Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 95 - Unqualified

I did not expect the stagiers Arc to be this long. I think it will go on for a good amount of chapters.


After yesterday's event, the 15 students who have passed the first exam gathered in Alexandra's office. Alexander, Sanji, Komatsu were finally able to see the others who were considered the best in their school as first years.

"First of all, I would like to thank you all." Alexandra displayed a very professional aura, the students were awed to see her, she was a legendary figure in the culinary world "Thank you for making our customers satisfied and shouldering such great responsibility. I had an agreement from every major school in the world to let 30 students be stagier in this important day, normally I would've refused but they have offered me a suitable price." Alexandra laughed slightly as she explained how things came to be like this.

"Sadly, the other fifteen had failed to complete their tasks and were heavily punished...They caused me trouble on five floors that my team had to step in and compensate our dear customers with suitable food made by me and them. If perhaps we didn't respond quickly, we would've lost our reputation." Alexandra had a sad expression on her face which was clearly fake, she isn't worried about losing some of her reputations.

"The stagier's who caused this trouble were punished by being expelled from their academy and being prohibited from entering the culinary field again in their life."

"!!" Komatsu felt shocked "Why such thing... we haven't heard about this?" he asked.

"That was our agreement, the schools that sent you here presented you with an opportunity of a lifetime. You either succeed and gain a stamp of our Red Cloud that proves you've worked for a week for us." Alexander said with a cheerful tone. Sanji, Komatsu and the others opened their eyes full as if they have heard the most shocking thing in the world.

Having the Red Cloud Stamp in your resume as a chef is a VIP pass to work in any restaurant in the world of your choosing. You can even come back after your graduation to work in the Red Cloud itself.

"And that was it, you either fail and kill your career as a chef or succeed and let the world's best restaurant chain as your qualification proof," Alexandra said. the boys and girls couldn't fathom such a thing...Only Alexander wasn't shocked. He doesn't care about the stamp. All he wants is to pass this stage so he could go back to his original plan. The only thing that changed now is that he will try even harder as he wasn't willing to be prohibited from the culinary world.

"Now...For the next stage...As you have heard from your supervisors yesterday." Alexandra switched the topic and the stagiers listened seriously, they were dead set that they have to succeed. "You will join my new program with my other instructors that I have sent. after opening the Hotel, I had to relocate my best workers here to ensure the best. And that left some of my restaurants empty and closed. I have picked some people I had an interest in while I was traveling around." Alexandra gave each of them a letter that proves that they are current Red Cloud staff members.

"Your mission is to either train the team of the trainees there to be qualified chefs that can run a three-star restaurant on their own or...You fire them if they have proved to be unqualified for such thing," she said.

The stagiers nodded seriously, some of them had mischievous ideas

"And to prevent any cheating, a group of two bodyguards will be on the look to observe if you are doing your job properly and if you are actually trying. They will determine if your decision to fire the trainees is the right decision or it is not. if proven you did them an injustice, you will meet the same fate as I have just mentioned."

The Stagier's felt nervous and the ones who had such ideas felt so stupid for thinking that would work.

"Best of luck...And be professional." Alexandra dismissed the stagiers.

Alexander said goodby to Sanji and Komatsu as they probably wouldn't meet each other after this, and each of them took off in a car that was prepared in advance for the stagiers to go to their locations. They promised to meet later on if the circ.u.mstances allowed it.

Alexander's car took a short trip to Yokohama, the closest city to Tokyo.

After the car stopped, the car driver turned around to look at Alexander "This is the Restaurant, young master!"

"Thank you..." Alexander got out of the car and looked at the small restaurant in front of him, it was a one-story building but it was large enough to be a fancy restaurant.

"I wonder who these people are?" Alexander talked to himself as he walked to the door, the door sign said it was closed which he found strange. When he opened the door, he found two men behind the door, he recognized them as his mother's servants, they are probably here to prevent any trouble the goes beyond just insults.

"Hello!" they bowed slightly. Alexander raised his hand in greeting as his eyes were focused on the people inside.

Twelve people were sitting on a table of their own while eating the food they had prepared for themselves. They talked and laughed loudly. Most of them were men, some were flirting with the few females in the room.

Alexander looked at one of the men and gestured at the scene in front of him.

"They've been like this since this morning." said the man, he didn't care what they did, his mission doesn't include ordering them around. he is but a bodyguard.

"Sigh~ Great! another one of those." Alexander dropped his shoulders and walked forward, he forced a smile on his face and spoke to the twelve people in front of him "Hello. I am Saiba Alexander, I was sent here by Lady Alexandra herself to be your instructor for this week."

The people stopped what they were doing and looked at Alexander with shock. when they looked at him. They saw a tall boy in his late teens, Black-Red hair with Golden eyes. They clearly heard him say he was their instructor for this week. Some of them looked at him mockingly while some just ignored him completely. How can a mere kid be their instructor?

"The hell is this brat is doing here?" one of the bunch stood and walked to Alexander, he stood like a tower in front of Alexander who had deep frown with a vine of his blood popping out of his forehead.

"Listen here kid, school is in the next street from here. Go away," he said, his arrogance was showing clearly. The bodyguards looked at each other as they shared a faint grin.

"I said I was sent here to be your instructor." Alexander pulled out a letter from the Red Cloud that clearly shows he is the real deal

The man and the other took the letter and inspected it, he was the real deal. They became nervous for a moment before remembering he is just an instructor and not their manager. If he was like that then they would be f.u.c.k.i.e.d.

"Mind telling me why the restaurant is closed?" Asked Alexander. He spoke to the twelve idiots in front of him with a cold tone.

The one who was talking before scratched the back of his head awkwardly "Well...Today was a bad day, no one was visiting so we had to close...Also, our supplies are low." He said. Alexander can clearly see that the man was making excuses.

"That is right! the previous staff left us with little to no supplies at all." said another one.

"The place is a mess and we couldn't just let the customers walk in like this." Added another girl

Alexander looked around and saw that the place was a little dirty but not to a noticeable level where they couldn't clean while working. While his eyes drifted across the room, he saw the table they were on filled with food which he assumes was prepared by the restaurant's main stock.

Alexander sighed and took off his jacket " Can I have a taste of that..." he pointed at the food.

"Yes of course!!" The first one from earlier said.

"We prepared this ourselves, you will eat your fingers after that." Said another girl. Alexander didn't mind the sweet talk and just walked to the table.

"Please have a seat!" another pulled the chair for Alexander to sit on. Alexander looked at the grilled sausage, he saw some black marks which clearly are burn marks. He took a knife and ate a small bite. He did the same for the other dishes like Beef Roll, Pork Knuckle, Risotto, and Hominy Grits.

"I assume that these were made by you all." Said Alexander. He was very calm...Strangely.

"Yes!! isn't it great?!" Said one girl.

"If I remember correctly...You guys were stall owners, right?" Alexander put on his jacket again.

The guys looked at each other for a moment before answering "Yes." they said.

Alexander smiled "I see...So you are used to this." Alexander spoke to himself. "...Anyway...Based on what I have tasted, I feel sorry for your customers, they have been eating dogshit food for their whole life...What I have tasted now is by far, the worst thing ever." Alexander's face started twisting in rage scaring the trainees "I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE SEEN A BUNCH OF ASSHOLES LIKE YOU!!!"


"What is wrong with him?!"

"What the hell?!!"

the trainees were afraid and confused.

"You f.u.c.kers dared to close the restaurant on your own, used the restaurant's stock for your own meals. You didn't even try to work..." Alexander wanted to hit every single one of them in the head with a rock.

"I don't know what has my mother seen in you but I do not care!!" Alexander.

"Excuse me...calm down for a moment." They tried to calm Alexander but Alexander was blinded by what he has seen since he had entered the restaurant.

"Get the f.u.c.k out of my restaurants...YOU'RE FIRED!" Alexander didn't even wait for them to register what happened and walked out. On his way out, he spoke to the bodyguards who were trying to hold back their laughter. They knew this would happen

"Call my mother and tell her that the trainee's team number 7 has failed the test and as such, they proved themselves to be unworthy to work in a restaurant."

The bodyguards nodded. After Alexander left. One of them handed the other a stack of money " F.u.c.k you." he said.

"I told you, dude, he won't like this." The two had bet that Alexander will fire this team instantly after witnessing their behavior.

Outside, Alexander was on his phone raging on.

"Calm down, I had expected such a situation to happen, I will send you another car to transport you to your next trainees." Alexandra was talking to Alexander as she was working at n some legal papers.

"God I can't believe you had an interest in such people!" Alexander was still frustrated

"they did have the talent, I saw that for sure, but sadly, it seems that such gift wasted on them." his mother frustrated as well. if she wasn't in need of new staff quickly she wouldn't have used these people.

"Just bear with it until the new staff exams are over." His mother said.

Alexander sighed "I hope that not all of them such lousy people." Said Alexander.

"Some people appreciate the chances they are given in life while others are just ungrateful shits." Alexandra felt really disappointed in these people, if only they know what they have in their hands.

Deciding to and their call. Alexander waited for the car and went for another branch in another city.

It was in Saitama. Alexander did the same thing as before, prepared himself and crossed his fingers hoping they are at least decent people.

He braced himself and entered the restaurant. Just like before, he saw two bodyguards just like before.

But unlike previously, the shop wasn't closed, it wasn't empty either. There was a decent amount of people eating their food.

While he can see that some weren't enjoying the food that much, maybe because of being disappointed and expecting too much from the Red Cloud as usual.

But Alexander didn't mind...There was an attempt, and that was all that matters

Alexander smiled from the depth of his heart "Finally!!!" He said.




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