons?

Senzaemon stared at this generation of persimmons,

Soon, he suddenly had a bold guess in his mind.

"You use... Is it persimmon cream?"

Seeing the unbelievable look in the old man's eyes, Qin Ran smiled slightly and nodded:

"The commander-in-chief guessed right, my sauce is indeed persimmon cream!

Persimmon frost is a layer of white powder naturally produced on the surface of persimmons when they are made into "persimmon cakes".

Not to mention the taste is sweet, it is also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine.

Persimmon cream has the functions of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, promoting body fluid and soothing throat, etc.

It is also very simple to collect it,

Use a spatula to scrape 12 of them off the persimmons.

Qin Ran glanced at the five judges and said slowly:

"Take a ripe persimmon and peel off its skin!"

"Sun and night dew, stored for several months, will turn into dried persimmons! 99

"Persimmon frost is a powder that naturally forms on the surface during the formation of dried persimmons."5

"It not only tastes sweet, but also has very practical medicinal value!

"I took half a bag of persimmon frost and heated it in a pot to melt it all! 99

"In the end the persimmons turned into a paste."

"Then, stamp it bit by bit with a knife on the petals made of chestnut flour. 99

"I didn't add any seasonings during this entire process.

"What the judges tasted is the purest flavor of the ingredients themselves.

"The dish I made looks gorgeous and magical, but the principle is actually very, very simple.

"I only do one thing, and that is to transfer the deliciousness of the ingredients themselves to the plate."

After listening to Qin Ran's words, Alice was stunned for a moment,

She thought about it a lot,

Now, she finally knew where Qin Ran was thinking.

That's right, there is still a long distance between her and Qin Ran.

Qin Ran's thinking about cooking is really incredible.

What is molecular cuisine?

The purpose of molecular cuisine is to make food present more possibilities.

Most molecular chefs are trying hard to use technology to make food more gorgeous!

But this time, Qin Ran did the opposite.

He did not use scientific methods to sculpt the taste of the dishes,

Instead, it uses scientific means to perfectly transfer and integrate the flavors originally belonging to nature itself.

Mix glutinous rice flour and chestnut flour in a ratio of 1:1.

The mellowness of chestnut powder and the softness of glutinous rice flour are perfectly combined.

The flavor of persimmon, instead of honey and cane sugar,

The taste of the whole dish is refined and vivid,

Eating the dishes made by Qin Ran really has a feeling of being in nature.

What the five judges saw was actually just the appearance of the dish,

In fact, this dish made by Qin Ran has a very strict calculation hidden behind it.

How to make the ingredients of different flavors blend just right in a bowl,

This involves conflicting proportions and flavors,

However, a misuse of 0.01 mg of ingredients will have a very serious impact on the final flavor of this dish.

Regarding temperature and time, this Qin Ran also calculated just right.

Why do locked petals suddenly bloom?

This is because the petals and the petals are only seen, and the fermented substances are injected.

The principle is thermal expansion and contraction.

After pouring boiling water at the bottom of the plate, the heat will make these fermented substances react,

The petals will gradually swell,

This is the root cause of the sudden blooming of flower buds.

What really surprised the five judges was where?

It's this dish, without any seasoning.

Take from nature, use for nature,

Qin Ran, this kid, is really unbelievably powerful in terms of flavor extraction and application.

This is more than just a level of ingenuity.

This is clearly a stroke of genius!

He really turned a "simple bento dish" into a dish that includes the whole of nature.


The combination of seemingly simple flavors creates an unimaginable charm.

Senzaemon took a deep breath and made a mental summary.

If the dish made by Alice is like a sharp spear that can pierce people's hearts,

The dish made by Qin Ran is definitely a bone scraper!

Eating Qin Ran's dishes, the natural mellowness, as if even their body and soul would be shaved clean.

This feeling is not only strong, but most importantly, it continues.

It's amazing!

After feeling Qin Ran's strength at this time, Senzaemon's evaluation of Qin Ran was a few steps higher.

No wonder Mr. Chappelle said that this kid is strong enough to start a sect,

Compared with other people, they are not in the same realm at all, okay?

"It was a dish that touched me a lot.

"It's been a really long, long time, and I haven't eaten such a dish that melted me in an instant. 35

"The seemingly simple materials and materials used, but there are very rigorous calculations and ideas behind them."

"A little mistake may make this dish unable to be so perfect."

"In 660 molecular gastronomy, you are much better than Alice. 39

"Not to mention anything else, just from the perspective of vision and thinking, as well as cognitive ability. 35

"There are only a handful of people in this academy who can compare with you.

Senzaemon's eyes on Qin Ran are really full of admiration,

Then he turned to look at the other judges and exchanged opinions with them:

"These two dishes, I think it is obvious that Qin Ran's dishes are better.

"What do you all think?"

Hearing Senzaemon's question, the judge wearing glasses said:

"Our view is the same as yours, Commander-in-Chief. 35

"Although Miss Alice's dish was surprisingly strong. 35

"But the dishes cooked by Qin Ran made me feel indescribably touched.

"It's not about the difference in taste, it's about the difference between what a chef thinks and where he is in the field.35

"To put it simply, only the dishes made by Qin Ran made me feel the most amazing feeling I have ever felt in my life!"5

The speeches of the other judges were roughly the same.

Seeing this scene, Senzaemon no longer hesitated and stood up and said:

"I announce the following, the official competition of this autumn selection!""

"The winner of the first round is Qin Ran!

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