059. Rumors [Fourth Update】

"Hey, did you hear that in the morning class, almost all the students in one class got an E grade!"

"Is this true? It's only the first day of school. Which lecturer is so strict?"

"I heard that it was Lecturer Roland Chapelle"

"No wonder. I heard that Lecturer Chapelle did something similar in the junior high school department. It seems that it is the same this time. It is too strict!"

"Please don't let me run into Lecturer Chapelle's class!"

Less than an hour after the class ended, what happened in Baimu's training classroom this morning spread throughout the first grade of the junior high school. It was the end of class at this time, and all the students were well-informed. There were many students standing in the corridor whispering to each other. All of these students were frightened by this sudden news.

Those who can be promoted to the high school department are all top students in the junior high school department. This time, everyone in the classroom got an E grade, which inevitably made other students feel a little scared, because there are only a few lecturers in the first grade of the entire Yuanchu Junior High School Department. Sooner or later, everyone will run into Lecturer Chapelle's class. If they get an E grade at that time...

Suddenly, two figures, a man and a woman, pushed the door out of a classroom, and the boy walking in front immediately attracted the attention of the students who were communicating in the corridor.

"Hey, isn't he the arrogant transfer student?……"

"I heard that he was the only person who got an A in Lecturer Chapelle's class.……"

"A rank?! Aren't all of them E rank?"

"Where did you get this information? My friend who was in Professor Chapelle's classroom just now told me that the transfer student used at least 20 or 30 kitchen knives when making the dish. All the kitchen knives were spinning around on the ceiling, and even Professor Chapelle was stunned!"

"Huh? Are you talking about the plot in the movie? How is it possible for kitchen knives to be spinning around on the ceiling?! How can one person operate 20 or 30 kitchen knives?! Is he the Thousand-armed Guanyin?"

"Wait, how come I heard there were hundreds of kitchen knives?"

Out of awe of all the E-level students, the students were not discussing loudly.

They looked at Bai Mu and the girl behind him as if they were looking at monsters, especially those students who had heard more exaggerated rumors.

They seemed to be afraid that Bai Mu would suddenly shoot out a kitchen knife and treat them as food.

In short, in the mouths of the people in the third cooking room (the cooking room where Lecturer Chapelle taught), Bai Mu was simply a machine that controlled knives and dismembered food without emotion.

All food in his hands would be chopped into pieces in an instant.

His miraculous cooking skills were enough to exaggerate.

It was scary enough.

Of course, those who looked at Shiraki with fear were only a minority.

As students of Totsuki Academy, who grew up in a privileged environment? Who doesn’t have a bit of arrogance? At this moment, many people were staring at the figure that kept moving forward, some clenched their fists, and some exuded fighting spirit.

Under such a gaze, Tanadore Megumi behind Shiraki naturally trembled again.

As a student who always ranked last, when had she ever experienced such a gaze baptism? If it weren’t for Shiraki in front, she would have been scared and huddled on the ground trembling.

"Oh, this is it."

Finally, after walking to the door of a cooking training room, Shiraki stopped and waved to the two figures inside. Tanado Kei carefully poked her head out from behind Shiraki and saw Yoshino Yuuki and Sakaki Ryoko greeting her.

"Hey, Xiaohui, are you guys done too?"

Yuuki and Ryoko were cleaning the kitchen counter in front of them.

When they saw Shiraki and Tanomo Hui come in, they immediately greeted them.

Shiraki looked at the whiteboard in the classroom.

The course in this classroom should be classic cod salad, which is a Catalan home-cooked dish in Spain if I remember correctly.

It is also a classic dish.

During the one month in Polar Star Dormitory, Shiraki did not patronize salted fish.

At least he had read all the textbooks of the junior high school.

Except for the lack of practical training experience, in theory, he is similar to the first-year students of the high school department.

"Thanks to Shiraki-kun, we have passed."Tadokoro Megumi ran to Yoshino Yuuki with a look of relief on her face. She finally found a few familiar faces among so many provocative eyes, which touched her deeply.

"Haha, you are in the same group with Shiraki, so you must be A-level, right?" Yoshino Yuuki asked with a smile

""Hmm... Hmm!" I don't know what she thought of, the expression on Tanaka Hui's face was dull for a moment, and then she nodded.

"Thanks to Shiraki-kun, we were able to pass Professor Chapelle's course……"

"Eh? Lecturer Chapelle?"

Hearing this familiar name suddenly, Yuuki and Ryoko looked at each other, then remembered Tanaka's reaction just now, and turned their heads away stiffly.

"You, you guys can't be the only group that passed Lecturer Chapelle's course, right?"

"Yes, it took a little effort."

Shiraki nodded and looked at Yoshino Yuuki and the others with some curiosity,"What level are you?"

"We just...+"Yoshino Yuuki and Sakaki Ryoko looked at each other again, and suddenly realized that they had been easily diverted from the topic. Yoshino Yuuki hurriedly stepped forward and approached Shiraki and said

"This is not important. By the way, Baimu, we just heard a very exaggerated rumor. It is said that in Professor Chapelle's class, a student used dozens of kitchen knives to form a knife array covering the entire training room. All the ingredients would be chopped instantly under the knife array. The most exaggerated thing is that the person also used the kitchen knife to heat the ingredients. The final dish���Even Instructor Chapelle was full of praise. Could that person be you?"

Yoshino Yuuki became more and more excited as she spoke, and at the end she even performed a set of Chinese boxing on the spot, although her movements looked weird.

"Who told you this?" Bai Mu interrupted Yoshino Yuuki with a frown on his face. Although what she said was basically correct, why did it look so weird when combined with Yoshino Yuuki's movements?

"Do we need to hear about this? The news must have spread all over the classroom. After all, it was a big event that almost the entire class only got E grades in the first class! Maybe a large number of students will be expelled soon. Everyone is panicking now."

Yoshino Yuuki patted her chest with lingering fear after she finished speaking,"I was shocked when I first heard the news. I thought to myself, I must not meet Lecturer Chapelle."


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