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"Ultimate seafood pasta?"Mizuhara Fuyumi looked at the plate in front of her, which looked like ordinary seafood pasta.

"The noodles were Italian wide noodles, with clams and prawns, and tomato sauce for seasoning, just ordinary pasta."Mizuhara Fuyumi was surprised, she thought Kurokiba Ryo would serve something very special.

"Stop talking nonsense and eat it, the seafood bomb is inside."Kurokiba Ryo said fiercely,"I will show you what real seafood pasta is."

"Is that so?" Mizuhara Fuyumi frowned. She was also a little uncomfortable with Kurokiba Ryo's state. He looked like two completely different people with and without the headscarf.

"However, this dish."Fuyumi Mizuhara used a fork to pick up the noodles and slowly put them into her mouth. In an instant, the ultimate freshness burst out from Fuyumi Mizuhara's taste buds. The resilient Italian wide noodles kept stirring in her mouth, and the slightly sweet tomato sauce directly set off the deliciousness of the seafood.

At this moment, Fuyumi Mizuhara seemed to sink into the seabed, and countless marine creatures surrounded her. She felt like she was conquered by all the marine creatures. It was a deep and extreme deliciousness.

"The tomato sauce is handmade, slightly sour and slightly sweet, giving this pasta a unique flavor."Fuyumi Mizuhara said with a look of enjoyment. Although she was a little unhappy with Kurokiba Ryo's personality, there was no doubt that Kurokiba Ryo's ultimate seafood pasta was the most delicious dish she had tasted in this cooking theme. The ultimate seafood held Fuyumi Mizuhara firmly in her hand.

She had to be captured by such deliciousness.

"The meat of clams is extremely delicious and is known as the most delicious in the world. It is perfectly integrated with the pasta, and the elegant and delicious meat of the prawns, which are seafood, is also unified at this moment."Fuyumi Mizuhara said,"And this dish also has that kind of deep feeling. By the way, it is sea cucumber. Kurokiba, you not only added sea cucumber ingredients to the production of Italian fettuccine, but also used it in the subsequent soup."

"Of course, sea cucumbers are ancient marine creatures that contain rich and delicious flavors. They are known as one of the eight treasures of the world."Kurokiba Ryo said with great momentum.

"The perfect combination of various marine ingredients creates a seafood pasta with such a deep and rich flavor."Mizuhara Fuyumi ate this dish and looked at Kurokiba Ryo,"There is no doubt that Kurokiba-san, you have passed the test this time."

This evaluation surprised the students around. This was the first high evaluation given by Mizuhara Fuyumi in this test.

"Well, Fang Lin, this time I will defeat you with seafood pasta."Kurokiba Ryo sneered and was about to look at where Fang Lin was.

But Fang Lin said faintly beside him,"Extreme seafood pasta, Kurokiba Ryo, your dish is very good."

"Fang Lin."Kurokiba frowned and looked at what Fang Lin was holding."This is your dish."

"Of course, this is my dish." Fang Lin smiled,"As for you wanting to defeat me, wait until Chef Mizuhara Fuyumi eats my dish, and then I'll let you taste it. Do you have the qualifications?"

"you……"Kurokiba Ryo's face darkened. Although Fang Lin's tone was calm, the arrogance he brought to people was more powerful than his direct explanation.

If I were to describe it in a noun, it would be pretentious, a complete pretense.

"This is my dish, Italian lasagna."Fang Lin placed the porcelain plate in front of Mizuhara Fuyumi.

On the white porcelain plate, the oven-baked Italian lasagna shone with an alluring light. The sauce inside seemed to blend into the lasagna's dough, and the cheese and butter seeped into the lasagna, making the lasagna have a more expressive color. The emerald green coriander dotted on the lasagna gave it a light fragrance, which was the fragrance of coriander.

""Change to business-style lasagna." The faint fragrance of Fuyumi Mizuhara permeated around the lasagna and slowly rushed into Fuyumi Mizuhara's nose. An extreme fragrance made Fuyumi Mizuhara sink deeply into it.

That kind of deep feeling like a vast vitality, at this moment, Fuyumi Mizuhara's spirit that had just been baptized by the ultimate seafood was actually directly washed away, and the residual seafood aroma on the taste buds also slowly faded away, as if welcoming that mysterious dish, to maintain the most original state of body and mind of every diner.

You know, it is very difficult for the taste buds to eliminate the umami taste, not to mention the satisfaction it brought to the spirit before.

This is like the first-mover advantage of tasting dishes. The dishes eaten at the beginning always have a certain advantage. If the dishes made by the people behind are not better than the previous dishes, the eaters will only feel tasteless, because that kind of ultimate deliciousness will still linger in the mouth.

This time, Kurokiba Ryo's ultimate seafood pasta will be like this, making Mizuhara Fuyumi was still immersed in the taste of seafood.

In the taste impact of various dishes, sweet, sour or salty, each has its own characteristics, and the freshness among them is a very impactful taste attack, which can make the diners' taste buds feel paralyzed in the freshness of seafood.

But now, Fuyumi Mizuhara felt strange that after just smelling the taste of this business-changing lasagna, the delicious seafood and the residual taste of the spirit in her mouth were all washed away, and the taste of Kurokiba Ryo's dish seemed to be gone in her mind.

Now, she only has this business-changing lasagna in her eyes. She took a deep breath, picked up the knife and cut it slightly on one side. The light heat and fragrance made Fuyumi Mizuhara even more difficult to control herself. She picked up the small lasagna with a fork and slowly put it into her mouth.

Fang Lin smiled slightly at this,"Don't be deceived by the appearance of this dish, this is beyond the taste attack of Kurokiba Ryo."_

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