Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 10 - Trouble at the restaurant.

Alex, Takumi, and Isami are riding on their motorcycles to the school ground, a gentle smile is formed on Alex's face. Of course, he would smile, he met old friends, made new friends and he is enjoying his time in Totsuki.

Right now he is enjoying the nice and cold breeze that hits his face as he rides his motorcycle. The three-man had decided that they should explore Totsuki's grounds a little. They passed by the staff buildings, The ingredients shops, the equipment shops, and finally the research societies grounds. Its a vast ground filled with many buildings, each one house many clubs that are dedicated to creating new dishes in their respective fields.

"Oi! Takumi, are you planning on joining any RS soon?" Alex was curious about what Takumi and his brother are planning on doing. A lot of new first years join RSs to develop their own cooking.

"I have no interest in any RS, but I am planning on taking a look at one of the Italian RS." Takumi speeds up a little so he can hear Alex a little on his motorcycle, it's windy and his voice can't be heard completely.

"Then let us go now.." Alex suggested to go now, there is enough time to until their class begins. Takumi and Isami agreed with him and followed him.

On their way, Alex's eyes caught someone who he had completely forgotten for the past days. It was his little brother Soma. He was standing with some dark blue-haired girl looking at posters on the board.

"Soma...!" Alex stopped behind Soma and called for him making the later turn to look with a surprise. He saw his Aniki with two other boys riding on a motorcycle.

"Oh! Aniki!!" Soma came running to his brother who ruffled his hair out of habit. " What brought you here??" he asked.

"Me and my Friends here are looking for the Italian RS, and You??" Alex answered before he realized he hadn't introduced the Siblings yet. " Ah!! let me introduce you, Takumi and Isami Aladini, they're my dormmates. " he gestured at Takumi and Isami, then he turned to Soma " This my younger brother guys. You probably know him already." he said with a smile. If Takumi remembers him from the entrance ceremony then he could remember Soma too.

"Yes, We do.." Takumi extended his hand to Soma for a handshake " Nice to meet you, Saiba Soma-kun."

Soma returned the handshake and he laughed " No, it's Yukihira Soma, not Saiba..." He said causing Takumi to be confused.

"Let me introduce you to Tadakuro Megumi. She is my dormmate too." Soma pointed at Megumi who is hiding behind him. After she was mentioned she bowed for the boys meekly.

After they were done introducing themselves, Takumi neared Alex and asked why their last names different to which Alex answered simply with " Same Father, different mother." At that Takumi understood, it wasn't strange for a man to take multiple wives in this age, especially since men are in few numbers compared to women.

"Then, how about we guys all go see some--" Before Alex could finish his sentence, his phone range. He apologized and brought out his phone

"Yes, better be something important" The caller was the manager he appointed at his new restaurant

[Young Master, Someone is causing trouble for us here. He insisted that he meets the owner of the restaurant.] The man on the phone was speaking nervously.

"You mean to say that you couldn't take care of a single person?!!" Alex's mood turned bad and clear for the boyz and girl near him.

[No, it's not like that. This person seems to have some kind of influence in this area. Our customers are becoming less and less. we are taking care of that problem, but this person entered the restaurant and doesn't want to leave until he sees the owner.] The manager can't do anything to this person, each time they rebel him he comes back with more trouble for them.

"....Fine, I am on my way." Alexander hung up the phone, he turned to his friends and brother and apologized. "I have some problems to take care of at my restaurant, sorry I gotta go." Takumi's ears shot open at the mention of Alex's restaurant.

"Wait, Can I accompany you, I want to see your restaurant." Takumi is interested in the restaurant that Alex's run, he wants to see what kind of food is being made there.

Alex just smiled and nodded " Why not. let's go, its about an hour from here." Alex turned his motorcycle and speed up followed by the Aladini's sibling but he didn't forget to say goodbye to his brother.

"See you again, Otouto yo!!" Alex waved at Soma as he dusted him, leaving towards the gates of totsuki.

"What do we do now, Soma-kun?" Megumi asked Soma who was still looking at his brother, Megumi saw his eyes and thought he may be thinking about something serious

"Those motorcycles are cool!! I should get me one too." Said Soma with all seriousness making Megumi blame her innocent self for thinking that he was thinking about something important.

"Well Megumi, let's go see the Don RS for now." Soma turned to walk in the direction of the RSs grounds.

As Alex and the Aladini's brothers reached the Tokyo restaurant of the Red Cloud Group. Takumi and Isami gasped at how big it is, It was a three-story building with a front made of glass. The Logo of the Red Cloud Group is on top of the building giving a sense of pride to the building.

The trio made their way to the restaurant. It was empty at the moment, The staff was standing nervously as they saw Alexander enter the building. The manager came running to him as he sweats.

"Young Master!! " The manager bowed sharply in front of Alex. He was stopped from bowing as Alex

wanted information about the current situation.

"Tell me what is wrong in less than 100 words " Alex sat on the nearest table with Takumi and Isami. The manager looked the two boys with hesitant eyes making Alex wave at him to just continue, there is nothing to hide.

The manager nodded as he tried to summarize everything in 100 words " So, What happens is, this area of Tokyo has only two large restaurants, Ours and another restaurant that was here for some years before us. The customers of that restaurant came to our shop after hearing about our food making the business for the other restaurant go down." At this point everything is great but...

"You see, some boy came demanding for us to change our location because according to him, this is their territory. After we refused, Rumors about our ingredients being low quality and that we are using some kind of light addiction drugs in our food. There was even a rumor of us cooking cat and dogs food. After that, no customers returned even if we tried to explain ourselves."

Alex's eyes had a dark glint in them. trying to take down your rival is a common thing in any industry. But this is just too much, they basically want to ruin us, Thought Alex. Surprisingly Takumi and Isami thought the same. Their eyes looked as if they were familiar with such things. It seems they went through this.

Alex stood up after a little time of thinking, he looked at his friends and apologized " Sorry guys, you'll have to return alone. I will be staying here for some time"

Takumi smiled and stood up " It's okay, but more importantly, we will help." Said Takumi, his eyes are holding rage inside them, he had always despised such action " If there is anything that I can do, please tell me. Me and Isami will be glad to help." Takumi said with earnest eyes, Isami nodded at Alex in agreement. They've become friends and if this isn't the time to show their friendship, then when will it be?!

Alex thought for a moment and then he said " Actually there is! " His words made the brothers happy " How about you guys work here this next 3 days?"

"Of course! count us in!!" The Aladini's brother said with excitement to which Alex laughed happily. These are good chef, that would be quite useful in his plan and Takumi is a handsome boy, he needs to get in these girls and women.

Takumi didn't know why but his body shivered suddenly.

Alex pulled out his phone and called for his assistance " Hello, it's me...Yes, I am out of school with Takumi and Isami-kun...Yes, take care of our absence in school for the next 3 days and inform Natasha-san too."

"Its time to counter fire with fire!" Alex looked out of the restaurant as he saw a few people observing the inside of the restaurant. His smile grows wider as he thought he will be having a little fun destroying the other party.


Don't forget to hit me up on Patr-eon.


Chapter 12 is already out (Chapter 13 is in progress)

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