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"Bang, bang."As the chopping board vibrated, Fang Lin put the iron rod aside and put the minced meat on the chopping board into a small bowl.

He put the chopping board under the tap to clean it, and removed the beef from it, because Fang Lin still needed to process other ingredients on the chopping board.

""Pah." Another piece of meat flashing red was placed on the chopping board. Fang Lin took a deep breath, picked up two iron rods, and continued the previous steps.

This piece of meat was no longer beef, but pork, real pork.

"Bang, bang."Another even beating sound rang out in the room, which made many students around jump in their hearts. They thought Fang Lin had finished, but he started again, and it was the same piece of meat. They naturally couldn't tell the difference between beef and pork from a distance, and thought they were the same two ingredients.

A few minutes later, the minced meat, which was also shining, was placed in another porcelain bowl.

""Huh." Fang Lin exhaled, put the iron rod aside, and shook his hands vigorously. The constant and violent pounding of the minced meat just now was also a huge consumption of the body. His hands still felt slightly sore. Of course, Fang Lin's physical fitness was good, so there were no other problems.

Turning on the faucet, gently washing his hands and wiping his face, Fang Lin closed his eyes and rested.

After a while, Fang Lin opened his eyes. It was time to continue cooking.

Light the stove, put on the frying pan, then add a small amount of olive oil, put in the butter, and let the butter slowly melt over medium heat.

"Add onions."Fang Lin first put the diced onions into the pan and sautéed them. This step is similar to the preparation of tomato sauce, which is to enhance the taste of the whole meat sauce.

Watching the onions slowly turn yellow, with the aroma of onions surrounding his nose, Fang Lin picked up carrots and celery and put them into the pan to stir-fry.

When the onions and other vegetables were almost the same color, Fang Lin pushed the vegetables to one side of the pan to leave some space in the pan for the subsequent ingredients.

"Add bacon."Fang Lin added bacon and liver to the pot, and then picked up the two portions of beef and pork that had just been beaten into minced meat and put them in, and stir-fried them together. Countless meat aromas mixed together to form a delicious and exquisite aroma. The gravy inside could be seen spreading continuously and blending with the vegetables.

A wonderful fragrance spread around Fang Lin. This extreme meat aroma made people intoxicated. What kind of delicious meat sauce formed by such meat aroma was rich in, no one could imagine.

At this moment, Fang Lin took out a bowl of white broth. Fang Lin had been stewing something on the side, and the milky white liquid was shaking in the bowl.

Broth can continuously enhance the deliciousness of ingredients. In China, the most common method is to add chicken broth for seasoning, which can enrich the taste of dishes.

""Gurgle." The broth and the vegetables in the pot blended together, creating a perfect and fragrant aroma. At the moment when the aroma was about to burst out, Fang Lin took out a box, which contained milk.

Holding the milk, Fang Lin directly poured about half a liter of milk into the pot, and the fragrance was instantly covered up.

"This is for the ultimate flavor explosion."Fang Lin smiled slightly, watching the milk mixed into the ultimate ingredients just now. You can only smell the milk aroma on your nose. Fang Lin knows that this is only temporary. The real meat aroma is just waiting for the opportunity to explode again. The meat aroma at that moment will surpass the top taste.

It is also Fang Lin's current peak cooking skills combined with the power of time and the power of fire to form a magnificent cooking movement.

After a few minutes, the bubbles that kept bursting rose up, and Fang Lin smiled lightly. It's almost done.

At this time, Fang Lin was holding a small bowl in his hand. There was a red liquid in the small bowl. This liquid was red wine. Now Fang Lin was going to pour the red wine in. This time Fang Lin was not trying to make the red wine completely blend in, but just borrowing the aroma of the red wine.

"Because."When Fang Lin poured the red wine into the pot, he directly controlled the flame of the stove to a high level. He could see the red wine in the pot shaking and evaporating, and a hint of red wine smelled out. The aroma of wine was everywhere.

Fang Lin actually used the power of fire to evaporate the red wine just now, leaving behind the faint essence of the red wine, that lingering fragrance.

Lighting another stove and putting a big pot on it, Fang Lin watched the pan stewing on the high fire. When the red wine alcohol in it was completely evaporated, it was the most appropriate time.

"Right now."Fang Lin's eyes lit up at a certain moment. The red wine had evaporated. Fang Lin directly poured the sauce mixed with beef-milk meat sauce into another pot.

Then, in this pot, add about 300 ml of broth, and then take the tomato sauce that had been prepared earlier and pour it into it, let them mix together, stir it slightly with a stirring stick, and then control the flame of the stove to a low fire.

Now just wait for the soup inside to dry up and thicken. Of course, you have to stir it constantly in the middle to prevent the soup from burning.

Of course, Fang Lin will not make this mistake.

"Next, make the white sauce.

"Fang Lin picked up another clean pan and put it on the stove.

He added a small amount of butter and melted it over low heat.

Then he poured in a small amount of flour and slowly fried it.

The best time is to wait until the raw smell of the flour disappears and the batter becomes fragrant.

Because the production of white sauce can easily turn white sauce into black sauce due to inaccurate heat control, this is a common thing.

After all, it is very difficult to control the flame.

But this step is very simple in front of Fang Lin, because he has the top-level fire power skill as an aid, and he can even make top-level white sauce.

""It's done." After Fang Lin smelled the smell of raw flour disappearing, he picked up the milk and began to slowly pour it in, stirring it. He couldn't pour all the milk in at once, but let the flour blend in slowly. When about half a liter of milk was poured in, he added a small amount of salt and nutmeg powder for seasoning.

"But don't add too much nutmeg powder."Fang Lin smiled as he looked at the scattered nutmeg powder.

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