Food Hunter

Chapter 118: Special poisonous dishes

  Even if the mouth is sealed, it should be able to make a squeak, but the person hanging on the spider web can only look at Luo three people with his eyes and make no sound.

   Obviously, the toxin injected into their bodies restricted their mouths, causing no sound to come out.

   After the eyes of both parties met in the air, Dongba's body trembled slightly, resisting the urge to turn around and run, and said quickly to Luo: "Go, here is..."

   "Do you think they will agree?"

   Luo interrupted Dongba and looked around. Five calf-sized spiders slowly emerged from the forest, already surrounding them.

   The five spiders are all lying on the ground, their bodies are as dark as ink, their slightly swaying limbs are like steel, and the three rows of compound eyes are icy scarlet, and they are staring at the three of Luo.

   did not choose to attack, but appeared from the ground, only showing the tendency of encirclement, as if it was inevitable.

   Seeing the five spiders appearing, Dongba’s first reaction was not fear, but thinking about how to protect itself in this situation.

   For those who hang on spider webs, Luo Jiren is their hope, and they can only pray silently in their hearts

   "Mr. Dongba, do you know what species of these spiders are?" Luo asked curiously at this moment.

   Dongba was stunned, his mouth wide open and speechless. In this case, even the heartless foodie Bu Hara was aware of the danger, how could he be as relaxed as Luo, and he was still thinking about what kind of spider it was.

   "I thought you knew."

   Seeing Dongba's silence, Luo shrugged.

Around   , five spiders slowly contracted the encircling circle, seeming to be looking for a suitable attack distance.

   Bu Hara is ready to go, and he is ready to take action. Although he does not know how to read, his force is not bad.

   At this time, Luo suddenly stretched out his hand and flicked at the approaching spider five times. In the blink of an eye, five **** were shot, and they fell silently on the spider.

After the ball touched the spider, the power of the hand of God was instantly activated, and the five spiders disintegrated without warning, as if they were cut into more than twenty pieces by an invisible sharp blade, and then scattered on the ground, but even so, The spider is still alive.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. They couldn't see the ball of qi condensed. They only saw Luo making a few finger movements, and then the five **** spiders disintegrated strangely. It is not clear what happened.

   Bu Hara had seen Luo cook drifting shellfish. He knew that this was a power called the ability to read, but he didn't know that Luo could do this level silently, and it was hard to hide his shock when he saw it.

   Even if Luo was younger than three or four years old, he couldn't restrain his admiration for Luo.

   Such a powerful person... he decided to follow it!

   "What... did you do?" Dongba looked at Luo with a horrified look. An incomprehensible scene made his fear and fear of Luo directly break through the sky.

   Luo did not speak, but calmly looked at Dongba, and suddenly pointed at Dongba.


   Dongba screamed like a conditioned reflex, subconsciously shielded his face with his arms, and took a step backwards at the same time. As a result, he tripped on his own feet in a hurry and sat down on the ground, quite embarrassed.

   When Luo made the finger action, he thought he would be like a few spiders, silently turning into dozens of yuan, and his heartbeat almost missed a beat.

   If it hadn't been for the mentality before, the reaction would definitely not be that big.

   Realizing that he was okay, Dongba's chest and abdomen were slightly ups and downs, and the shock was not over.

   The old fritters, known as the newcomer's killer, were completely planted in the hands of the newcomer Luo. If he knew that Luo would come every year, he didn't know how to feel.

   "There seems to be a mosquito, Mr. Dongba, are you okay?"

   Luo smiled lightly, and then, instead of watching Dongba's reaction, he walked towards the spider web and asked Bukhala to repair the five spiders.

   Dongba looked at Luo's back with a look of despair.

   Although I don't know what happened, the spider is solved by Luo, and these people who are not far from death are all excited.

   After they were caught by the spiders, they were not killed immediately, but were stored up like rations. The desperate scene of death counting down in front of them was enough to make ordinary people collapse.

   have experienced despair, and while gaining new hope, their eyes burst out with bright brilliance. That is extremely sincere gratitude.

   This kind of look... seems to have seen it in Kenda.

   Luo rescued all the people hanging on the spider web, a total of thirty-two.

After    the bound spider silk was untied, six people were silent, and the remaining twenty-six were not in good condition. They were like vegetative people, only their eyes could move, and they could not even speak.

   Up to this moment, this group of people realized that even if they were rescued, their situation would be quite bad.

   Without being able to speak, the twenty-six people present could only stare at Luo with pleading eyes, but they couldn't do anything else.


   Luo suddenly turned around and walked quickly towards the spider's body, because Buhara had already killed all the spiders.

   "What's the matter?" Buhara asked when he saw Luo coming over and had just eliminated all the spiders.

   "It's okay, you're going to guard the group of people." Luo said.

   "Okay." Bu Hara nodded and walked to the group of survivors obediently. Dongba's emotions at this time were very complicated. He slowly got up, his face was rather ugly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   After Bu Hara left, Luo squatted down and reached out and touched the spider. The white smoke font of the picture book system suddenly showed information about the spider, and it also let Luo know what the toxin was injected into the body of the group of survivors.

   However, there is no detoxification method.

   Luo frowned slightly, so he had to try it with his ability. Since the virus can also be stripped off, the toxin should be fine.

   After thinking about it together, Luo squatted down on the spot and used his power directly at the spider's corpse.

   While the mind moved slightly, the power of the hand of God was activated, conforming to his will, concentrating all the toxins in the corpse into one place, and then extracting them all, condensing them into a dark green liquid the size of a ping-pong ball on the palm of the palm.

   "Sure enough, and this is...?"

   Luo threw the venom in his palm to the ground, and then checked the information again displayed in the white smoke font This time, it was about the detoxification method of this poison.

   "What is the thing that is attached to my body? Is it omnipotent?" Luo took a deep breath and looked surprised.

   The white smoke font gave him the feeling that it was a universal picture book, and even the information of toxins can be analyzed. I don’t know if there is any more powerful function.

   If this picture book function can affect everything, he might be able to write a travel notebook to record all the creatures he encountered on the road.

   Luo slowly got up, and his mind rolled over. After seeing the spider message and successfully removing the toxin, a wonderful idea sprang up in his head.

   This is a wonderful world, and the scope of living things is by no means comparable to the framework of the earth.

   is located in secret realms and demon realms all over the world, sea beasts, rare beasts, phantom beasts, even beasts with wisdom... are all a huge group.

   Among them, a part is the food that human beings seek, and a large part is poison.

Luo thought of the highly toxic creatures in his body, and also thought of the liver of the porcupine fish. Even if the treatment fails, some people will want it if the food is of that level, because as long as the antidote is first prepared, you can try the liver of the porcupine fish. taste.

   This kind of people is not unavailable, like those old gluttons on the earth, every year some people risk their lives to eat pufferfish.

   The thoughts generated in Luo's head are related to toxins and also related to food materials.

   How big is the world, how rich is the species, and the number of poisonous and inedible species is even more numerous.

  Using the power of God's hand to get rid of toxins, you can turn untouchable food into treasure.

   This is...a field that no food hunter has been able to enter from ancient times to the present, and it is also something that no one can touch...special poisonous cuisine!


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