Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 33 - Alice!

Forgive me, I wasn't in the best mental state to write, too many things were on my mind. I am trying to finish my stuff here at our shop so I can go back to the daily chapter schedule


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"My arm!!!" Alexander shouted as Alice almost crushed his cracked arm

He looked at her hatefully for a moment before he dismissed the idea. If it was someone else they would get a hole in their chest for this but since it's his friend then Alexander can't do anything to her

Alice looked at Alexander with a big smile on her face "Let's go on a date" she repeated herself, she didn't even mention his she almost broke his arm

"WHAT? NOW?!" Alexander looked outside of His window and saw it was dark

"It's the perfect time for a date, don't you think?" Alice left Alexander's body and stood straight. She extended her hand for Alexander

"..." He looked at her hand for a moment before taking it "What kind of date are we talking about here?" He wanted to know what is behind Alice and did she just suddenly wanted a date

"I don't know... "She shrugged her shoulders " ...Why don't we try to figure that out?"

Alexander sighed and dropped his shoulders, he pushed his hair back with his free hand ' Let's see where this is going?' He thought. this strange situation may lead to something unexpected.

"Yeah, let's figure that out."

Alice jumped from happiness " Yay!! Wait for me outside until I dress up" she ran outside of the room to her own room.

Alexander looked at his arm ' Here we go again...' He proceeded to take off his clothes in an awkward manner again. This what he hates about broken body parts, they all make your daily life an awkward movie

He took a nice branded hoodie from his closet and a pair of jeans.

He took the out his phone and called Vados, his temporary assistance until Vlad returns

"Vados, bring the car real quick. I am going out for some sightseeing."

Vados accepted the order and prepared the cars and headed to Totsuki with fast speed.

Alexander went downstairs and greeted Ryo and Natasha who were warming their bodies and watching TV.

"What're you watching?" He asked

Natasha chuckled "A love comedy show!" She said.

"Very good" commented Ryo. His eyes never left the TV, looks like he found something entertaining

Alexander shook his head and left the dorm and waited for his car to arrive

After 10 minutes a parade of cars arrived at the front door.

Vados got out of the car and gestured for Alexander to get in

"Not yet, I am waiting for Alice to come out" Alexander leaned on the car

"Boss, about the boys who caused you to fall down the stairs..." Vados neared Alexander and said with a low voice

"And what about them?" Alexander wasn't even interested in this as he played some word game with his phone

"We got hold of them..." Vados continued " after giving some drugs they confessed right away. They work for someone called Etsuya Eizan. He is the current 9th seat of this school."

"Hmmm, is that so?" The phone light us shining on Alexander's face as a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes for a moment " Continued... " he ordered

"Yes. Apparently, the boy named Etsuya Eizan took it upon himself to get revenge for his business partner, his partner is called Mayuri Jintaro, he is the boy who you destroyed his business after he caused some trouble to the new restaurant in his area." Vados stopped for a moment then continued " both of them are behind this..." Vados waited for Alexander's reaction

"...are they really the only ones?" He asked with mockery "...I can't imagine a single student who dares to push someone e off the stairs for someone else, let alone two at a time. You didn't finish your report..." Alexander gave Vados a side glare causing Vados to sweat a little

"It is as you said, boss. The two boys don't actually work for the 9th seat but for his elder brother. He is the leader of the local yakuza family in Tokyo. He instructed the boys to do anything to ensure his brother's orders are fulfilled."

"So we have three people to get..." Alexander put his phone back in his pocket and looked at Vados "...But first, keep the two in the warehouse until I'm free for them. Call my uncle and tell him about this Jintaro boy and let him pay a "visit" to his parents' house"

Vados bowed slightly and entered the car to make the phone call.

While Alexander is playing with his phone and leaning on his car, a faint sound of an engine is getting closer. It kept on getting closer and closer until Alexander looked up to see two lights coming through the gate.

It was the two motorcycles he gave the Aldini brothers.

Takumi and Isami stopped the bikes in front of Alexander. Behind Takumi is Hayama who asked, " Did you just arrive?"

Alexander put his phone in his pocket "Yeah, but I am leaving with Alice."

"I see.." Takumi and The boys got off the bikes and removed their helmets "And here I thought about challenging you to a match again." Takumi was a little disappointed

"Nii-chan, Alexander's hand is still hurt, leave the challenge to after he is okay," Isami told Takimi and pointed at Alexander's hand. Takumi couldn't help but agree.

Hayama massaged his stiff shoulder with his hand and sighed "Then I'm off to sleep..." He turned and headed to the front door of the dorm followed by Takumi and Isami after they parked the bikes near the door "Please Take care of yourself." Said Isami before he closed the door, Alexander only nodded at him.

Time went by and another 15 minutes passed, a frown started forming on Alexander's expression. "Just how much time does it take for a girl to wear some god damn clothes!" He spoke to himself and scratched his elbow, it was numb and itchy for a sometimes.

"Let me go see what she is doing..." Alexander headed to the front door and opened it. As soon as he did, he froze in his place. No amount of words could describe the sight he is seeing right now.

Alice is behind the door, wearing a long red dress. A golden necklace with the letter A, a pair of earrings of diamond in the shape of a fire. Her eyes are looking a little down just enough to show her full beauty, her snow hair is made in a way that her bangs are in front covering some of her forehead and eyes, enough to give you a mature and alluring feel.

Alexander stood in his place looking at Alice with his jaw on the floor, Alice looked at him and giggled as she saw her hard work didn't go to waste. Behind her are Natasha and the gang having the same reaction as Alexander.

She walked slowly as her Red and Black high heels echoed in the hall "...Shall we go?" She asked with a small smile. She extended her hand to Alexander who took it subconsciously.

When he came back to his sense, he was already in the backseat of his car with Alice beside him. Vados is the one driving this time. He was waiting for his master's orders.

Alexander looked at Alice for one more time then he looked at himself. He frowned and ordered Vados "Take me first to the best clothing store nearby...I need a suit." Alexander was serious as hell now. He wasn't going to accompany Alice around in a hoodie while she is in a high-class dress that costs thousands of dollars.

"As you wish, Boss." The cars took off and headed outside of Totsuki. The night was still young and long. It got so many surprises for the young teens.

Even for them, they would never expect how this night was gonna end. But only with time will they know.



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