The cooking oil is not needed in this step.

However, if you are afraid of sticking to the pan, you can put less cooking oil.

Jiang Fan stirs the pork belly from time to time, so that the pork belly can be heated evenly.


The water in the pork belly is constantly evaporating, making a sizzling sound.

After a while, the cooking oil in the pot is getting more and more.

This is not all cooking oil, a large part of it comes from the pork belly.

Most of the pork belly is fat, with a lot of fat.

The purpose of this step is to drain the fat from the pork belly.

Only in this way can the roasted pork belly be fat but not greasy, otherwise it will be greasy when you bite it.

Jiang Fan stirred the pot while using a spoon to scoop out the excess oil in the pot.

This oil can be reused and is very fragrant when used to cook dishes.

At this time, the pork belly has changed color and the surface has turned slightly yellow.

But it is not enough!

All the pork belly must be golden yellow.

This step must be mastered. If it is too early, the fat in the pork belly will be less, and when you make the braised pork, it will definitely be greasy.

But you can't keep stirring it to control all the fat, and don't take it out of the pot.

In this way, the texture of the pork belly will change.

It will become dry and will not taste soft and delicious, but hard and difficult to chew.

After all the pork belly turned golden yellow, Jiang Fan stopped the fire.

He took out the pork belly for use.

At this time, the pork belly has been processed, and the next step is to make sugar color.

If you want the braised pork to look good and have bright colors, making sugar color is an important step.

After cleaning the system wok, Jiang Fan put an appropriate amount of water in the wok, and then poured in some rock sugar.

Turn on the high heat, Jiang Fan keeps stirring the rock sugar.

As the temperature rises, the rock sugar quickly becomes crispy, and then it breaks with a light touch.

As the temperature continues to rise, all the rock sugar has melted, and bubbles begin to appear in the pot.

The bubbles at this time are large, which means the water is evaporating.

When the pot is full of large bubbles, continue to simmer on medium heat and stir constantly.

Soon the bubbles become dense small bubbles. This stage is frosting, which is suitable for making sugar-coated peanuts.

Jiang Fan ate it when he was a child, but he didn't know what the name of the sugar-coated peanuts was.

It's okay that Jiang Fan didn't prepare the peanuts in advance, otherwise he could make sugar-coated peanuts by rolling them directly in the pot.

At this time, continue to heat, but use a low heat, the lower the better.

Jiang Fan did not dare to be careless, although he bought a recipe book for making braised pork.

It contains the most complete method and experience of boiling sugar, but Jiang Fan still did not dare to be careless.

Slowly, the transparent bubbles turned into yellow bubbles, which should be light yellow.

At this time, it is the state of hanging silk.

(It is a pity that I did not take photos. I have made candied eggplant before)

As the name suggests, this state can be used to make a series of candied foods such as candied sweet potatoes, candied apples, and candied eggplant.

However, the sugar color needed to make braised pork has to be boiled.

Or boil it on low heat!

Soon the sugar color turns amber.

The sugar color at this stage is suitable for making candied haws.

It is a pity that Jiang Fan did not prepare hawthorn, otherwise he could make candied haws.

(Those who want to eat candied haws can try it. As long as the sugar is boiled, the layer of rock sugar wrapped on the hawthorn will be crisp)

However, this is still not the sugar color Jiang Fan needs, and he has to continue boiling it.

The sugar color continues to deepen.

At this time, you can turn off the heat and use the residual heat of the wok to heat it.

Keep stirring, and the sugar color will slowly turn into a reddish red.

It's done now.

This is the state of sugar boiling required to make braised pork.

In fact, it's not just braised pork, but also some braised food.

Those braised pig's trotters look red and beautiful, and they are boiled like this.

Jiang Fan saw that it was almost done, and poured the previously processed pork belly into the pot.

After stirring evenly, Jiang Fan poured in the boiling water prepared in advance.

Remember it must be boiling water!

And when adding water, add enough water at one time, and it's best not to add water in the middle.

Seeing that the boiling water has exceeded the pork belly, Jiang Fan stopped adding water.

After stirring for a while, Jiang Fan added eight

Aniseed, and ginger slices.

Jiang Fan added some soy sauce and oyster sauce.

If you want the braised pork to taste delicious, you can pour some beer into the pot.

After putting it in, start cooking it on high heat.

Because it was boiling water, Jiang Fan only used high heat to simmer for more than ten minutes before switching to low heat to simmer slowly.

Stir it from time to time to prevent the pork belly from sticking to the pot.

During this time, Jiang Fan started to roll the dough. He only planned to sell two pots of steamed buns at noon today.

So it didn't take him long to knead the steamed buns.

Because there was plenty of time, Jiang Fan skewered some lamb after kneading the steamed buns.

Because there was a system space, Jiang Fan was not afraid that the ingredients would go bad.

At this time, Jiang Fan looked at the pork belly in the pot again. He tested it with chopsticks and found that it could be directly pierced through.

At this time, the pork belly was already stewed, but the color was not red.

Jiang Fan knew that this was because the sauce had not been collected. As long as the excess sauce in the pot was collected, the color of the pork belly would turn red.

Five minutes later, the sauce was collected!

The pork belly in the pot had changed color, with bright colors and fragrant aroma.

Jiang Fan couldn't help but taste a piece. It was soft, glutinous and sweet, without any fishy smell or greasiness.

On the contrary, the braised pork was very delicious and juicy, and the meat was also very tender, without any greasy or dry feeling.


Jiang Fan gave himself a score.

Look at the time, it's almost time!

Jiang Fan hurriedly put the steamed buns into the pot and started steaming.

It can be steamed in more than 20 minutes, so it's very fast.

As soon as it was done, someone came over at a very fast speed.

Jiang Fan looked and saw that it was Principal Zhang.

"Principal Zhang, why did you come so early?"

Jiang Fan was a little confused.

Can Principal Zhang say that he didn't do anything else in the morning and just thought about steamed buns?

He regretted it in his heart. If he had known, he would have bought ten directly.

Even if he wanted to try it, he could have bought one more!

But he just bought one!

He tasted it and thought it was delicious, but when he wanted to eat it again, it was gone!

This feeling is the most uncomfortable. If he had known, he would have been better off not trying it!

He wanted to eat it but it was gone!

He was so hungry if he didn't eat it!

But you can't eat anything you want!

So when Principal Zhang saw that the time was almost up, he came over directly.

"Jiang Fan, right? Give me ten steamed buns first!"

Principal Zhang said as soon as he came over.

"Okay, I'll give you steamed buns!"

Originally, Jiang Fan didn't plan to charge, but Principal Zhang had already paid.

"What's this smell? It smells so good, and it smells even better than steamed buns. It seems to smell like braised pork!"

Principal Zhang suddenly smelled the smell of braised pork.

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