Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 96 - THE NEW TEAM

I had a french test yesterday and it is over and I did terrible, at least I hope I can get the compensation mark.

Also, be aware that I still have more exams at the 31th of this month and the 3rd and 6th of January. Hope me luck.



This has developed into a whole new arc that I didn't even plan for. 

What a twist.


Alexander greeted the bodyguards and went to an empty table, he sat there and waited for the waiter to come... for a good amount of time.

"Can I get your order, please?" A one blond girl wearing a hat with a note in her hand asked Alexander.

"..." Alexander observed her for a brief moment before he spoke again "What is on the menu?" He asked

"...?! Excuse me for one second!" She quickly rushed back to the kitchen and came later with a menu in her hands "...Here." She gave him the menu and Waited for him to choose.

Alexander looked over the menu and decided on something light "I will go with a Savory Oatmeal With an Egg." He said.

"Right away." The blond girl bowed slightly before she left to place his order.

After that, Alexander waited for a good amount of time until his order arrived.

The waiter gave him his order and left without saying another word. Alexander looked at his Oatmeal, it wasn't organized but not too bad. it was bland in a sense. The white and yellow of the egg were mixed and sprained on top of it but it was tolerable. The only thing Alexander can complain about is that there was a little too much milk in there.

After finishing his order, he sat there observing the situation, how the waiters were interacting with the customers while noting everything down. He looked at the people's reaction's to the food, while some food received a great reaction, some of it didn't even move the customers and just felt weird about it.

Alexander stayed like that just observing...

When it was dusk time, and the restaurant started to get empty. Alexander took the chance to introduce himself. He called for the blond waiter girl who was shocked that he was still here after hours of entering the restaurant.

"Gather the others." He ordered, the girl looked confused but Alexander didn't mind her and looked back at the bodyguards and gestured for them to close the door.

One bodyguard took the chance and flipped the [closed] sign. The blond girl immediately realized what kind of situation she was in. She realized that the kid in front of her is her superior.

"Excuse me for a second!!" she ran to the kitchen, some loud chattering was heard but it quickly died down.

No sooner, 6 people came out of the kitchen, not including the waiter girl making it 7 people in total

" least you can read between the lines." Alexander took a long look at these people making them feel uncomfortable.

Alexander finally decided to talk as clapped his hands once "As you may or may not know...I am Saiba Alexander, I was sent here to be your instructor for a while, my mission is to make you guys a team that is capable of working under every situation possible in this restaurant and also eras your former behavior as stall owners" Alexander started walking back and forth in front of them

"First off all...Introduce yourself; your name and what were you doing before coming here?"

The blond waiter girl stepped forward as everyone else was nervous " My name is Todoroki Yachiyo, I used to work in a small restaurant in Tokyo but I had to leave due to personal reasons here in Saitama." she said with a slight smile on her face

Alexander nodded and gestured for the next person beside here.

He was a fat man with black hair, he wore a blue bandana on his forehead and a towel on his shoulder. His most notable trait is his very narrow eyes "My name is Sarutabi Raj, I am a former chef in the 1-star Brook's restaurant, I used to usually work in the Grill and Pizza stations." He said. Sweat was dripping from his forehead constantly, he took the towel on his shoulder and wiped it off. And that explained to Alexander why the towel was on his shoulder.

"Next..." Called Alexander.

Next was a tall bald man, just from his looks, Alexander realized he was a foreigner.

"My name is Boris, I am a former Stall owner in Saitama, I work best in the Pizza stations due to my experience in making them for 4 years." Boris introduced himself and even hinted for Alexander his desired station.

Alexander nodded and waited for the next person.

"My name is Amai Anna, I am a former seafood stall owner, so my station is Poissonnier." A short black-haired girl stepped in front of everyone and said with a low voice that Alexander could barely hear her.

"I am Irumi Kanzaki, I am a saucier chef. I am a former stall owner for grilled food." A man with red hair and an ear-piercing spoke, he had this untamable aura around him that Alexander quickly realized that this was the cause of the most trouble.

"My name is Lala Marina, I am a former chef in the 2-star Grand Midori restaurant but I was fired due to causing trouble. I am a Pâtissier." This blue-haired girl was surprisingly honest, thought Alexander. If there was anything you should never tell is that you're a trouble maker. Alexander saw this girl nearly lashing out on one customer when he was complaining about his Pasta being too spicy.

'She may be the one I will need to work on the most?' He thought. Alexander shifted his eyes to the last man who was crossing his hand while looking at Alexander with judging eyes. He was giving this very serious vibe that Alexander wanted to just smack the shit out of him for no reason.

"Well...Mr.Grey-Haired guy that looks like the CEO of the olive oil company. Do you need a formal request to introduce yourself or do you want me to kick you out." Alexander tilted his head with a sweet smile.

Everyone looked at the Grey-Haired man as he had a vine popping out of his head, he cleared his throat and said calmly " I am Elias Schneider I am the head chef of this restaurant." He said with a smile on his face.

"No, you're not." Alexander quickly denied his claim brutally making Elias frown.

"What are you talking about, I've been the head chef for 4 days since this team was formed, a change of leadership is not a good decision for the time being." Elias was trying to prove his point but Alexander just played with his hair letting Elias talk as much as he wants.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Said Elias.

"Yes, yes...but you're not the Head Chef anymore," he said.

"Like what I-"

"The sous chef, take it or leave it." Alexander crossed his hands making Elias realize that there is no chance of any negotiation.

"From now on, I am the head chef, Elias will be the sous chef while the rest will stay in their previous stations..." Alexander took a seat in front of them not minding Elias' frustrated gaze.

"To start ...I need you guys to know something very important..." Alexander pointed at the 7 of them making them focus on Alexander.

The hall went in complete silence as Alexander was ready to announce to them what was on his mind.

"You guys suck!!"


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