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"As expected, it was Junior Fang Lin who won."Xiao Lin Longdan was lying on the stands, looking at the result of the game with a charming smile,"But I didn't expect that he would win by a large margin. It seems that the blow I suffered this time was big enough to be defeated so easily by a freshman."

"This may be Kuga's fate. After all, when he challenged Si Yingshi before, it was almost the same situation and he was completely defeated. Akane Kubo Momo said on the side.

"Akane Kubo, if Kuga heard what you said, he would probably cry to death.

"I haven't been here for a long time."Akira Kubo Momo said innocently

"I am not here, but my good friend Ji Zhiguo is here."Kobayashi Ryudan glanced at Ji Zhiguo Ningning next to him. Ji Zhiguo

Ningning's expression was very calm. After all, she had thought about the consequences of Kuga Teruki's failure.

"It's okay, Ryudan-senpai, Akane Kubo-senpai, I'm used to losing anyway."At this moment, Ji Zhiguo Ningning stabbed her good friend. Sometimes Ji Zhiguo Ningning also looked very black-bellied.

After all, she usually looked very quiet and a good student with glasses. When such a girl turned black-bellied, she was really powerful.

"Ruishan, I didn't expect that Lin Jun could beat me like this. I didn't expect it either."Ise Hui was surprised. Before he knew it, Fang Lin's growth rate had exceeded his imagination.

"Isshiki, Kuga didn't use his special dish."Eishan Zhijin also pressed his glasses on the tip of his nose, his eyes flickering,"And Fang Lin, that kid, only won this victory by relying on the advantage of ingredients, which is nothing."

"Really?" Isshiki Hui smiled faintly.

The advantage of ingredients, what a joke, even if the Yin-Yang Poison Scorpion King Ghost Pepper is a super spicy ingredient, but you don't have the corresponding processing method, then it is impossible to make a dish. After all, some very difficult dishes are difficult to cook.

Take a simple puffer fish for example. If you want to remove its poison sac, you need to have superb food processing skills, and it is for the ingredient of puffer fish. Ordinary chefs can't handle such ingredients at all, and they are not allowed to handle such ingredients.

Because if you are not careful, the ingredients you cook may kill the diners.

If there is really a diner who dies from a chef's dish, perhaps this chef will have no future in the culinary world.

This is something that every student of Totsuki is aware of. The goal of Totsuki's students is always to move forward towards the goal of becoming a national-level chef. This is their motivation and direction.

Like Shinomiya's efforts in France, Inui Hinatako, Kanshou Ping and other graduates' efforts in Japan, they have all achieved certain achievements.

Looking back at the venue of the food battle, Ruishan Ezu also glanced at it,"Then I'll go first, I still have a lot of things to do now."

Watching Ruishan Zhijin also leave, Isshiki Hui looked at Fang Lin in the venue,"Congratulations, Fang Lin, you are getting closer and closer to standing at the top of Yuanyue. There is only one thing you have to complete first, and that is the autumn selection."

"Let's go, Isse Hui."The blood-red-haired Xiaolin Longdan showed a hint of canine teeth, and looked at Fang Lin's figure with his peripheral vision,"Fang Lin, junior brother, let's look forward to it even more, look forward to the future, your future"

""Congratulations, Fang Lin, you won. You actually beat the eighth place of the top ten. That's amazing." Yoshino Yuuki said loudly. They were happy that their Polaris Dormitory had such an amazing person.

With senior Isshiki Hui who was the seventh place, and now Fang Lin who beat the eighth place, it seemed like their Polaris Dormitory was returning to its golden age.

"Congratulations, Fang Lin." Sakaki Ryoko, Ibusaki Shun and others also congratulated him.

"Fang Lin, you are even more powerful now." Yukihira Soma's eyes were full of fighting spirit. He couldn't afford to be left behind by Fang Lin.

"Thank you all."Fang Lin said,"And Soma-kun, I will walk faster and faster."

At the same time, Mito Yumei, Takumi and others also came here. Of course, their reactions were different. Mito Yumei came to congratulate Fang Lin, and Takumi, like Yukihira Soma, made unresigned and firm words. Although

Fang Lin seemed to have gone further, Takumi still did not give up.

One day, he will arrive at the top ten, and it won't be too long.

"Fang Lin, I won't let you take the cake." Kurokiba Ryo looked at Fang Lin and the others who were cheering with a grim expression.

"One day, one day, I will defeat you myself." Kurokiba Ryo swore.

And a white-haired man in the audience touched his nose with his finger and smiled bitterly,"Mr. Fang Lin, it seems that he is really powerful."

"But, I, Ryo Hayama, will not be afraid."The white-haired man, Ryo Hayama, smiled slightly,"Based on my research on spices, the combination of Jun and I is the strongest."

After Fang Lin chatted with other companions for a while, he said goodbye to Erina and the others, and left with Kuga Teruki.

Because now he is going to the Chinese Cuisine Research Society, and now Fang Lin has become the leader of the Chinese Cuisine Research Society.

Fang Lin's departure did not dampen the enthusiasm of the audience. The influence of this food battle was even greater than the one with Erina. After all, Erina was only a year higher at the time, and she was the last of the Ten Elites. In addition, the students at the time did not have a deep understanding of the Ten Elites, but now the students in the academy already know what the Ten Elites represent.

That is the existence standing at the top of the academy, and the lecturers are all To a certain extent, they have to obey their arrangements, and they can even change the rules of the school. This is the great power of the Ten Elites of Totsuki.

It can even be said that if most of the Ten Elites unite, they can even overthrow the school commander-in-chief, which shows the power of the Ten Elites. Compared with ordinary students like them, it is the difference between heaven and earth.

So Kuga Teruki, who won the eighth seat, this time the storm was unprecedentedly big, and the students were talking about it after he left.

It can be predicted that Fang Lin’s topic will never weaken in the next few days.

Fang Lin and Kuga Teruki met a person on the way to the District Chinese Cuisine Research Association.

Eizunaya Eishan. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Xiao

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