Food Hunter

Chapter 119: Self-inflicted

   The forest is silent, there are occasional worms, but it is only a short-term neigh.

   Luo closed his eyes and suppressed the thoughts that were boiling like boiling water. Whether it is a goal, a vision, or a dream... it will all begin with a single step.

   After a while, he opened his eyes, showing a slight smile, and then quickly walked towards the immobile survivors.

   At this time, Dongba has also adjusted his emotions, so that people can't see anything unusual.

   "Luo, they are poisoned." Seeing Luo approaching, Buhara glanced at the survivors on the ground.

Luo hadn’t spoken yet, but he heard Dongba say: “They are not saved. This is the poison of rotting spiders and there is no special antidote. If they can be sent to a fully equipped hospital in time, there may be a rescue, but for sure. That's too late."

   Dongba’s tone of voice was full of pity, and he deliberately said these words, nothing more than to strike the will of the group of people who are about to die.

   Hearing Dongba's words, everyone lying on the ground immobile showed desperate eyes.

   "So you know."

   Luo suddenly looked at Dongba, the latter was silent for a while, for fear that Xiao Jiujiu in his heart would be noticed by Luo.

   "Indeed, there is no special antidote for the poisonous spider rot." Luo retracted his gaze at Dongba, and he could clearly see the despair of the group of people on the ground.

   As Dongba said, in the current situation, these people are indeed hopeless.

   Rot spiders don't eat living creatures, they only eat corpses. Their hunting method is not to wait for rabbits, nor to use poison, but to hunt targets by attack, just like the actions of the five rotting spiders just now.

  Although they only eat corpses, they usually deliberately leave their prey alive, entangle the prey with spider silk, and then deliberately inject toxins, waiting patiently for the poison to die.

   The poison in the bodies of these survivors was specially injected by the rot spiders. It looked like an unnecessary move, but it was actually the same as the way humans sprinkle seasonings during cooking.

   Yes, the human being hung on the spider's web is just a dish that the rotting spider is cooking, but the cooking method is rough and simple.

   Here, humans are no longer the top creatures of the food chain, but there are also beasts that like cannibalism, and they know how to deal with captured humans with more meticulous cooking methods.

   There is no special antidote, so it's hopeless...

   The twenty-six survivors who thought they had escaped, fell from the heaven of hope to the **** of despair.

   They can't speak, they can only show indescribable despair with their eyes.

   can live, no one wants to die.

   "Hmph, this is the risk that the hunter has to bear in the test." Dongba thought to himself.

   "Don't worry, I can save you."

   Luo suddenly said a word, his tone of voice was extremely determined. There was indeed no special antidote before, but now he has it.

   He could have used the power of God's hand to help this group of people detoxify, but if he did that, he might occupy the page of the book. Since the white smoke font tells him the method of detoxification, then use that method of detoxification.

   Now, he fully trusts the white smoke font.

   Leaving a word that brought hope to the survivors, Rojean Buhara looked at them, turned and left here, and went to search for materials for the preparation of the antidote.

   Watching Luo leave, Dongba frowned and said coldly: "How can there be a way."

   If it weren't for Luo not here, he would never have used this tone, and the reason for saying this is to make the survivors who have rekindled hope again despair.

   However, Luo killed five rot spiders silently just now. This ability made the survivors willing to believe what Luo said, without being hit by Dongba again.

   After noticing the subtle changes in the survivors, Dongba clenched his teeth secretly, feeling unhappy.

   "As long as Luo said yes, it is absolutely possible." For Luo, Buhara is now basically unreserved and convinced, this is the conclusion he has drawn since getting along with Luo.


   Dongba went back in defeat, stepped aside, thinking about whether to take the opportunity to slip away.

   He has already classified Luo as someone who absolutely cannot provoke, and Buhara, who is with Luo, can't provoke him naturally. Since he can't get pleasure from them, it doesn't seem to make much sense to stay.

   Bu Hara and the survivors waited for Luo to return, while Dongba hesitated.

   Ten minutes later, Luo returned here with two plants in his hand.

   Those are two different plants. One plant is emerald green with leaves like water chestnut, and the other plant has white spots in its blood, which looks like a puffer leaf.

   As long as they are near the environment that the rot spider prefers, you can find these two plants. Take a leaf of each leaf and mash it and take it orally. It can detoxify the poison of the rot spider.

   told Buhara and Dongba how to do it, and then asked them to divide the two plants into 26 parts and give them to the survivors.

   "Can these two leaves detoxify the poisonous spiders?" Dongba didn't want to believe it. If it was so simple, why would no one know?

   Luo just nodded, and didn't want to spend more time talking with Dongba. If there is any use, I will know in a moment.

  The method is really simple, and detoxification plants are also easy to find. They are in the vicinity of the rotting spider activity, but no one knows it is not surprising.

  The species in the jungle of Yamalo are counted in units of 10,000, and there are countless poisons, and there are many similarities to the jungle of Yamalo. It is not realistic to want to know the detoxification method of each kind of poison.

   If Luo wants to, he can use the white smoke font function to get in touch with poisons whose detoxification methods are unknown, and then write a book to share with the world. Such achievements should be enough to be rated as three stars.

   Seeing Luo Budu said, Dongba also honestly closed his mouth.

   After five minutes, the antidote worked, and the survivors’ mouths were already able to move.

   "Thank you, thank you so much!"

   "I thought I was dead, but it's good to meet you."

   Being able to speak with the mouth is a good sign that the detoxification method is effective, and the people who survived were all excited and thanked Luo Jiren one after another.

   "Really useful."

   Dongba quietly glanced at Luo, who looked unmoved, a little numb.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the toxins were almost resolved. This group of people can stand up. One of the middle-aged people in animal skins murmured to himself: "I didn't expect that the mixture of beeweed and white spot grass can decompose spiders. Poison."

Seeing everyone standing up, Luo didn't plan to stay for a long time, saying: "Although the poison has been detoxified, there will still be some sequelae to the body's functions, so you'd better stay where you are and wait for your body to recover better before you act. , You better give up this year’s quiz."

   "Bukhala, let's go."

   After finishing speaking, Luo is ready to leave.

   "Benefactor, I haven't asked for his name yet." The middle-aged man in animal skins asked eagerly.


   "What about the full name?" the middle-aged man asked.

   Luo looked at the middle-aged man and said lightly: "This is the full name."

   The middle-aged man was stunned, and then hesitated: "Benefactor, can I use your name to disclose the poisonous detoxification method of the rot spider?"

   "Whatever." Luo replied casually.

   At this time, the twenty-six people present had silently remembered Luo's appearance and name.

   "Luo, Buhara, let me stay, UU reading can take care of them." Dongba suddenly said.


   Luo quietly looked at Dongba.

   "Look, I still have some drinks here. I'll share them with them. When they replenish their strength, I will take them back to Yamalo Village." Dongba said gently.

   Hearing Dongba's words, people who are not yet able to move freely were moved suddenly, but they didn't know that there was a powerful laxative in the drink.

   "You are hiding a drink!" Buhara said in shock when he saw this.

   Seeing that Bu Hara was about to rush over to get a drink, Dongba's mouth twitched slightly, regretting the condition of taking the drink to increase his persuasiveness.

   "Then you can stay, but can I pick a can of drink?" Luo suddenly smiled.

   Dongba's emotions suddenly surged, but his face was calm, he opened his satchel, revealing the pile of drinks inside.

   He didn't dare to show any clues at this moment.

   Luo walked over, reached out and pressed the iron canned drink in his shoulder bag, activated his power to extract all the laxative ingredients in it, and then quietly injected the laxative into Dongba's body.

   After doing the little moves, Luo drew out two cans of drinks and smiled: "Then I'm welcome."

   said, he kept a can for himself, and then threw a can to Buhara.

   "Go, you guys can do it yourself."

   Luo waved the drink in his hand and left with Bukhala.

   Everyone on the scene watched their departure. Except for Dongba, everyone else looked at Luo Beiying with gratitude.

   "You asked for this!"

   Dongba gritted his teeth slightly and asked Luo to take away two cans of drinks, but he couldn't feel any pleasure, some just fear.

   Poor Dongba didn’t know that Luo had injected laxatives into his stomach.


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