Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 11 - Red Cloud VS Mayuri Group!

"You!! hurry up and clean that table quickly" Alex is instructing the waiters to move to the empty table. The past 2 days were really exciting for Alex, he got to work against unfair odds. It made him smile in a single day more than he did in a week in the past.

Many things were changed. Instead of placing the kitchen at the back of the restaurant where no one can see anything. He decided to give a show. The customers now can watch as their food is being made. the chefs are instructed to make their cooking as flashy as possible, no one wants to spend minutes of their life watching someone else cook.

The waiters are outside trying to invite people inside, they need at least a small amount of people to witness the show and show them that the rumors are false. After that people will come back. In the end, they were just rumors and no one saw anything.

"Beautiful Ladies, How about you be the first person to taste our new dish!!" One waiter called for a group of girl. They stopped to look at the handsome boy in front of them. This waiter is Takumi, the waiter uniform is suiting him so much and it makes him look mature with his hair pushed back revealing his forehead.

The girls agreed immediately because of his smile, but one girl stopped them " Hey, isn't this the Red Cloud Restaurant? I heard their food have drug inside of it! " Her words made her friend stop and look at Takumi with hesitation to which Takumi laughed it off

"Of course such beautiful Ladies wouldn't believe such Rumors, would you?!" Takumi smiled at them as he pointed behind him " You can clearly watch as your food is being cooked" Takumi pointed at the newly located kitchen where anyone from outside can see as the food is being made. There are already many people sitting there waiting or eating with pleased expressions.

"Besides that, wouldn't the police arrest us if we really had drugs here." Said Takumi, that sentence made the girl return to their senses, They apologized and went inside. Takumi followed them as he guided them to an empty place and went behind the kitchen and started making food for them. The girls are already thinking that he is the perfect boyfriend material.

Alex who was watching from the corner as Takumi and Isami cooking for the customers with a pleasing smile. It took a whole day to relocate the kitchen like this where people can feel safe about the rumors and one day to bring back the customers.

Alex's assistance came to him and whispered something to him. Alex's eyes had a dark glint flash in them

"Just make sure that everything is on time. I don't want any mistakes." Alex's eyes looked at his assistance with a warning look. Mistakes can't be forgiven now.

"I won't disappoint you, my Young Lord" The assistance bowed and retreated to do his job.


Mayuri Group, an above average restaurant chain that runs its business mainly in Tokyo city in multiple areas. Its restaurant serves all kind of Japanese dishes, from seafood to vegetarian food.

This group is lead by the Mayuri family with Mayuri Tanaka as the head of all branches. He is an old man with 3 sons. To prepare his children to lead the family one day, he gave each one of them a branch restaurant in a random area.

The Youngest son, and surprisingly the most talented and the one who is more likely to inherit his father. Mayuri Jintaro a third-year student at Totsuki. He took management of the Restaurant in Alexander's new restaurant's area.

At first, he didn't mind the new restaurant opening in his area as most people here are regulars of his restaurant. But apparently, that was a mistake. The new restaurant is a multicultural restaurant with all kind of food, if you order it, they will prepare it.

Some of their food is better than their own. Each day, the news of the new restaurant started spreading in the area and customers became lesser with each day.

Finally getting enough of that. Jintaro decided to call his business partner, Etsuya Eizan. a second year and The 9th seat holder in Totsuki's elite 10.

After calling Eizan, Jintaro received a chain of orders from him. He was tasked with spreading rumors around the Red Cloud Restaurant such as low-quality ingredients and illegal use of drugs in food. At first, Jintaro wasn't optimistic about such a thing but surprisngly it worked. People are sensitive to such things when the matter include the food they eat. No one wants to be addicted to drugs.

"Ahh~Such refreshment...I can finally rest." Mayuri Jintaro is sitting in his office on the 3rd floor of the restaurant drinking cold and refreshing orange juice " It's already two days since That Red Cloud Restaurant reputation went down. it is done fore. fufuf~" The boy is smiling from ear to ear. But his peace was broken by one of his staff who broke inside the office and shouted " JINTARO-SAMA!!! IT'S VERY BAD!!!"

"WH..WHat is wrong with you!!!" Jintaro's juice was spilled on his pants from the sudden surprise he received.

The staff was panting heavily as he tried to deliver the message "I...It's the customers!...."

"What about them...?"

"They ran away from the restaurant!!!" The boy took a deep breath as tears fell down on his cheeks " RATS AND C.O.C.KROACHES WERE FOUND INSIDE THE KITCHEN AND PEOPLE'S FOOD!!!!" he shouted causing Jintaro's face to pale like a ghost.

-----------------Earlier by 45 minutes-----------

One single blond-haired girl made entered the Mayuri restaurant, she was received by Waiters who guided her to an empty table.

"What would you like, My Lady?" The waiter gave her the menu, she took it and scanned the dishes.

"Give me...Miso soup, Tsukemono, and one Sashimi, please." The waiter took the menu and went back to the kitchen to give the order.

The blond girl was playing with her phone and going on social media. She was waiting for her food with a bored face. This girl is a very famous Vlogger and Youtuber in Tokyo, her followers are in thousands. She is currently updating her page on Facebook and Twitter.

After half an hour, the food arrived as the waiters from before came and put her orders in front of her.

"Please enjoy, My Lady."

"Yeah, You can leave." Her monotone voice is making the poor boy feel uncomfortable.

The blonde took chopsticks and started eating her Tsukemono while using her phone. The waiter left her to eat so he won't bother her.

Everything went very good, the hall was quiet and the atmosphere was nice and calm....Until now.

This peace was broken by a loud shout from the blond girl.

"WAITER!! WAITER!!!" She called. The whole hall looked at her, her shout made everyone pay attention.

The waiter ran to her with an anxious face "What happened, my lady?!" he asked. The girl looked at him with her blue pissed eyes

"What happened you say?!!" the girl pointed at her table and shouted again" EXPLAIN TO ME WHY MY TSUKEMONO IS ROTTEN??!!" The poor waiter's face went pale as if he saw ghosts. It was right, the lower part of the food is rotten, the vegetable has a black spot of being rotten.

The girl didn't end it here she again shouted but this time she fell on the floor, " RAT!! IT'S A RAT!!!" The girl hid behind the waiter as the small rat came out of her soup.

The whole room broke into an uproar, more people started pointing that their food had something wrong with it.

"OI!! My Sushi has a foul smell!!!"

"This soup is cold!!!"

"What is happening?!! Why is the meat in my Udon tastes strange!!"

"Kyaa!! I found a c.o.c.kroach in my food too!!!"

The staff members and chefs came out to see this scene as More people started shouting, The blond girl took her phone out and started filming this.

"How dare you give us this kind of food?!!" she shouted as she filmed the staff and the people showing and calling out their bad. The staff was speechless as they couldn't do anything. Everyone was speaking at the same time, shouts of angry women and men and even teenagers complaining.

"Give us our money back!!" Someone shouted, after him, many did the same as a chant broke out.

"Refund!! Refund!!! Refund!! Refund!! Refund!! Refund!!"

"Refund!! Refund!!! Refund!! Refund!! Refund!! Refund!!"

"Refund!! Refund!!! Refund!! Refund!! Refund!! Refund!!"

As the people are chanting for their money back. Mayuri Jintaro came down from the office to witness this scene. People swarmed him

"You Brate!! If my kid got sick, be prepared for a law-suit!!" Said an old man, he was a politician and a new regular here.

"Me too!! In fact, I don't need to wait for anything! I am calling for my lawyer now!" A middle-aged lady took her phone and made a phone call to her lawyer.

"W..wAIT EVERYONE!! THERE MUST BE SOME KIND OF MISTAKE!! " Jintaro shouted at the people, he tried to calm the situation but he only made it worse.

"YOU DARE TO SHOUT IN OUR FACES AFTER WHAT HAPPENED!!!" The blond girl from before came and filmed Jintaro and the people too. She made sure to film everything.

As if this wasn't enough. The chefs that were still in the kitchen cooking, Came out running and screaming. Behind them is a large number of rats and insects. The whole Restaurant became empty in an instant. Everyone fled from the restaurant. Everything was filmed by the blonde girl. Getting everything done. She left the scene of Jintaro being mobed by a bunch of angry people.

Later that day, One video went viral on Youtube and trended on Twitter and Facebook. It was from that girl's channel and accounts, the whole thing was caught, from the people screaming that their food is rotten and rats running out of the kitchen.

[Can you guys believe this. This was the worst day ever!! I never saw such a dirty restaurant like that!! The owner even screamed at us when he was at fault] The blonde girl was being angry at the end of the video [The Mayuri restaurant chain had such rumors on it in the past but I can't believe that it was true...You really can't trust a boy to manage a restaurant]

[Anyway guy, don't forget to subscribe, like and share my video, I will make sure to give you guys updates on this horrible event so make sure you hit that notification button to receive all my new news and videos.]

The same girl who was on youtube and other social media outlets was watching herself on her phone. She was reading the comments under her videos. To say people were angry and disgusted would be an understatement.

She was smiling from ear to ear, never in her life did she gain this much views and the number of her followers increased by another few thousands.

Just as the video ended, a message came to her phone, she swiped down and saw the e-mail, it was from her bank account.

[--To: Hanakawa Hana---

Your bank account had received a new amount of money with approximately: five hundred thousand dollars.

It will be an honor to tell you that you have received the right to use our Black Credit Card. Please go to our nearest branch to receive your card.]

The girl was so happy as she jumped from her bed " The easiest money that I have in my entire life!!!" She was so happy that she could cry.

In another place, The Red Cloud Restaurant, Alex is in his Office on the top floor watching the same video. His eyes were cold and bored, he supported his head with his arm on the chair.

An evil smirk formed on his face as he said with mocking laughed " Don't play with Dragons if You're a sheep!"

All it took was 3 days to destroy the Mayuri Restaurant's reputation in this Area.


Chapter 14 is out on Patr-eon ( Ch 15 is in progress)

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