At a cooking event in Totsuki Academy, the top student, Erina Nakiri, and Fang Lin, who made a shocking statement at the opening ceremony, began an unprecedented competition.

Fang Lin looked at the boiling water in the pot and picked up the colander in his hand.

"30 seconds, that's now." Fang Lin took the noodles out of the pot and put them in a basin of cold water.

This way, the noodles will be cooked by the boiling water while the cold water will shrink them. This will make the noodles more elastic and tough.

"Now let's process the shrimps. Fang Lin picked up a basin of shrimps and started processing them.

He had to remove the shells and leave a part of the tail.

Fang Lin processed the shrimps skillfully and put them into a bowl.

"Continue processing. Fang Lin continued processing these shrimps. You know, this time the theme of shrimps is that Fang Lin wants to make the ultimate seafood flavor of shrimps burst out completely.

Pure shrimps still lack a little strength.

"Okay, let’s season it.���Fang Lin put the processed shrimps into a large bowl, then added a little salt and pepper and marinated them for a short time.

He picked up another bowl and added eggs and stirred them.

At this time, Fang Lin looked at Erina Nakiri's cooking table and found that Erina was doing the final finishing work. She also looked at Fang Lin provocatively.

Fang Lin naturally saw the food on Erina Nakiri's plate and smiled slightly,"Shrimp dumplings? Unfortunately, Erina, your shrimp dumplings have a fatal flaw."

"The marinated shrimps are ready. Fang Lin took out the shrimps, dipped each one in starch and egg liquid, then wrapped it with noodles and a small amount of breadcrumbs.

""Heat the pan." Fang Lin turned on the stove and poured a large amount of olive oil into a pan, which was to use the power of frying directly.

As the shrimp wrapped in dough were put in one by one, this dish was finally ready.

"Done."Erina Nakiri let go of her hands and finished her plating.

"Mine is also done."Looking at the surface of the noodles turning golden, Fang Lin knew that he had also finished this dish.

"Of course, I'll just have to remove some fat." Fang Lin simply removed some fat and put the shrimps into five white porcelain plates.

At this moment, Nakiri Erina walked up to the judges' table with a confident smile.

She placed her dishes in front of each judge.

"Please enjoy my dish, Italian ravioli." Nakiri Erina was as confident and proud as ever. This was the pride of being the God's Tongue, the chief freshman, and the pride of being one of the Ten Greatest of Totsuki.

""What a delicate shrimp dumpling." The judges praised it.

In terms of exquisiteness, this Italian shrimp dumpling is so delicious that you can't bear to eat it.

The transparent thin skin wraps the shrimp meat, the soup on the plate is shining with an attractive fragrance, and there are green side dishes. It is simply a luxurious dim sum dish.

Flawless Italian cuisine

"Then I will try this shrimp dumpling."One of the judges picked up a shrimp dumpling and put it in his mouth, biting it gently.

In an instant, the deliciousness of the shrimp dumpling was directly transmitted to the taste buds through the dumpling skin. With every bite, the elastic texture of the dumpling skin spreads in the mouth along with the juicy shrimp meat. With every bite, you can feel the deliciousness of the shrimp meat jumping in your mouth, and the creativity of the dumpling skin directly wraps the deliciousness of the shrimp meat.

With the special soup of the stinging shrimp dumpling, this shrimp dumpling is even more delicious.

"I can eat more." The judges picked up the dumplings and put them directly into their mouths. After a moment, the judges showed happy expressions.

They have been conquered by this Italian shrimp dumplings.

"A great shrimp dumpling." Nakiri Senzaemon was tasting the delicious shrimp dumpling, and at the same time, the characteristic collar of this foodie devil appeared in front of everyone.

"The collar is torn. It seems that Erina's work makes the commander-in-chief very satisfied."Many people in the stands are talking about it.

Yes, these students have also heard the rumor that if the commander-in-chief eats delicious works, his shirt will fall off, so-called collar torn.

Now this trick really appeared in front of everyone's eyes, it is still a bit surprising.

"Erina, no matter how you process the shrimp or add spinach to it, it makes the shrimp taste more three-dimensional." Nakiri Senzaemon said as he ate,"And the dumpling wrapper is very elastic. This is the dumpling wrapper you made yourself last night."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief."Erina Nakiri nodded. Although the original enemy this time was the senior student Goda Hayashi Kiyoshi, Erina would not let her guard down because of this, so she would cook the dishes perfectly.

Erina did not buy the dumpling wrappers

, which were very important. The dumpling wrappers that were made by running water could not enhance the deliciousness of the shrimp dumplings at all, but would reduce the taste of the shrimp dumplings.

""And the dumpling wrappers are cooked in the water for just the right amount of time." Nakiri Senzaemon said, dipping the dumpling wrappers in the soup on the plate,"The soup below also concentrates the deliciousness of the shrimp meat. This is a perfect seafood shrimp dumpling.""

""Excellent work." Nakiri Senzaemon gave the final comment.

The other judges nodded one after another. This dish of shrimp dumplings seemed to take them back to their youth, the years of youth and passion.

This dish of Italian shrimp dumplings brought them such a perfect taste experience.

The general's comment made the audience cheer.

"Ms. Erina"

"Queen Erina"

"Erina-sama……"Countless cheers swept in like waves, and the whole venue was filled with Erina's cheers.

It was as if Erina had already won.

Although these freshmen were surprised by Fang Lin's knife skills, they still subconsciously rejected Fang Lin.

Because Fang Lin was too strong, just for this reason.

Fang Lin was not affected by this, and came to the judges' table with a calm face and placed the dish in front of the judges.

"Please enjoy my dish, Fang's Thousand Threads Shrimp."

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