Chapter 125: Meatballs.

Cook let out a series of roars while cooking, and saw that he was mixing several spices together in an exaggerated way.

Seeing this scene, Thoth and the others were shocked again.

“This is in…”

“A mixture of several spices, and the curry prepared on the side, he wanted to make a more delicious curry.”

Generally speaking, when making the dish “curry meatball pasta”, the curry paste is directly made from the finished product, such as boxed curry purchased from the supermarket, and few people will make it themselves.

Curry is mainly based on turmeric, plus a variety of spices, such as coriander seeds, cinnamon, pepper, white pepper, cumin, star anise, etc., the proportion of various spices is different, and the taste will be slightly different.

But in general, curry is spicy, and at the same time has a special aroma, which is used in dishes from all over the world, especially beef and mutton, chicken, and duck are the most widely used.

Now Cook actually wants to mix the proportions of the curry on the spot, which is definitely a huge challenge.

Cook took the ingredients of the curry in his hand and said after a few laughs: “Sure enough, the curry prepared in this restaurant is extremely ordinary, and this curry is the same as the roadside restaurant, using this curry to fool customers.” ”

Cook had been denigrating the restaurant, and Thoth couldn’t help but retort when he heard this: “You know what! This curry is produced by HUB company, 603 is considered to be the existence of superior quality in curry, and curry is only an auxiliary ingredient, the deliciousness of the dish, the most important thing is to see the chef’s cooking skills! ”

Liu Di looked at the curry prepared here, and he could see two cute little girls on the box.

He felt that the two girls were familiar, and it turned out to be the two thousand cousins who were known as the “Queen of Curry”.

The two biological sisters are the chief officers of the curry industry leader “HUB Foods”.

When she was a child, the two sisters were famous for shooting the “Curry Princess” product advertisement released in 1990, and it has an average annual curry commercial market of 200 billion yuan, so she is known as the “Queen of Curry”.

Even many starred restaurants in Europe now use their curry products.

However, Cook was extremely disgusted with this curry, saying: “If it were unavoidable, I would not choose this curry at all.” But now there is no way, this “halberd” can only use kitchen ingredients, so now I can only spend some time to make it myself. ”

Saying that, Cook unpacked the curry box and put the curry inside into a container.

First, he dipped a little curry in his mouth and tasted it, then began to add the various spices prepared on the side and waited until it was almost the same, and he put the prepared curry next to it for later.

At this time, Cook’s meatballs, sauce, noodles, etc. are ready, and now only the final cooking is left to complete the dish. Little by little, the cooking time was passing, and after about twenty minutes, Cook delivered the finished three-person meal to Suwon, Thoth, and Johnson.

“It’s your honor to be able to taste my cooking, because the only people who can make me cook so seriously are the high-ranking members of the underground party…”

Mizuhara and the others were very unhappy with the way Cook spoke, and when they saw the dishes presented in front of them, they were slightly startled. On the periphery of the white plate is a circle of meatballs, which are about 2-3 cm in size.

In the middle of the plate are green vegetable leaves at the bottom, and on top of it is pasta with a rich curry sauce attached to the pasta, and in addition to the sauce, there are also ingredients such as minced meat attached to the pasta.

“What, this is no different from ordinary curry meatball pasta, except for the different presentation, the whole dish is featureless!”

Albea said disdainfully when he saw the food Cook served.

Indeed, Cook’s dish is not much different from ordinary curry meatball pasta, if anything, it is the size of the plate and meatballs.

In curry meatball pasta, the size of the meatballs is generally about 2 cm, while the meatballs in Cook’s dish are larger and look a little strange.

“Hehe, I don’t blame you for saying such things, after all, it’s just a second-rate cook.”

“Who do you say is a second-rate cook!”

“Okay, that kid’s cooking is estimated to be finished in a while, and the three of you will taste my cooking first.”

Cook said.

Later, Suwon, Thoth, and John Xun all picked up knives and forks and took the lead in tasting the meatballs of this dish. The meatballs are too large, and you can eat them one by one, only a little reluctantly, and the way to eat is somewhat indecent. So, Mizuhara cut the meatballs in half with a knife and fork, and immediately after cutting them, his eyes fell on the cut surface of the meatballs.

“This… What’s going on inside this! ”

Suwon was shocked again, the inside of this meatball was actually several layers of structure, like overlapping Olympic rings, interlocking and layered.

“Ju… I actually made the inside of the meatballs like this. ”

Mizuhara and others knew very well that it would take quite a clever skill to make such layers of meatballs interlocked. And Cook’s ability to do it so easily shows his culinary strength.

Then Mizuhara and the other three put the meatballs into their mouths.

The moment the meatballs entered their mouths, their expressions suddenly froze, and the next second, their expressions gradually melted as if ice and snow felt the early spring sun.

Immediately, Suihara’s body trembled slightly.

“The meatballs are very chewy, and you can feel the Q bomb that bounces to the teeth when you chew your teeth, and this crisp and sweet taste is horseshoe!”

“Mixing finely chopped horseshoe into the meatballs not only adds to the texture, but also enhances the deliciousness. But the filling in the innermost part of the meatballs is actually brown sugar bean paste! ”

The words of Thoth and John made Albea, Dany and other employees on the side hear a confusion.

“Black jelly bean paste, what’s that?”

Mizuhara explained, “It’s a filling used in a local Japanese snack called ‘tongyaki’. Tongyaki is also called and called golden cake. Because it is made of two golden slices of bread that resemble a gong, it is named Tongyaki. The filling inside is a dessert with a mixture of black bean paste and other fillings, and in some places, red beans are used, and there are also types that combine red beans and black beans. ”

It can be seen that Cook has put a lot of effort into meatballs, and actually used the creativity of Japanese tongyaki to this cooking.


[To be continued.] 】。

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