The canteen is open for business, but the market is still open.

Jiang Fan has no objection to the canteen reform and recruitment.

Anyway, he just needs to complete the task every day. To be honest, Jiang Fan is willing to do it if he can relax a little.

After all, he is not short of money now, so there is no need to work hard from dawn to dusk.

If possible, he doesn't want to sell breakfast, just open the door at noon and in the evening.

But as soon as Jiang Fan said this idea, he was strongly opposed by Zhang Rulin and Liu Dahai.

"No, no, if you don't sell breakfast, your loss will be great. If so, we won't reform."

Zhang Rulin shook his head and said.

"That's right. If you don't sell breakfast, those students will think it's our fault. We will probably be scolded to death by those students."

Liu Dahai also said.

"Principal Zhang, Principal Liu, I really don't do it for this reason. I just don't want to be so busy."

Jiang Fan explained.

But no matter how he explained, the two guys didn't listen to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan had to give up.

"If you don't make breakfast, what will we eat in the morning?"

"This is not a good sign. I have to persuade him more often in the future. What if this kid really doesn't sell breakfast, where can I eat such delicious steamed buns?"

Zhang Rulin and Liu Dahai thought to themselves.

They knew Jiang Fan's plan, and it was not because of the reform that he stopped selling breakfast.

Because Jiang Fan had this idea a long time ago, they immediately refused it when Jiang Fan proposed it.

In the final analysis, they were afraid that they would not be able to eat the breakfast made by Jiang Fan.

After this incident was exposed, they began to consider how to recruit people.

According to Zhang Rulin and Liu Dahai, it is an open recruitment, anyone can come.

However, Jiang Fan said: "It is better for us to find some capable people to join our canteen.

After all, the taste of our school students has improved. If we find some people who are only for making money, I am afraid that the reputation of our school canteen will decline."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Rulin and Liu Dahai nodded heavily.

You know, the quality of students this year is very good, and there are even several top scorers in the college entrance examination.

Even the top three schools in the school, this year's enrollment situation is not as good as theirs.

And a large part of the reason for these students is that the food cooked in their canteen is delicious.

Although Jiang Fan promised to let them eat a meal cooked by himself every day, doesn't this still leave two meals unfinished?

Although no matter where they go to eat, it is not as good as Jiang Fan's, if it is too bad, I am afraid these students will be unhappy, and even think that Shanhe University has deceived them.

In this way, the reputation of Shanhe University will be bad, and the enrollment work next year will be difficult.

"Since you have made this suggestion, do you have any ideas?"

Zhang Rulin asked.

"There are many small restaurants outside our school. Find some restaurants that students pass by and invite them to open a window in our cafeteria.

Or directly invite some well-known brands to open a window in our school."

Jiang Fan said.

"It is not a big problem to let those small restaurants come to our school cafeteria. After all, our school will be closed in the future.

If students can't go out, those small restaurants will have no business, so they will definitely come to our cafeteria.

But those well-known brands may not come to our school so easily."

Liu Dahai said with some concern.

"Yes, Principal Liu's concerns are not unreasonable. Of course, even if it is difficult, I will give it a try."

Zhang Rulin said in a deep voice.

He knew that these suggestions Jiang Fan said were very good. If the cafeteria can be established, it will also increase the soft power of the school.

As long as it is beneficial to the school, Zhang Rulin will naturally work hard to do it.

"Principal Zhang, don't worry too much. Maybe things are not as complicated as you think."

Jiang Fan analyzed: "In the past, our Shanhe University was not well-known, so those well-known brand stores looked down on us.

But this year, our school has become famous thanks to the efforts of the two presidents, and I think those well-known brands will be tempted.

They are even trying to join our cafeteria now."

When Zhang Rulin and Liu Dahai heard what Jiang Fan said, they slapped their thighs.

Because they knew that Jiang Fan's analysis just now made sense.

But they also knew that even if those well-known brands came to their cafeteria, they would definitely have many conditions.

At least, the rent cannot be too high.

But as long as the cafeteria can be run well, it can save students from worries.

Zhang Rulin thought that it was okay to make less money.

"It's decided. Principal Liu, you are responsible for investigating which restaurants students like to eat at, and I will be responsible for finding some well-known brand stores."

Zhang Rulin said.

"Principal Zhang, I think we should just ask these students what they think and let them vote. Whoever gets the most votes will be invited to our canteen."

Liu Dahai said.

"Okay, this saves us from going to each store in person."

Zhang Rulin also thought this was a good idea.

So Liu Dahai arranged for someone to start a vote on the school forum.

There were two voting points, one for restaurants around the school.

The other was for local well-known brand restaurants.

The school also explained the vote. The voting period was three days. After three days, the school would invite the stores with the most votes.

Invite these restaurants to settle in the canteen of Shanhe University.

For a while, the students of Shanhe University were excited.

And Jiang Fan also told those students in his group to vote well, after all, this was related to their daily meals in the future.

"The school did a good job this time, and actually adopted a voting method."

"If it weren't for this vote, I wouldn't know there are so many small restaurants near the school."

"I counted them, there are nearly a hundred, and I haven't eaten at many of them!"

"Don't say it's useless. Which one are you going to vote for? Anyway, I plan to vote for Xiao Li's Cross-Bridge Rice Noodles."

"I plan to vote for this snail noodle."

"I vote for this braised chicken rice."

"You are stupid. Now you can basically eat out for free, provided you vote for them."

"You are stupid. You voted for a fake vote for a meal. You will only suffer in the future."

Now the things on the Shanhe University forum have been known by the small restaurant owners near the school.

These people are very smart. They know that once Shanhe University implements closed management, their business will plummet.

The top priority is to find a way to join the canteen of Shanhe University.

Once they join the canteen of Shanhe University, they don't have to worry about having no business.

So the owners of these small restaurants have used all their tricks.

First they gave discounts, then they gave away food, and now they will just treat you to a free meal if you vote for them.

Now it doesn’t matter if you lose a little, as long as you can be selected to open a window in the cafeteria.

Shouldn’t you make back the money immediately?

But what these people didn’t expect was…

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