“Okay, white sauce braised veal, please enjoy!”

Qianyu brought the finished dish to the podium and handed it to Chapel.


Chapel looked at Qianyu’s cooking and hummed softly.

“The dish has a shiny surface without being greasy. The aroma of garlic and parsley is just right, not covering up the original taste of the meat.”

“Not bad!”

Chapel couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

He picked up the knife and fork and put it into one of the pieces of veal.


Chapel’s face suddenly changed.

The rich and fragrant juice splashed out of the veal!

“”So tender!”

The knife and fork went in without any resistance!

The meat was as tender as a newborn calf.!

“It feels like a fork is inserted into a piece of extremely delicate cake!”

“”It’s so smooth!”

The tender beef is full of juice.

The aroma of various seasonings and ingredients added during the cooking process is perfectly blended in the juice concentrated from the broth.

“The perfectly seasoned sauce evenly coats every piece of veal!”

“And when heated to the right temperature, the flavor slowly seeps into every crevice of the veal!”

“The fork touched it lightly, squeezing out the rich juice in the gaps between the meat, which then splashed everywhere!”

“Tender! So tender!”

Chapel only touched the beef lightly with a fork.

The rich juices flowed out like a waterfall, wrapping everyone who saw this scene tightly in the mellow and sweet soup!

The classroom was filled with exclamations of surprise!

“good…The meat is so tender! From a distance, it feels like touching a baby’s skin, so smooth and tender!”

“So shocking…It looks even more tender than what Mr. Chapelle made just now. Is it because of the difference in meat quality?”

“No, the meat is the same, but the dish made by Qianyu and Alice is more attractive than the one made by Teacher Chapel just now.”

“Did Qianyujun make any improvements to the recipe? It looks so delicious, I want to have a taste.”

Chapel tried to restrain the urge to swallow his saliva while slowly putting a piece of veal into his mouth.

After the veal was completely put into Chapel’s mouth, Chapel closed his mouth and chewed it gently.


“This fresh taste! This mellow aroma!”

“It was as if a newly born calf was bathing in the warm sunshine in my mouth, enjoying the breath of life of nature!”

“The veal seemed to come alive! The unique fresh aroma of veal filled my entire mouth!”

At this moment, Chapelle couldn’t help but reveal a long-lost smile.

This is a kind of diners’ most sincere emotions for food that can’t help but be revealed when they fully enjoy the delicious taste of the ingredients and are completely immersed in the perfect fantasy created by the food!


“The”chef who can’t laugh” actually laughed!

Seeing Chapelle sitting on the podium with a big grin on his face.

Everyone in the classroom was so shocked that their jaws almost dropped!

“What kind of dish is this that would make Teacher Chapel laugh out loud at the deliciousness contained in it!”

The students in the audience looked at the white sauce beef stew made by Qianyu in front of Chapel, and at Chapel who closed his eyes and smiled wantonly. They were all horrified.

They were horrified by the dish made by Qianyu!

What kind of first-year student could make Chapel, who had not had any effect for who knows how long, laugh with such a common French dish!

They racked their brains, and all they could think of, apart from making unexpected improvements to the recipe, was to grasp the most subtle details of every cooking!

Countless details piled up and intertwined together to create a perfect work that would eventually detonate the taste buds of diners!

Everyone looked at the backs of Qianyu and Alice.

This is the strongest pair of impeccable combinations, which type do they belong to?

Did they make more perfect improvements to the ingredients without authorization?

It seems wrong. They didn’t see Qianyu do anything that was very different from the recipe.

Is it because every detail of cooking has been grasped to the top and most perfect?

The first-year student…Can it really be done to this extent? ?

Even the chefs of high-end restaurants who have worked on the frontline battlefield for decades, no one dares to pat their chests and guarantee that they can perfectly understand the details that need to be paid attention to when cooking a new dish that they have just come into contact with.

And to master it perfectly.

This is almost impossible.

Everyone can only think of one situation, that is, Qianyu has made this dish countless times long ago.

That’s why it seems so handy and easy.

There is no other possibility!

No one can reach this amazing level in the first grade!

Even if he is Natsume Qianyu who became one of the top ten in the first grade!…………………………

PS: Kanata Omi: Hello, readers~ I am Kanata~. Hehe, Kanata today is more motivated than ever before, especially after reading the author’s book, I really want to try Chiba’s cooking. Although I am very sleepy, I…I’m not sleeping! But I have to change direction….From now on, I will focus on the best charm of Kanata…Let you see enough of my sleeping posture…So, please support me with ratings and flowers….zzz

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