After all the seasonings such as green onion, ginger, star anise, and star anise were ready, Jiang Fan started to cook the beef.

Jiang Xinxin and Su Xiaoyu were responsible for helping him.

In fact, they didn't help much, they just shouted 666.

Although it was called stewed beef, Jiang Fan didn't stew it, but changed the method.

Jiang Xinxin and the others didn't know, anyway, they just smelled it.

"When can we eat it? I can't wait." Su Xiaoyu asked.

"It will be ready soon. I'll call Brother Liu and the others first."

Jiang Fan not only called Liu Dahai, but also Teacher An Ran, Wang Jianhua, Li Mingjue, and even Teacher Zhou, three special teachers.

"You two girls are lucky. You can eat the food made by Brother Jiang Fan every day.

To be honest, I want to work part-time here during the summer vacation."

Teacher An Ran said enviously.

In fact, not to mention Teacher An Ran, even Liu Dahai and others have this idea in their hearts.

Of course, as teachers, it is impossible for them to really come here to work part-time.

They are just talking.

However, Jiang Xinxin and Su Xiaoyu were nervous for a while.

After everyone arrived, Jiang Fan brought up the beef and offal he made.

Seeing the full pot of beef, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Is this a feast we can have without spending any money?"

Ding Xiaomin said with a smile: "If it were outside, this portion of beef would cost a lot of money."

"Who says it's not? The key is that no matter how much money you spend, you may not be able to eat such delicious food."

Teacher Zhou echoed.

"To be honest, the most fortunate thing in my life is that I met Brother Jiang, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat such delicious beef."

Wang Jianhua smiled.

"Who says it's not? Since I met Brother Jiang, my taste has improved a lot."

Li Mingjue also said.

"Okay, you haven't eaten it yet, how can you say that the beef I made is delicious?"

Jiang Fan smiled and said: "Actually, this is the first time I've made beef. We can only know whether it's delicious after we have eaten it."

"Brother Jiang, don't be modest. If you don't make it delicious, no one in the world can make it delicious."

Liu Dahai said.

Everyone believed Liu Dahai's statement without a doubt.

Jiang Fan said nothing more and asked Jiang Xinxin and Su Xiaoyu to distribute bowls and chopsticks to everyone.

"You won't know if it tastes good until you try it!"

Jiang Fan said, "Don't be polite, let's eat!"

Everyone had smelled the fragrance a long time ago, but they could only smell it but not eat it.

Now they picked up a piece of beef as soon as they got the chopsticks.

Ding Xiaomin picked up a piece of beef and put it directly into her mouth.

Suddenly, a smell of meat and onion entered her nostrils.

"Delicious, really delicious!"

Ding Xiaomin couldn't help but praise it.

"I thought the beef was very hard, but I didn't expect it to be rotten immediately after a bite.

The key is that it tastes very fragrant, and the combination of coriander and onion is simply amazing."

Teacher An Ran also said.

"This is beef offal, I didn't expect that beef offal tastes good and is chewy."

Liu Dahai said in surprise after eating a few pieces of beef offal.

This pot is mostly some beef offal, and only a small part is beef.

But what surprised them was that the offal tasted delicious.

A big pot of beef was eaten by everyone in less than half an hour.

"You guys eat too fast, don't you?"

Jiang Xinxin and Su Xiaoyu looked at the group of teachers in front of them with explosive fighting power and complained in their hearts.

They thought that Teacher An Ran and others would take their status into consideration and eat more politely.

Unexpectedly, these people were wilder than each other and ate so fast.

Even before they had time to finish the previous piece, they had already picked up the next piece of beef.

Don't ask, the answer is one less piece, one less piece, you have to eat one more piece.

As for reservedness and politeness, can that thing be eaten as a meal?

Especially when eating the food made by Jiang Fan, you can't be polite.

You can't speak either.

Because if you are distracted, you may eat three pieces of meat less.

If you say a word, you will find that the food is directly reduced by half.

"You're not full, are you? I left some for you in the pot. You can eat it later."

Just as Jiang Xinxin was muttering to herself, she felt something warm beside her ears.

It turned out that Jiang Fan came over and whispered in her ear.

While saying something.

This action made Jiang Xinxin a little flustered, but Jiang Fan talked to Liu Dahai and others again after he finished speaking.

In fact, Liu Dahai and others were not full, but Jiang Fan had prepared it in advance. He also prepared some mutton offal soup.

Today, I bought so much beef and mutton. In addition to the ox head given by the other party, there are also some beef and mutton offal.

Jiang Fan also made a pot of mutton offal soup.

In fact, mutton offal soup is also very delicious and the method is simple.

After cleaning the mutton offal with clean water, blanch it directly.

After the water boils, there will be a layer of white foam on it. Just clean the white foam with a spoon.

After the water boils for a while, take out the mutton offal.

If you feel that the mutton offal is not clean and needs to be rinsed, you must use hot water, not cold water.

After processing, you can directly pour the processed mutton offal into the pot.

At this time, you need to add water to the pot. At this time, you should also use hot water directly, or pour in boiling water directly.

After adding the right amount of boiling water, you can add seasonings to the pot.

Seasonings such as green onions, ginger, star anise, oyster sauce, etc.

In fact, stewing mutton offal soup and stewing pig intestines with tofu are basically the same routine, except that one of them has tofu.

Before turning off the heat, add the right amount of table salt and pepper.

As with stewing pig intestines with tofu, pepper is the soul, and those who like pepper can add more.

Because pepper has its own spicy taste, there is no need to add chili when stewing mutton offal.

Jiang Fan asked Jiang Xinxin and Su Xiaoyu to serve everyone a bowl of mutton offal soup.

"Jiang Xinxin and Su Xiaoyu are both high-cold goddesses. I didn't expect them to be very well-behaved in front of you."

Teacher An Ran smiled.


I didn't notice it, but they are both very well-behaved and obedient."

Jiang Fan said.

Soon the mutton offal soup was served.

"I have already added some pepper, but if you feel that it is not enough, you can add some more. There is also coriander, you can add it as you like."

Jiang Fan reminded.

He picked up some coriander and put it in his bowl.

Coriander is used for seasoning. Adding some coriander when making cold dishes or boiling soup can make the food more delicious.

Of course, some people can't get used to the smell of coriander, which can't be forced.

It's just like some people like to eat snail noodles, but some people can't stand the smell of snail noodles.

Wang Jianhua picked up the mutton soup and took a sip.


Wang Jianhua shouted after taking a sip.

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