Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 34 - +Alice

I am pretty nervous about this chapter, I hope you guys like it as much as I do.


If there is any mistake, please do tell me in a paragraph comment, please.


"Too serious."


"Too formal."

Inside of Tokyo's most Luxurious clothing shops, all staffs are running around the shop with different styles of suits as if their life depends on it.

Alice was sitting on a chair waiting for Alexander to come out from the Changing room. Inside Vados is helping him with another employee

He got out with a red suit and white suit, Alice looked for a moment with a thoughtful expression " Too bright." She said

"Grrr~" Alexander groaned at Alice who just took a cookie and ate not minding Alexander at all. For her, the date started the moment she got in the car and she is willing to get the most of it.

"Why don't you go around and look for a good one" Alexander gave up and sat beside Alice and sighed. Alice giggled and stood up, her red dress is shining under the heavily lighted room, just by walking and looking around, she seems like a Greek goddess.

Alexandre's eyes followed her figure and sighed. His heart is pumping fast, this is the first time he saw Alice like this, not even her sticking her b.o.o.b.s and body to him made him like this. Something about her today is making his blood run crazy inside his body

"Hmmm♪" Alice looked around the suit section followed with two females employees

"How about this one? young lady." One of them pointed at a golden suit

"NO♪" Alice refused it instantly

"Then, this one for sure..." The other one pointed with sweat going Down her cheek at one blue suit

Alice looked at it for a moment, she instructed the girl to get it for her.

The female employee ran fast and got the suit out of its plastic and handed it to Alice.

She looked at it carefully. The suit is blue with a nice feel to the fabric like you are touching a cloud. It didn't feel rough but either soft. The buttons were in gold giving it a majestic feel to it.

Alice imagined Alexander in it and smiled 'He would look so dashing in it.'

"This one." As soon as Alice said that, the girls felt so glad, this girl was gonna flip the store upside down if she continued, they thought.

Alice gave Alexander the suit " try this♪" she said.

Alexander took it and headed to the changing room, Vados and the other employee helped him to wear it probably, each time Alexander got to try a new suit he would curse the two who did this to him making him even more eager to meet them and treat them 'Nicely'

After changing he got out and immediately Alice shouted with a slight blush on her face " So Handsome!! " she said.

Alexander smiled and forgot about being annoyed when she smiled too. He checked himself in the mirror and thought ' Thanks mom and dad for your hard work' he thanked his parents for giving him good genes

"Alright to our next destination♪" Alice grabbed Alexandre's hand and ran with him outside

"Vados, pay for this and give them some tip!!" Alexander shouted as they exited the store.

Even though she is wearing high heels, Alice can run pretty fast. Both of them are running in the streets while people are looking at them, boys are looking at Alice with a red face only to get deadly glares from Alexander.

The girls looked at Alexander with a blush as they admired His look earning Alexander a few curses from Random boyfriends.

"Where are we going? Alice!" Alexander shouted as both of them kept on running in the night streets

"To the theatre! We're gonna watch a movie, like a couple!" She replied. She deliberately added the part of a couple so Alexander can get a hint

"...What're we watching?!!" He shouted again

"Let's reach the theatre first." She replied. Both of them kept on running, the theatre wasn't that far, just 7 minutes and they reached it.

Alexander's henchmen are running behind them but are making sure they keep their distance so they don't disturb them.

When Alexander and Alice reached the theatre they stopped to catch their breaths.

"So...what're we watching?" Alexander asked Alice as she leaned on his back

"Let's see the board and decide, I heard there are some good movies this week"

"Let's see..." Both of them went to the giant board and looked intensely at it, people passing by saw them as crazy with those intense glares.

"This one" Alice pointed at the right poster

"This one" Alexander pointed at the left poster

Both of them looked at each other for a moment and smiled

""We will go with my pick, right?"" They said simultaneously. Their smile never faded but a cold aura surrounded them

"An action movie on a date? You must be joking!" Alice giggled

"And why the hell would I want to watch a Romantic movie on a date?" Said Alexander

"Because...Because...." Alice's face turned red as she wanted to say why but at the same time couldn't 'It's not the right time, not the right time, Alice, pull yourself together' she thought

"Anyway..." Alexander extended his hand and firmed a fist " rock, paper, and scissors." He said

Alice froze in her place for a moment before she leaked a crafty smiled " Why not..." She said " but for your information... " she joined her hands and raised them with cold eyes " ...I had never lost once." She said.

""ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!!!" they shouted and the result was...Alice won

"Yay!! We're gonna watch the romantic one!" Alice went to get the tickets while Alexander is still looking at his hand that is formed as a rock.

Alexander's men in the background are smiling, to them, this seems like a slice of life show. They forgot that they were guards for a moment before they turned serious immediately.

Alice and Alexander entered the Cinema to watch the movie. In the middle of the movie, Alice took hold of Alexander's arm, she leaned on him slightly to reveal her body making his blood run inside of his body like crazy.

The movie wasn't that bad for Alexander but to Alice, it was very emotional as she cried during the death scene of the hero after the boat sank in the water.

But Alexander found it stupid 'just share the wood log with him you Cunt!' he thought. He wasn't alone who thought like this, All males and even his henchman at the back of the hall who are watching with them and thought the same as Alexander

Yes...They are watching Titanic.

After the movie ended both of them left the Cinema. Alice is wiping her tears.

After she calmed down she looked at Alexander who was messing with his arm cast " How was the movie? Wasn't it romantic? I told you it was good!" Alice said with red eyes from crying.

"No! It was a horror movie!" Alexander said bluntly, not even caring to disguise his dislike for the movie

"Why?!!" Alice was shocked at how can someone find the movie a horror film

"He died in the end...all because she couldn't move her ass a few millimeters so they can share that wooden log. And probably every male in that movie died." Alexander started ranting about his dislike of the movie

"What're you talking about? He gave his life for her, he was a hero who died for love!" Alice defended the movie with all she got

"Let's walk first, I don't want to talk in front of the Cinema..." Both of Alexander and Alice started walking under the night sky lite by the street lights. Although it's night time this area is still lively and filled with people and couples going around. There are food stalls all over the place

"I'm telling you, the guy was a hero, he protected the woman he loves with his life, that's the definition of romance right there"

"How the f.u.c.k is that Romantic. He died, alright. It's a tragedy. Why does every girl in the world consider that movie romantic? Hundreds of people died in there, more than half of them are men" Alexander argued back "Since when death became a love story?"

As the two of them are walking by, many couples who left the Cinema after them are walking in front of them, besides them and behind them.

Them boys are cheering for Alexander in their Hearts ' You tell them, brother!'

'That's the way!!'

'A revolutionary!'

While the girls are just looking at their boyfriends with cold glares meaning to say ' Don't ever try'

Alexander and Alice continued to argue for some time until they reached the river bank.

This place is a popular place for couples and it attracts many stall owners.

Alexander leaned against the fence bare and sighed "...Well...Are you going to tell me what is this all about?"

Alice stopped pouting and her heart skipped a little, her face turned red and hot from fear and anxiety. She gave her back to Alexander and clenched her dress ' I can do this... I can...there is no reason for him to refuse. ' She was assuring herself with everything she got. He may not have a reason but that doesn't mean he will accept either ' Everything or nothing' she thought

Alexander was still waiting for Alice to speak, his eyes are looking at her back, her white hair is shining under the street lights. Alice turned around slowly

"I thought I gave enough hints already!" She said with a smile and a red face

"You did...?" Alexander tilted his head and thought for a moment. "Care to remind me?"

Alice was fidgeting and playing with her fingers from nervousness " why do you think I called you for a date?"

"I don't know?" Alexander shrugged His shoulders. His henchmen who were close by wanted to rip their hair from the tension. Their boss was a cruel man to pretend like he doesn't know what is going on, they thought.

"You see...Alexander..." Alice's eyes and ears are turning even more than before "I...I...For a long time now...I have been in..." She couldn't even say a proper sentence from how scored she is

She knows that her move now may even damage her relationship with Alexander and they can never return like before. It's either a success or a failure. but She finally decided to risk it all

"I've been in love with for a long time!!" She said.

The area turned silent, Alice is trembling, waiting for Alexander's respond. But before she realized it she found herself in his embrace "...Me too." He said. It is true, Alice was the only girl he spent the most time in the world. She was energetic, optimistic and fun to be with. The way she carried herself around him was pleasing, how she didn't hide behind a facade made him admire her true personality.

Alice had feelings for Alexander when they were young and so did he, but for him. This feeling only developed and matured after they reached their teens and started to see each other more.

Each time they met they would spend enough time with each other while separated they think about each other. Love is truly mysterious, it comes in many forms and ways and childhood friends is one way it comes with.

The nearby people cheered for them and congratulated them. Alice looked around her and found many people looking at her with a big and bright smile

'I...I did it!" She couldn't believe herself ' I really did it!!" She felt her legs go weak and they couldn't even support her.

Alexander gave her His hand to stand up "When my hand is back to work. I'll make sure to give you a princess carry that you deserve now. But for now, walk with me home."

Alice felt her heart squeeze really hard as tears slowly descended from her red eyes, she stood up with his help and buried her face in Alexander's chest.

They decided to end this here and it was time to return home. They headed where Alexander's car is parked and his henchmen are waiting.

The nearby henchmen who witnessed thus high fived each other and passed down money to each other. They were betting if the young boss gonna return with a girlfriend tonight or not. Turns out he did, and very beautiful and stunning one on top of that.

Alexandra would be so happy to hear that her son got for himself a girlfriend and potentially...A wife.


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