As expected, the duck meat made Du Zixuan's heart tremble as soon as she took a bite.

The duck meat was not only crispy and delicious, but also not greasy at all.

Even the fragrance of the fruit wood on it made people feel calm and peaceful.

Not only Zhang Mingxiao and Du Zixuan were eating enthusiastically, but the other six classmates also ate like a whirlwind.

This made Wu Lei, Guo Mingxia and others stunned.

I thought to myself, why do these little bastards look like they haven't eaten?

Are they all so hungry?

Have they reached the point of panicking and not choosing food?

"Old Wu, are you sure you don't want to eat such delicious food?"

Teacher Zhou asked again.

"Since you said so, I'll try it."

Wu Lei finally couldn't help but want to try it.

"Mingxia, you will know how delicious this food is if you try it. Would I lie to you?"

Ding Xiaomin whispered: "Or do you think that we at Shanhe University really don't know the importance of this meal?"


The people at Shanhe University are not so short-sighted, and they will not give these students some super unpalatable food just because they did not agree to come to their school.

"Could it be that these meals are not as unpalatable as the rumors say?"

Guo Mingxia thought of this and glanced at Du Zixuan. She realized that Du Zixuan was not eating a lot because she was hungry.

Because she had eaten a lot, if she said she was hungry at the beginning, it was possible, but now Du Zixuan would definitely not be hungry.

But she was still eating a lot, so there must be something about these meals that attracted Du Zixuan.

Thinking of this, Guo Mingxia no longer hesitated, and she directly picked up a chopstick of hot and sour potato shreds.

This plate of hot and sour potato shreds looked quite appetizing, and Guo Mingxia's favorite dish was also this one.

Of course, not many people can make hot and sour potato shreds well.

Guo Mingxia often makes this dish herself, and she even thinks that hers is not worse than that of ordinary small restaurants.


It tastes crispy, and there is a special fragrance of coriander.

It has a vinegary taste, but it is that kind of fragrance, not just sour.

It has a taste of chili, but it is not particularly pungent.

It is that kind of spicy, very crisp spicy taste.

"This hot and sour potato shreds is 10,000 times better than what I made. Is the one I ate before called hot and sour potato shreds?"

Guo Mingxia was completely conquered by this hot and sour potato shreds.

She ate several mouthfuls in a row, and finally put the plate of hot and sour potato shreds in front of her.

Guo Mingxia could even hear the sound of herself eating potato shreds.

So crisp.

Guo Mingxia knew that everyone could make hot and sour potato shreds, but few could make them taste good.

Even fewer could make them so crisp.

Because the heat is not so easy to control, once the potato shreds are overcooked, they will become soft.

If the heat is too low, the potato shreds will be hard or even undercooked.

It really takes a lot of experience to make it to the level it is now.

"Mingxia, how is it, is this hot and sour potato shreds ok?"

Ding Xiaomin suddenly asked.

"Xiaomin, this potato shreds is really delicious. This is the first time I have eaten such delicious hot and sour potato shreds."

Guo Mingxia said immediately.

"I thought this hot and sour potato shreds were not to your taste. Since you like it, I am relieved."

Ding Xiaomin smiled.

She and Guo Mingxia were classmates, so she naturally knew that the other liked to eat this spicy and sour potato shreds.

Ding Xiaomin was naturally confident about Jiang Fan's cooking skills. Now that she heard what Guo Mingxia said, Ding Xiaomin knew that this meal would definitely satisfy them.

As for whether these students would think of staying in Shanhe University, it was unknown.

At least, there was some hope.

Soon, these dishes were eaten up.

Wu Lei and others were a little reluctant to leave.

They wanted to order another portion, but they couldn't say it.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen Xiaochuan brought in several more plates of steamed buns.

And Lin Mengyao also brought in two large plates of dumplings.

"Try the steamed buns and dumplings made in our cafeteria."

Liu Dahai smiled.

This time no one hesitated.

"This siomai tastes really good, it's so delicious."

"This dumpling tastes good too, Lao Zhou, I heard you also have a Tianxiang Garden here, you didn't buy these dumplings from Tianxiang Garden!"

Wu Lei

He was also from the same province. He had heard of Baixiang Garden, but he had never eaten there.

But he guessed that only Tianxiang Garden could make such delicious dumplings.

"Teacher Wu, I have eaten dumplings from Tianxiang Garden. Although the dumplings there are delicious, they are far inferior to these dumplings."

At this time, Zhang Mingxiao spoke up.

"These dumplings are indeed delicious, and these steamed buns are also delicious."

Other teachers also praised them.

Female teachers like Guo Mingxia originally had a small appetite, but now they eat no less than those men.

There is no way, who made these steamed buns and dumplings so delicious.

Liu Dahai and others were not idle either, after all, there were not many such opportunities for them.

So they also ate a lot.

Especially Ma Wei and Ji Ningfu, because they went out for further studies some time ago, so they didn't know about the matter of window No. 12.

Now that they know that such delicious food is made by their own canteen, they are very happy.

"Old Li, you are so mean. You didn't tell me about such delicious food."

Ma Wei whispered to Li Mingjue.

He and Li Mingjue have a good relationship, so he said that.

"Hehe, I want to eat more of such delicious food. If I tell you, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it."

Li Mingjue smiled and said, "But you are also from our school. There will be plenty of opportunities to eat food in our cafeteria in the future."

Ma Wei listened and felt that this was also true.

But Wu Lei and others on the side felt uncomfortable.

They even thought in their hearts: "If I were a teacher at Shanhe University, wouldn't I be able to eat such food every day in the future?"

"Principal Liu, I want to ask, are these meals made in our school cafeteria?"

Zhang Mingxiao suddenly asked.

"Of course, these meals are made in our cafeteria."

Liu Dahai said calmly.

Don't look at Liu Dahai's calm appearance, but he has been very excited in his heart.

The other party's question means that he has some unusual thoughts in his mind, at least he has some interest in their school.

"Principal Liu, what I mean is, do these meals usually taste like this, or did they specially ask someone to make this taste today because they are entertaining us?"

Zhang Mingxiao thought about it and asked again.

"These meals are made at window No. 12 in our cafeteria, and it's the same every day, but not every day these meals are made.

At most, one or two of them are made, but the taste is definitely this taste."

Liu Dahai explained.

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