The soup was so delicious that it was hard to eat.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Dahai and others looked at Wang Jianhua.

Because they hadn't had time to drink the mutton offal soup, they didn't know that Wang Jianhua was like this because of the mutton offal soup.

"Hurry up and taste this mutton offal soup. The taste...

Forget it, you'll know once you taste it."

Wang Jianhua said mysteriously.

"It must be that this mutton offal soup is delicious, otherwise he wouldn't be like this."

Liu Dahai and others immediately picked up the bowl and took a sip.

There was a spicy feeling as soon as it entered the mouth, and there was also the unique taste of mutton and mutton offal.

At the same time, because of the coriander, there was a fragrant taste in the soup.

So, Liu Dahai and others also showed an expression of enjoyment.

"This mutton offal soup is really delicious."

"That's right, who would have thought that these mutton offal soups would be so delicious."

"In fact, there are small restaurants that sell this kind of mutton offal soup. I ate it once, but I never ate it again because it didn't taste good.

I thought mutton offal soup was just like that, but today I found out that this mutton offal soup is not what I thought it was.

It's because the owner of the small restaurant didn't have good skills, so the mutton offal soup he made was not delicious."

Li Mingjue said.

"Indeed, this mutton offal soup tastes very good."

Liu Dahai also said.

"Not only is the soup delicious, but the mutton offal is also delicious."

Teacher An Ran and Teacher Ding Xiaomin said at the same time.

"In fact, this mutton offal soup is best to drink in winter. In cold weather, drink a bowl of steaming mutton offal soup, I guarantee that you will sweat all over in a while.

You won't feel cold at all."

Jiang Fan said.

Whether it is shabu-shabu mutton or mutton offal soup, it is better to eat in winter.

Of course, this does not mean that you cannot eat mutton in other seasons, but it is better to eat more mutton in winter.

(It is especially important to note that girls cannot eat mutton during their menstrual period.)

"Brother Jiang, don't say anything. You must make mutton soup in winter.

No matter how much money it costs, your brother Zhou will take care of your business."

Teacher Zhou said.

"Okay, Teacher Zhou, do you still need to take care of my brother Xiaofan's business?

What I am worried about is not the lack of business, but the business is too good, there are too many people buying, and I can't handle it."

Ding Xiaomin smiled.

Teacher Zhou then remembered that Jiang Fan was not worried about the lack of business.

"I don't care. Anyway, no matter how good your business is, you have to leave a meal for me.

To be honest, I came to work at Shanhe University because of you, brother Jiang."

Teacher Zhou said unreasonably.

They are already very familiar with each other, and they can say anything.

In fact, Jiang Fan also knew that Teacher Zhou and the other three stayed at Shanhe University because of him.

However, the parties involved had not directly pointed it out. Now that Teacher Zhou had directly said it, Jiang Fan was still somewhat touched.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhou, I dare not say anything else to you guys. As long as I am still in Shanhe University, I will definitely leave a meal for you."

Jiang Fan promised.

"Brother Jiang, if you have any problems in the future, please tell us. We will definitely help you if we can. Even if we can't help, we will find a way to help."

Wang Jianhua said.

"That's right, as long as we can help you, we will definitely help you."

Liu Dahai and others also said hurriedly.

"Me too."

Jiang Xinxin whispered to Jiang Fan while others were not paying attention.

Of course, she said it close to Jiang Fan's ear.

"You too?"

Jiang Fan was stunned and didn't understand what Jiang Xinxin meant.

"I said if you have any problems, I will also help you."

Jiang Xinxin hurriedly explained.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Fan thanked.

Su Xiaoyu didn't say anything, but waited for everyone to leave, and actively cleaned the table and cleaned up.

"Xiaoyu, you just had a meal, you can take a rest before cleaning up."

Jiang Fan hurriedly advised.

"It's okay, clean up early, and you can rest early, brother Jiang Fan."

Su Xiaoyu said.

In recent days, many students have left, so the workload of the cafeteria is not very large.

However, because many windows need to be renovated, and the renovation is in the afternoon, Jiang Fan will no longer open for business in the evening.

Zhang Xue next door has also moved away, right next to the previous window.

Speaking of which, Zhang Xue's new window is still next to Jiang Fan.

"Brother Xiaofan, do you know that Uncle Chen's shop

It seems to be closing down. "

Zhang Xue said when she saw Jiang Fan coming in.

"I don't know. Why would it close down?"

"Brother Xiaofan, you really don't know?"

"How should I know?

I went there a few days ago. At that time, his business was pretty good. Except for the high prices, there was nothing special."

Jiang Fan thought for a while and said.

However, Jiang Fan felt that even if the prices were a bit high, it would not be so expensive that it would close down in just a few days.

Zhang Xue looked at Jiang Fan for a while and found that he was not lying, so she sighed slightly.

"You may not know that Uncle Chen's beef and mutton are not of good quality either. They are not as good as before.

But they still sell them at the previous prices, so there are fewer customers.

Later, I heard that Uncle Chen's wife bought a truckload of even worse beef and mutton, but no one wanted them, and the beef and mutton went bad. "

Zhang Xue briefly explained it, but she did not say that it was because of Jiang Fan that Chen Jun had no customers.

Although the lack of customers in Chen Jun's store was related to Jiang Fan, this matter had nothing to do with Jiang Fan himself.

So Zhang Xue did not intend to tell Jiang Fan the real reason.

"Did Uncle Chen call you and ask you to buy beef and mutton from him?"

Jiang Fan asked.

"No, I heard it from others, but Uncle Chen called me and said he would leave here in two days.

Uncle Chen also mentioned you, and he said he was sorry for not selling those good quality beef and mutton all the time."

Zhang Xue took a moment to glance at Jiang Fan and said: "In addition, Uncle Chen said that if you want to eat the steamed buns you make, you don't have to have beef or mutton fillings, vegetarian fillings are also fine. "

Jiang Fan didn't say anything. If the quality of Chen Jun's place was the same as before, he would not change places.

It doesn't matter if it's more expensive.

He wants good things just to better reflect the taste of the food.

"I went to Han's shop now. The quality of his beef and mutton is not bad. If you need beef and mutton in the future, you can go to Han's shop to have a look."

Jiang Fan said.

As for the matter of Shaomai, Jiang Fan didn't say anything.

Zhang Xue didn't ask.

She just sighed in her heart.

This matter really can't blame Jiang Fan, but Uncle Chen's wife.

However, the next day, when Zhang Xue was going to the farmer's market, Jiang Fan came over with a bag.

"Let's go, I also want to go to the farmer's market."

Jiang Fan said.

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