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"Peking duck is actually roasted in an oven."Guan Shouping was stunned.

You know, although the temperature of the oven is constant, the direction of the duck and the contact with the basin will make the roasting effect different.

In other words, roasting in the oven is very difficult to control because it relies on the power of electronic machinery.

The essence of roast duck is not only in the treatment of the duck, but the word roast is also very important.

Peking duck, the four words embody the power of roasting.

After hundreds of years of evolution, roast duck is roasted with fruit wood charcoal, which can add a unique flavor to the duck. This is a very clear thing.

Originally, Guan Shouping found that Fang Lin was at a disadvantage in choosing Peking duck in this cooking class.

After all, Peking duck does not require too much fire control and cooking skills.

However, in Chinese cuisine, many things have important requirements for cooking, just like Tanomo Megumi's homemade tofu, Mito Yumei's Dongpo pork, and even Hojo Miyoko's braised lion's head, all of which can bring out Fang Lin's top-notch knife skills and extraordinary cooking skills.

In that case, Guan Shouping has no worries about what problems will appear in Fang Lin's dishes. They will definitely be top-notch dishes, which is what Guan Shouping expects.

But in this situation, Guan Shouping is also very uncertain.

Fang Lin actually gave up his own advantage and chose the Chinese dish of Peking duck. No matter how perfect Fang Lin's knife skills are in handling the duck, as long as he makes a mistake during the most important roasting, or fails to achieve the desired effect.

Then the Peking duck is considered a failure.

"So, Mr. Lin, are you really so confident in yourself, or have you become arrogant because of yesterday's victory?"Guan Shouping said softly

"Let's wait and see."Fang Lin watched carefully as the temperature in the oven continued to affect the roast duck inside. At this moment, Fang Lin seemed to be able to feel the temperature inside, and even to some extent, he could control the heat.

The moderate temperature continued to circulate on the skin of the roast duck, and the sizzling oil seeped out from the skin of the roast duck, as if a burst of extreme fragrance spread from the oven. The apple in the duck's belly softened under the action of high temperature, and the slightly sweet and slightly sour substances in the apple penetrated into the duck meat, giving the duck a beautiful meaty texture.

About half an hour later, Fang Lin opened the oven and took out the roast duck. He could find that there was a white substance wrapped in the skin of the roast duck, and the yellowish surface looked rough.

Gently press on the surface of the duck, and the yellowish white on the skin slowly fell off, flashing crystal red. The roast duck's skin is gleaming, just like a sparkling ruby, crystal clear, and the strength of the meat has been improved to such a degree.

This color has already exceeded the standard of things. The Celestial Empire pays attention to color, fragrance, taste, meaning, and shape. Color, fragrance, and taste are the most basic things to achieve. Now Fang Lin has achieved a level of color that is difficult for people to achieve.

Looking at this roast duck, you seem to see the brown-red skin revealing vitality, and when you move your nose slightly, you can smell the faint aroma of duck meat filling the air around your nose, and the mellow aroma of duck meat is perfectly stimulated.

Beijing roast duck pays attention to ruddy color, tender meat, and a fat but not greasy taste.

Each focus is to use a special method to make Beijing roast duck, just like the fat but not greasy taste, which is continuously roasted with fruit wood, so that the taste of the fruit wood constantly changes the meat quality of the duck.

"Then, slice the duck meat. Fang Lin looked at the crystal clear roast duck that was gleaming red, picked up a long and thin meat-cutting knife, and then put the plate aside. He gently cut along some of the lines on the duck, and the duck meat fell into the plate piece by piece.

A gentle and fragrant duck flavor filled the air, even affecting the students around him. They looked at Fang Lin's cooking in horror.

""Beijing roast duck." This is the perception of all students who see this dish.

The delicious taste lingering on the noses of these students is the taste of authentic Beijing roast duck. No, to some extent, it is even more mellow than the normal Beijing roast duck. This top-quality duck meat exudes a unique flavor under the effect of various ingredients.

"How did Fang Lin do it?"These students were surprised. They knew that the conditions for making roast duck here were not allowed. Even if they tried to make it, it would only be edible. But now Fang Lin has made such a unique dish.

"Come on, Lin Jun. When Tian Suohui smelled the taste of Fang Lin's dish, she knew that Fang Lin must have succeeded.

"But I'm about to finish it." Tanaka Hui looked at the homemade tofu in the pot, which was almost done, and it would be ready for serving in a few minutes.

"Fang Lin."Mito Yumei smiled,"I have to work harder too, and my Dongpo pork is almost done."

Looking at the Dongpo pork stewed in the casserole, Mito Yumei knew that she was almost done.

"Fang Lin." Hojo Miyoko looked at Fang Lin not far away and said,"I am not a loser in Chinese cuisine."

"Now there is only the last step left, making the sauce."Fang Lin smiled slightly. This sauce is very simple to make, it is purely to match the taste of Peking duck.

Light the stove, put it in a frying pan, add a small amount of olive oil, and then add sweet noodle sauce, sugar, and bean paste to stir-fry.

Then add a small amount of water, poke it lightly with chopsticks, put it on the tip of the tongue, and feel it.

""Okay." Fang Lin poured the sauce directly into the small white bowl.

He picked up the tray and placed the roast duck, dough, and sauce on it.

At this moment, the delicate duck meat was shining with a rosy glow, and a light and elegant fragrance emanated from it. The fragrant dough had a hint of lotus leaf elegance, and the simple and exquisite sauce, the three ingredients complemented each other on the tray.

"Peking duck with lotus leaf skin is complete."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Xiao

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