The “plum vegetable button Irish pork steak” that Chen Fei tasted back then

The taste is really good!

This is a dish that has a clear “combination of Chinese and Western” style.

Plum vegetables from the Taizhou region are cleverly blended with Hampshire pork chops.

Both the creativity of the dish and the final taste are unexpectedly excellent.

It’s just that when the cooker cooked this dish, he made a mistake in his cooking technique!

That’s when he used brandy when de-fishy pork chops.

Chen Fei glanced at the food in front of him and slowly gave his answer:

“In Irish cuisine, brandy is often used.”

“Using brandy to de-fishy pork chops is a very normal move in itself.”

“But the crux of the matter is that the chef is not cooking traditional Irish food, but a combination of Chinese and Irish food!”

“The taste of brandy clashes with the sweetness of plum vegetables.”

“The sweet smell of plum vegetables has been covered up a lot.”

“I have to say that this is a very regrettable mistake.”

“Because of this, I gave the other party an unqualified evaluation!”

Hearing Chen Fei’s answer, Rena asked quietly

“Is this all your answer to Your Excellency Chen Fei?”

Chen Fei shook his head:

“Not all of my answers!”

“I remember Director Rena said before, I still need to talk about how I feel about eating this dish now, right?”

Speaking of this, Chen Fei paused

The next second, he pointed to the dish in front of him

“Director Rena said just now that this dish has exactly the same taste as the dish I ate four years ago!”

“I can be 100% sure that this sentence is a lie now!”

Hearing Chen Fei’s answer, Xue Che, who was sitting in the middle of the judges’ seat, had a smile on his face.

It seems that Chen Fei, the child, has realized the real key point of the problem.

Director Rena looked at Chen Fei and said calmly

“Your Excellency Chen Fei, what you mean is that what I just said to you is a lie, right?”

“Where did you base this conclusion?”

Chen Fei glanced at the dishes placed in front of him, and then calmly replied:

“It’s simple!”

“Because the taste of this dish is completely different from the taste I ate four years ago!”

“The taste of this dish has been completely improved.”

Now, what Chen Fei possessed was a super taste that had been upgraded to the full level

Although he only took a bite, he accurately captured the subtle taste changes of the dishes on the plate.

Chen Fei glanced at Director Rena and said slowly

“The chef who made this dish is the same person!”

“I’m sure of that!”

“And I can also be sure that the reviews I gave back then were completely absorbed by this chef.”

“This time when he was making this dish, he didn’t choose to marinate pork chops with brandy again!”

“Instead, I used rice wine from the Celestial Empire Guangfu area!”

“There is no need to add sugar to the dish alone, but simply using the sweetness of rice wine has a corresponding effect on the sweetness of plum vegetables.”

“It may seem like a big change, but the taste of this dish now is undoubtedly a step up compared to four years ago!”

“If I had eaten this dish four years ago, I believe that I would have given the other party a passing evaluation!”


Hearing Chen Fei’s words, Director Rena looked at Chen Fei and said seriously

“Your Excellency Chen Fei, will you continue to insist on your judgment?”

Chen Fei did not have the slightest hesitation at this moment:

“I trust my judgment!”

Director Rena fell into silence slightly after hearing Chen Fei’s affirmative answer

In the next second, a relieved smile appeared on her face:

“Your Excellency Chen Fei, your judgment is not wrong!”

“The dish in front of you is indeed the improved taste of the dish you ate four years ago!”

“Being able to give a clear and accurate answer in such a short period of time seems that we don’t need to be skeptical about your strength and potential.”

“Of course, the most valuable thing is that the confidence you have really touched me…”

“Next, we’re going to start grading your performance.”

To become a special executive, there are at least two qualities you need.

Absolutely precise and clear judgment!

Have absolute confidence in the reviews you make!

Chen Fei’s performance in the first round of the test was really good!

Whether it was commenting on the taste or questioning Director Rena, he did not have the slightest hesitation in this process.

In fact, in this first round of quizzes, there is a secret little rule

Director Rena did not tell Chen Fei.

That is, as a player, the faster you give an answer, the higher the evaluation you can get.

Director Rena clearly remembers that in the previous WGO special executive assessments, the person who passed the first round of the test the fastest was Tsutsu Zhenkai.

It took her 8 minutes to give the perfect answer!

And Chen Fei,

Director Rena looked at the time, and it only took 4 minutes

The most correct judgment was made.

From this point of view, Chen Fei’s child’s qualifications and abilities are really terrifying!

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