Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 35 - Payback

Currently, I am busy so I don't have time to check the spelling mistakes, it will help if you could pinpoint my mistakes in a paragraph comment.

Thank you.


After Alice confessed her feelings to Alexander last night, both of them had dinner at Alexander's newly opened restaurant. He reserved the whole thing just for them, the only people who were allowed inside are Alexander's bodyguards and the chefs.

Alice and Alexander talked during the dinner about their childhood and how each one of them developed feelings for the other.

And surprisingly, both of their feelings started to bloom for each other since they first met. Well, that was just for Alice but for Alexander he only took a liking to her at that time, his love for her would bloom only after their constant separation after each time they met, he would crave to meet her again and again.

His love for Alice came from how she was so straightforward and never tried to fake her feelings for others

"Honestly..." Alice took a sip of her juice and with a small blush, she said to Alexander across the table "...I had never expected that you would accept my confession that easily!"

Alexander who was eating with his left hand looked at Alice with a surprise "What're you talking about?" He said " You don't even know how much my uncle and mother made fun of me due to not getting together with you earlier! " Alexander remembered his uncles playful and devilish teasing smile and his mother's smug face whenever he talked about Alice

"Are you serious?!" Alice covered her mouth with her small hands and giggled

"Yeah! You should've seen them, they were so annoying!" Alexander started telling her about his interaction between him and his family

Alice was happy to hear about his family, Alexander was enjoying recalling his fun time with his family, it made Alice wish she is part of that family too.

"Alright..." Alexander stood up "We should call it a day" he gave his hand to Alice who took it gladly.

Both of them left the restaurant, the waiters cleared the table and the bodyguards followed behind them.

In the car, Alice looked at Alexander's arm "When will you take your arm cast off?" She asked

Alexander looked at his arm and remembered what happened to him ' oh yeah! I haven't finished with those two' he thought

"In the next day, the doctor will visit and take it off" Alexander smiled at Alice and ruffled her hair which caused her to be annoyed that the hairstyle she spend a half an hour in making is wasted but she couldn't get any more angry at Alexander, in the end, to whom did she dress up tonight?

The two of them kept on talking through the whole ride home. With Alice, there was never any lack of topics to talk about.

The cars reached Totsuki and entered the North Star Dormitory.

Alexander and Alice stood in front of the front door and their hearts were beating very fast.

"H-hey..." Alexander tried to grab Alice's attention, she turned to him and her face was red.

Both of them got closer to each other. Alice closed her eyes which made Alexander know what is gonna happen

His henchmen are looking from inside the cars with anticipation

'C' mon Boss!'

'This is it!'

'Don't hold back!'

'Now, Kiss!'

And it happens. Alexander mustered his courage and kissed Alice softly, the feeling of her soft and sweet lips made him feel crazy. He craved more and he got more. His hands wandered around her body making her quiver

Both of them are inexperienced and only followed their instinct.

After a long moment of passionate kissing, both of them separated from each other. Alice covered her mouth with a red face, her breath is rough and so is Alexander's

"...I-I will... go now." She left Alexander with this and dashed inside leaving Alexander looking at her departing figure. He still can't believe he just got himself a girlfriend. He had always believed that his position would force him to get an arranged marriage first rather a genuine love of a woman he had known for long. He was thankful and happy that he met her from the bottom of his heart.

Alexander sighed and turned to his henchmen who got out of their cars and bowed to him "Congratulations! Boss!" All of them, 30 men bowed to Alexander and shared his happiness, it only made Alexander happier.

"Thanks, but before that..."Alexander's voice changed from soft to harsh in an instant "...We still have work. Take me to the two who broke my arm." Alexander commanded Vados and his henchmen.

"Of course." Vados opened the door, he was more excited than Alexander himself to meet the two boys who broke his Boss' arm, and he wasn't alone in this, all of the current 30 men shared the same feeling. If the Boss didn't order to hold their actions they would've swarmed the school and any place the boys may be in until they get them out.

The cars took off from Totsuki and headed to the Red Cloud warehouses.

When the cars reached there, it was 3 AM. Alexandra entered the warehouse and found a few more of his subordinates

They bowed to him at one and shouted "Molodoy boss!" (Young Boss!)

Alexander nodded at them and looked at Vados who pointed at the only door in this warehouse.

"Bring them to me," Alexander ordered Vados and went to sit on the only desk here. This warehouse doesn't have anything to decorate, it only ceiling and floor with a few chairs scattered around and one single desk that the Boss or whoever inside the warehouse is the top rank to sit on.

All of the men took a position and made two lines and a path between them. Alexander was sitting at his desk and looked under it.

"Whos the doctor of this group?" Alexander asked the men. One man ran to him and bowed "It is me, Boss."

Alexander raised his arm cast and said: "Take this shit off me." The doctor looked at the arm cast for a moment before he said "Can I examine if it's safe to do that first?" he asked

"You can." Alexander let the doctor grab his tools and work on his arm. After a few moments, The doctor removed the arm cast and said "All good, Boss. You Can use your arm just fine." The doctor packed his stuff and retreated.

"Thanks." Said Alexander as he moved his arm and hand around trying to shake off that numb feeling in them.

Vados brought the two boys through the path made the henchmen. They were blindfolded and had many bruises on their bodies, they were trembling so much and looking around them trying to figure out what's going on.

Vados and the other man who brought the two kicked the back of their legs so they can kneel.

"Take their blindfolds away," Alexander ordered, one man stepped in and took them off. The boys shut their eyes from the light in the warehouse and tried to adjust to the light as they groaned from the pain.

After they were able to see clearly, they looked around and saw more than 45 men surrounding them. The coward in fear as tears fell down their cheeks.

"W-Who are you people? what do you want from us?" The green-haired boy asked as his eyes resembled a hurt dog. His black-haired friend joined in and said "I-If you want money then we're not rich...We're orphans, we don't have money!" Seeing that the boys were getting louder and louder. Alexander snapped his fingers and Vados stepped in and slapped each one of them two times.

"The Boss is here. You do not speak without being asked to." His eyes looked cold and murderous, the two boys felt their lower region getting wet and hot. They peed in their pants.

"You two..."Alexander called causing the two to look behind at the source of the voice. Their eyes widened when they saw Alexander there sitting with his legs crossed on the desk. They felt fear and their heart tightening when they saw Alexander's amused smile.

"Y-You!! P-Please, help us, we're students, classmates, right?" As soon as the green-haired one spoke, he was punched again by Vados "I said...Only speak when you're asked to."

The green-haired boy held his face as his mouth bleed. He can feel his tooth broken, but he held his tears and voice, his black-haired friend learned from his friend and shut up. He only looked at Alexander and waited for him to speak.

"Thank you..." Alexander chuckled and thanked Vados "Now...You two, tell me your names." He demanded from the boys, they took a moment to process his words due to their fear, but they felt Vados preparing to move again so they hurried and said:

"I-I-I am Midoriya Natsu." said the green-haired boy

" Akari Shiro." said the black-haired boy

Both of them said with shivers going down their spines as they felt Vados back off. Alexander smiled at them

"Okey, Mr.Midoriya, and Mr.Akari..." Alexander's smile turned to a grim frown and his voice became harsh "...Why did you push me off the stairs?" he asked, his aura and voice say that he won't accept any lies.

"And for every time you lie to me..." He added and took a pocket knife from under his desk "I will cut off each of your fingers, and once we're done with the fingers, I will change how that face of yours looks like. So choose wisely." He from his desk and walked to the boys.

"Now...Speak before I change my mind." He said as he put the knife on Midoriya's face

Midoriya was so scared as his sweat fell down like crazy, his tears fell down too mixed with snot.

"If...If...I tell you, will you let us go?" he asked. Alexander punched him in the face breaking his nose "I am not negotiating." Midoriya fell to the floor with two teeth out of his mouth, he held his mouth and screamed in pain.

Alexander ignored Midoriya and changed to Akari who jolted from fear. His eyes met Alexander's eyes but he couldn't keep the eye contact for long.

"Now, Mr.Akari, we don't want you to lie or change the subject, why did you push me off of the stairs?" Asked Alexander again.

Akari shivered and lowered his head "...We...Were instructed to cause you to get fired from the training camp" He said with a low voice causing Alexander to slap on his lowered neck.



Akari cried out, each hit from Alexander or his men felt like a rock. He didn't want to feel any more pain so he confessed

"By who?" asked Alexander causing Akari to shiver at that

"..." He didn't answer for some time which caused Alexander to repeat himself "...By who?"

Akari was trembling, he was hesitant between fearing Alexander or Tawagata. One is holding his life right now while the other is far away but still can reach any time. "...Mayuri ... Jintaro." Akari said slowly. Midoriya who heard him felt relieved that his friend didn't say anything reckless.

Alexander narrowed his eyes before looking at Midoriya "What he said...Is it true?" Midoriya closed his eyes and nodded.

Alexander sighed "Lock them tightly." he ordered. Immediately, 4 men. each 2 locked one boy.

"O...Oi! what're you doing? I told you what you want to know! what are you gonna do?" Akari shouted. Midoriya couldn't even feel his mouth to even shout.

"You lied...I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you two were just mindless subordinates, but it seems like you know what going on." Alexander opened his pocket knife and took Akari's hand and separated his index "You chose to follow your leader who to you seems way scarier than me..." Alexander grinned while the boys' heart are gonna burst out of their chests t, their chests are rising up and down quickly as they saw what Alexander cut Akari's finger causing blood to gush out.

Akari screamed from pain as he saw his finger in Alexander's hand. He kicked around to free himself but with two Red Blinders holding him had nowhere to run to.

Midoriya struggled too but he received the same fate. Alexander cut his finger causing him to shout and scream on top of his lung like a pig, even Alexander had to cover his ears and kick his jaw to break it for him so he won't keep screaming. But, Midoriya passed out due to damaging his brain from that kick and Alexander couldn't care less.

Akari saw his friend's jaw twist in a painful way and pass out, he forgot his pain momentarily as he looked at Alexander who seemed to him like a demon.

"All you need to say is who gives the big orders. Did you push me off because the 9th seat order it, or his brother...Or that Jintaro boy?" Alexander asked Akari whos eyes were shaking from the way Alexander spoke to him.

He didn't speak for some time which annoyed Alexander and caused him to cut Akari's thumb this time.

Akari howled from pain "I'LL TELL YOU!! I'LL TELL YOU!! JUST DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE! PLEASE!!!" Akari shouted as he cried out with tears and snot mixed.

"Good..."Alexander grinned from ear to ear "Be a good boy and tell me what you know, then I promise that the two of you will leave here alive."


The next day. At the North Star Dorm.

The morning sun rose upon the North Star's dormitory as its residents woke with vigor and great energy so they can face another day in the great cooking school that called Totsuki.

"Natasha-san, please pass me the salt bottle," Hayama asked from Natasha who was eating her egg to pass him the salt. Natasha did it unconsciously. Breakfast was peaceful and quiet as the most troublesome people either were still sleeping or out. It was Only Hayama, Ryo, Isami, and Natasha who were eating breakfast as Takumi is still sleeping, Alice too is still in her room While Alexander is still out for his business.

After a few minutes, Takumi came down with his pajamas and his hair messy. He had just woken up "Good morning." He said as he descended from the stairs and washed his face, he then joined his friends for breakfast.

Alice woke up too and headed down "HmmMMmm♪♪" she was humming a song. She was in her school uniform "Good Morning♪ Everybody♪" Today she was overly excited and that didn't go unnoticed by the others. But they smiled when they saw her face, it was shining brightly as she came down the stairs.

"Good morning, honey." Natasha squeezed Alice's cheek as she handed her her share of Today's breakfast. It was made by Isami himself

"Good Morning," said Hayama. He was messing with food as he started adding some spices.

"Good Mornin'," Said Ryo, he just ate peacefully not minding anyone

"Good Morning, Nakiri-san," Said Isami as he took the bottles of spices from Hayama's hand to stop him from messing with his dish.

"Goo~d Morning..." Takumi's eyes are still sleepy, his hands are frozen with a toast in them, he was trying to add some butter to it but he was too sleepy. And his messy hair looks cute too. His fangirls would die for one picture of it.

"Is Alexander here yet," Alice asked Natasha as she ate her breakfast.

"No, he is still out," Natasha answered simply.

Alice pouted her cheek and said with a small amount of anger "Good Lord. And here I was excited about our first day as a boyfriend and girlfriend. That Alexander!"

Everyone who was listening went on with their stuff and breakfast not realizing her words...But slowly, all kind of sounds in the room died down as all heads turned to Alice who was eating a piece of bacon with a frown





'I'm still dreaming?!' Everyone thought the same as they looked at Alice with horror. Never in their wildest dreams would they've imagined that this kind of new would be dropped in this kind of way.


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