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Hojo picked up the lotus leaf skin, put the roast duck on it and wrapped it up, then dipped it in a little sauce and bit it gently in her mouth.

In an instant, the soft and fragrant dough flowed through the taste buds, and the mellow gravy under the slightly crispy roast duck skin continued to overflow in the mouth. It was a wonderful mellow taste. The taste of apple nuts was perfectly integrated into the roast duck, and the roast duck meat was like a top-level luxury experience.

The fragrance of lotus seeds and the fragrance of lotus leaf skin blended together, echoing from beginning to end, like a three-dimensional structure, indestructible.

The most important thing is that the focus of Peking duck is the word roast. This Peking duck was perfectly roasted. One more point would make the meat too cooked, and one less point would make the meat too astringent.

Lotus leaf skin, sauce, and roast duck, the three ingredients merged together at this moment, infinitely enhancing the elegant flavor of the roast duck.

Different from French-style fried foie gras, it has an elegant flavor that belongs to the Celestial Empire.

At this moment, Hojo Miyoko seemed to have entered the Jiangnan water town of the Celestial Empire. Countless lotus flowers were in full bloom, and there were quaint buildings around her. From time to time, wonderful ancient musical instruments were playing. She lay on her back in the Jiangnan water town, feeling the wonderful beauty.

At this moment, it seemed that a young man holding an umbrella slowly walked to her side and said to her,"Girl, it's raining. This umbrella is for you."

After that, the man left here directly. The sunlight scattered, and that face was Fang Lin's face.

Hojo Miyoko, who was wearing ancient costume, looked at Fang Lin who was leaving infatuatedly. The quaint umbrella was held up, and a drizzle fell.

"This is great." A bright red flashed across Hojo Miyoko's face.

Outside, Hojo Miyoko's face flushed. Fang Lin's dishes brought her an unprecedented taste shock. Hojo Miyoko knew that she would not be Fang Lin's opponent because the gap between the two was too big.

Even in the Chinese cuisine that she was best at, it was the same.

"However." Hojo Miyoko looked at Fang Lin beside her and said,"Classmate Fang Lin, I will fight for our women. Why shouldn't I give you the umbrella?"

"Ha." Fang Lin looked at Hojo Midori in confusion. What did this mean? What did it have to do with cooking?

"Humph, you stinky man, we women will never admit defeat." Hojo Miyoko seemed to realize that this was just her fantasy, her face slightly flushed, and she quickly muttered

"Well, this cooking test ends here, and students who pass the test can enter the next round of tests."Guan Shouping said as he looked at these slightly tired students.

Guan Shouping knew that after this residential training, many students would be eliminated from Totsuki Academy, and only the best students would be able to stay.

Fang Lin was one of them, and he was a strong student in the first year of high school.

Afterwards, Fang Lin took Tanosuke Hui away from here and headed for the next test point. Every time of this residential training was arranged very tightly.

Time passed little by little, and at nine o'clock in the evening.

The tired people in Polaris Dormitory walked in the corridor of the hotel.

"I didn't expect that the beef set meal from yesterday would be served again tonight, and the number of servings has increased to 80." Marui Zenji said weakly, as today's test had drained all his energy.

"And this time the target is the students of Deep Muscle University who are currently training in Japan. It is indeed a Totsuki Resort, and all kinds of people come here."Yoshino Yuuki said with a tired face.

Yoshino Yuuki originally thought that coming to live and study is a very enjoyable thing, but the reality completely hit her, and now she just wants time to pass quickly.

"There are still two days left. As long as we can hold on, we will succeed. So far, no one in our Polaris Dormitory has been eliminated."Yoshino Yuuki continued

"Yes, that's right." Sakaki Ryoko looked at the manual of the residential training in her hand,"But, it's a little strange."

"What's wrong, Ryoko?" Ibusaki Shun said with a little confusion.

"The schedule in the instruction manual doesn't indicate the third day, which is tonight's bedtime. It's really strange."Sakaki Ryoko said as she looked at the booklet in her hand.

"Could it be a printing error?" Ibuzaki Shun guessed

"Printing error?" Fang Lin pondered,"It shouldn't be like this in such an obvious place like Totsuki Academy. Could it be that the academy has made some arrangements?"

"Arrangement, no way, Mr. Lin, it's late now."Yoshino Yuki's face changed immediately after hearing Fang Lin's explanation.

"It's hard to say."Ibuzaki Jun nodded and agreed with Fang Lin.

"Oh, what will happen?"The weak Marui Zenji looked like he was about to die.

"Marui, we don't know if this will happen yet, let's go back and rest for a while."Ibuzaki Shun looked at Marui Zenji in this state and said quickly

"Ding Dong."At this moment, the sound of the radio sounded.

"To all students, you have worked hard today. One hour from now, at 22:00, please change into your uniforms and gather in the banquet hall."

"Put on your uniforms and gather in the banquet hall." Yoshino Yuuki's expression changed,"Lin Jun, you are right, something is happening in the academy again."

"It's really great." Marui Zenji was dumbfounded. He felt that he would really die in this residential training.

"Let's go, everyone change clothes and go to the banquet hall. Of course, if you want to rest, you can only rest for dozens of minutes."Fang Lin shook his head.

Then, Fang Lin and others naturally returned to their rooms to prepare to change into their uniforms, and while there was still a little time, some people also closed their eyes and rested.

Many people know that this time, Totsuki Academy will not let them spend this evening easily.

At nearly ten o'clock, in the big banquet hall.

Here gathered the students who had not been eliminated from this residential study. Every student's face revealed fatigue.

After all, a day of strict residential study was just over. In the past, they would have to rest now.


Lin Jun."At this time , a clear voice sounded.

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