Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 32 - Alice and Erina

Boy, I am really scared about this chapter. hope you enjoy it.????

After Totsuki's hellish training camp was over, classes resumed and students were glad that they will never have to go there again, but after a second thought, they all shivered in fear after realizing that the training camp is only the first obstacle to pass and there is many more to come.

Alice exited her class with Ryo

"I'm telling you, Ryo-kun, me and you are definitely gonna be part of the autumn selection this year." Alice was telling Ryo about the Autumn selection and when will it take place

"I know that," Ryo said with a monotone voice

"Moo! No emotions at all" Alice complained about Ryo's lake of motivation

While Alice is complaining, in front of her there was a lot of commotion. And it was getting nearer

After a while, it turned out to be Erina who was causing her fans to go wild

The two cousins met in the hallway and immediately the atmosphere turned cold

"Isn't this my precious and dear cousin?!" Alice put her hand on her mouth in disbelieve " Long time no see!" She said

Erina smiled at her " One week to be precise... " she said, "You still run around Alexander-sama?"

Alice's smile froze on her face as she said: "And what about it?"

The atmosphere was so uncomfortable and cold that the two girls' aids who witnessed this many times felt this isn't going to end well this time

"Nothing..." Erina shrugged her shoulders "I was just wondering when will I stop seeing you every time around him? It's annoying"

Alice didn't answer for a moment, Ryo wanted to get Alice to leave and end this here but he wasn't fast enough " And why should I do that? Last time I checked you weren't his girlfriend " Erina felt her face go hot "And if I remember correctly, you act like this only when he is not around. Once you're in the same room, you turn into a typical stupid girl who can't handle herself" Alice wanted to let everything out but Erina wasn't going to take it like this

"Neither was you..." She said, Ryo and Arato backed away from their ladies and so did the other students. They left this place and let the girls fight

" The last time I checked, you weren't his girlfriend either. All you do is stick around like a glue annoying and preventing any girl from being close to him while you yourself don't even have the courage to say your feelings. " Erina and Alice faced each other so close " Maybe you don't even love him anyway! "

Alice gasped " Me...?" She questioned, " In this case that would that be you isn't it?" Said Alice

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." Looks with mockery at Erina whos face is red from anger and embarrassment "...All you love about Alexander is his ability to cook. I doubt that you even love him as a person!"

Erina looked in disbelieve at Alice "I...I do n-"

"Can't blame you though, you can't even control that tongue of yours anyway." Alice stuck her tongue out in mockery if Erina's god tongue

Erina's body trembler as she clenched her fists "The only reason you're doing this is because you know how I feel. " she said, "you had always wanted revenge on me and maybe this is how you are doing it." Erina's eyes are shadowed by her bangs as she spoke

Alice humphed "Nobody cares about that revenge anymore. And to think that I would try to get Alexander just because I want revenge" Alice smiled " This is the pinnacle of stupidity! "

Erina snapped at Alice "Then why didn't you confess to him all these years!! you spend the most time with him, you had many chances to do so, then why?!!" Erina took heavy breaths and waited for Alice's respond but it never came

Alice passed by Erina and called for Ryo.

'Hmph! You think you're the center of the world. I'm going to show you...' Thought Alice

The students peaked from the corridors

Arato came to check on Erina "Erina-sama..."

Erina straightened her back and tidied her clothes "I'm sorry you had to see this unsightly scene, Let's go, I have more important matters to attend to."

Erina left to the teachers' rooms for a small meeting for the autumn selection. Arato couldn't help but feel worried about her master, but she can't interfere in the household's inside matters. She would be stepping over her boundaries by this.

Through the whole ride to the dorm, Alice was in a bad mood, something Ryo had never witnessed before, he sat with her in the car silently for the first time ever in his service for her.

He wanted to speak and lift the mood but he wasn't that great with words. It's better to stay silent for the moment, he thought.

Alice is looking out of the window thinking about that encounter with Erina.

'We went overboard back there..."She reflected, what started with mere mockery and teasing turned serious in an instant. She never wanted to take things seriously but when they questioned each other's love for the same man, they wanted to bring the other down as much as possible.

She sighed and thought more about this, this accident may cause a huge rift between her and Erina, a bigger rift than the current one.

The car reached the dorm after sunset. Alice and Ryo got out and entered the dorm, they were greeted with Natasha who is warming her body with chimney.

"Good Evening, Natasha-san..." Alice hugged the old Natasha, Ryo too sat in front of the chimney to warm his body, it's getting cold these days even though it's July "Is The Aldini's brothers and Hayama back yet?" Alice wanted to wast some time to forget today's accident.

Natasha shook her head "...But Alexander came back earlier." She said.

Alice's body froze as flashbacks of the earlier conflict came back to her.

"Then why didn't you confess to him all these years!! You just want to get in my way!!"

She remembered that line, that what pissed her the most. Alice stood up sharply and ran upstairs.

'I'm going to show you, Erina. I'm gonna do it!!" She shouted in her headed, she made her way to Alexander's room with a rush.

'I'll be the first one to take the first step, I'm no longer ready to wait.' She thought.

Alice opened Alexander's door and shouted with a cheerful voice in contrast with her earlier mood

"Alex-chan!!" she jumped on his body on the bed.

Alexander groaned in pain from the impact and opened his eyes slowly to find Alice staring in his eyes with anticipation "Let's go on a date!" she said.

"My arm!!" he shouted

and looked at her with confusion before he realized her words meaning "A what?" he asked.

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