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"Now, please invite the judges to review the two dishes. The button on the left is for Teruki Kuga, and the button on the right is for Fang Lin. Please make your judgment."Kawashima Rei said loudly while holding the microphone.

The students in the audience also showed expectant expressions. They also wanted to know who would win in the end.

As for Teruki Kuga's dish, only a little was eaten by the judges. The students were a little far away and did not notice it.

Although ordinary students may not feel much, people like Erina Nakiri, Alice, and even Ryudan Kobayashi, who is also one of the top ten, already have ideas in their minds. In this competition, it is very likely that Fang Lin will win.

Several judges looked at each other, then put their palms on a button, and the LCD screen in the venue directly displayed the evaluation results of this time.

"5:0, Fang Lin won the recognition of the five judges, and he won the competition with an overwhelming result."Kawashima Rei was also a little surprised by such a result, but she still announced it quickly.

This time, Fang Lin won the final victory in the food battle competition.

"It is indeed so."Kuga Teruki shook his head. When Fang Lin solved the explosive power of the pepper, Kuga Teruki knew that his chances of winning were very small. In addition, the examiner ate Fang Lin's dishes first, so Kuga Teruki had even less hope of winning.

""Kuga Teruki." Nakiri Senzaemon said slowly,"Your black and white mapo tofu is very delicious, almost reaching the pinnacle of mapo tofu. Whether it is the essence of mapo tofu or the creativity of the whole dish, you have done the best, but Fang Lin's cooking level is even higher. He only used the power of spicy food to easily bring his magma tofu to a terrifying level."

"So, our taste buds have long been conquered by Fang Lin's cooking. Now when we try other dishes, we can't think of anything that can taste delicious."Nakiri Senzaemon smiled bitterly,"I'm afraid it will take some time to ease. More than one million Scoville units of pepper are not easy to taste, but it's all worth it."

"Fang Lin, congratulations on your victory. Your cooking skills are even better than when you first entered school."Nakiri Senzaemon said to Fang Lin beside him.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief. Fang Lin smiled.

""Huh." Kuga Teruki let out a breath. He lost, he really lost this time, and he would also obediently complete the conditions of this food battle.

"Fang Lin, I lost this time, so I will give you the title of the leader of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association, and I will become an ordinary member of the research association and follow your arrangements. Kuga Teruki came to Fang Lin and said

"Senior Jiuga, you didn't take my advice this time, and I won by relying on the advantage of ingredients. Fang Lin said with a smile

"If you lose, you lose."Kuga nodded,"I won't find any excuses to shirk my responsibility. I have already used all my cooking skills, and at the same time, I know how difficult your dish is."

"Well, we will go to the Chinese Cuisine Research Club later. Fang Lin didn't say anything, just nodded.

For Kuga Teruki, although he was unwilling, he had to accept the fact that he was so strong.

"But, Fang Lin."Kuga Teruki looked at Fang Lin and said,"I will continue to work hard until I can make something stronger than your Mapo Tofu."

"I am looking forward to it. Fang Lin's eyes moved slightly and he looked to the side.

Erina, Alice, and Tadokoro Megumi came over.

"Congratulations, you bastard, you won." said Erina Nakiri

"Lin-kun, you are in the spotlight again." said Alice Nakiri

"Lin Jun, I know you are the best."Tanokoro Hui said

"Okay, Erina, Alice, Xiaohui, let's go, the food battle competition is over."Fang Lin stretched his body. The food battle competition just now was also a very mentally exhausting thing for Fang Lin. After all, the opponent was the eighth place of the Ten Great Masters of Totsuki.

""Okay." Nakiri Erina and the others nodded and followed Fang Lin. Nakiri Senzaemon looked at Fang Lin and Kuga Teruki who were walking away, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, and he said softly,"Fang Lin, your lava tofu contains the spirit of the pinnacle of skill, and that destructive mental offensive is even more powerful than the power of a killer dish. How far can you go?""

"Moreover, the lava tofu has a subtle spiritual power. Have you touched the legendary chef's realm?" Nakiri Senzaemon was amazed.

The other four examiners also took a deep breath and stood up.

"Lin Jun, I look forward to your growth."Kujiuzhi Yuanguo's beautiful eyes moved slightly

""Is Fang Lin pretty powerful?" Kadozaki Taki said,"He seems even more terrifying than Senior Dojima Gin before."

"Shigong, do you know? During the few days you were away, Fang Lin's strength has become more and more terrifying."Mizuhara Fuyumi said to herself,"Can you really catch up with him?"

Many students in the audience looked at each other in bewilderment.

"How could it be? Senior Kuga lost, and lost by a large margin."

"Doesn't that prove that Fang Lin now has the ability to be the eighth of the Ten Elites, or even higher?"

"Fang Lin is the pride of our senior year. He will go further and further."

"Maybe everything Fang Lin said at the opening ceremony will really come true, and he will become the king."

Yes, to become the king, to suppress the students of the entire academy and make them surrender.

As time goes by, more and more students, especially those in the first year of high school, have completely convinced Fang Lin.

In addition, this time, Fang Lin perfectly defeated Senior Kuga Teruki, which put a big weight in their hearts.

Looking at it from the audience, the faces of several members of the Ten Elites were different.

This time the result was still somewhat unexpected._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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