"Now add the beef." Fang Lin poured the beef from the bowl beside him directly into the pan.

You can see that each piece of beef is gently jumping, rubbed on the olive oil, and exudes a hint of meaty aroma.

Now it is necessary to fry the surface of the beef until it is cooked. Every surface is just right to shine with a brown-yellow luster, which is the color of gravy.

It is shining and is like a gem of beef.

Looking at the luster of this beef, the audience secretly swallowed their saliva. Fang Lin clearly used only ordinary beef, but why is the temptation of this piece of meat not inferior to those top-grade beef?

"This is the vitality that top-notch knife skills give to beef."Erina Nakiri said in a deep voice,"Hisako, you have to know that in legends, ingredients also have vitality, and that bastard has completely stimulated the essence of this ordinary piece of beef."

"Isn't this a legend?" Xin Hu Fei Sha said blankly.

"No, although the legend is a bit exaggerated, we can see that the scoundrel's knife skills bring different changes to each ingredient."Such changes are subtle, but when it comes to cooking, these subtleties are combined together and will bring earth-shaking changes to the dish."

"This may be the result of a little bit of accumulation."Erina Nakiri's eyes remained motionless.

"You are so amazing, Mr. Lin." Arato Hisako looked at Fang Lin. Fang Lin might be the first person in the academy to convince Erina Nakiri like this.

""Okay." Fang Lin looked at the beef in the pan, which was showing its meaty luster, and took it out and put it aside.

Then, without removing the oil from the bottom of the pan, he continued to put in carrots and onions to give these side dishes the taste of beef.

He took out a cast iron pan from the side, poured in the vegetables, beef, and bacon that had just been fried, sprinkled with salt, pepper, and flour, and let the flour evenly spread on the beef.

"Put it in the oven. Fang Lin put the cast iron pot in the oven.

After a few minutes, he took it out of the oven, put bay leaves and thyme in it, poured in red wine, and put it in the oven again.

"Now is the time to change. Fang Lin took out another iron pot, put it on the stove, poured red wine into it, and then put in other auxiliary ingredients.

"Ding."The time for the beef in the oven has come.

Wearing gloves, take the beef out of the cast iron pot and pour it into this pot.

Boil it continuously over high heat.

This is to quickly collect the juice, so that the essence of the ingredients can be completely absorbed by the beef, and the flavor of the beef can continue to grow. This is Burgundy beef stew.

No, it is no longer Burgundy beef stew now.

"Now this is part of the rice bowl."Fang Lin looked at the beef stewing over a big fire, and his mouth curled up slightly, letting everyone feel what the real aroma of meat is.

When Fang Lin opened the lid of the pot, the aroma of the meat inside swept directly into the audience.

They seemed to be able to hear the tempting sound of the beef sizzling, and most importantly, they smelled the aroma of beef at the tip of their noses, the aroma of top-grade beef.

This is the power of meat.

"How could this happen?"The audience was all shocked by this scene.

The smell of meat is not a very contagious smell, unlike spices, which will directly give people a stimulating smell.

Because spices act directly on the nose.

But meat is not like this. The distance the smell of meat spreads is limited.

But now the whole venue is actually baptized by the smell of meat. Everyone's mouth is secreting saliva. This extreme meat smell that they have never felt before.

"What is this smell? I am almost conquered by the meaty aroma. A woman in a kimono on the jury softened.

"This kind of meaty aroma is beyond the top-grade beef." said a man next to him.

"I am really looking forward to it, and I am really looking forward to the cooking of that student."The last slightly fat man said,"It is said that this boy named Fang Lin became the head chef of the Mist Restaurant. It really lives up to his reputation. In addition to Japanese cuisine, he can even make such a modified French cuisine."

"The chef of the Mist Restaurant, it turns out he is the one."The woman suddenly realized,"I also heard that the Mist Restaurant has a new chef. If I wasn't on a business trip, I would also like to try the delicious food there."

"I've been there, it's great, not inferior to the cooking of top chefs at all." The thin man exclaimed.

The three judges were talking about it, and at this moment they were completely attracted by Fang Lin's cooking.

The three judges are also somewhat famous in Tokyo. The woman is the president of the Japanese restaurant"Zangji", Shigeno Kuraki, the thin man is the black-haired wagyu critic Yoshiki Oto, and the slightly fat man is the producer of the TV program"Superior Glutton".

The three of them are still somewhat famous in the food world.

At the same time, Soma Yukihira naturally smelled the ultimate meat aroma, and his eyes flashed with determination,"No matter what, I have to finish my dish."

"It's still uncertain who will win or lose this time, Fang Lin-kun."Soma Yukihira was not interrupted by this sudden situation, and he was still full of fighting spirit. He smelled the change of the aroma of beef and watched the change of the color of the beef in the pot. Fang Lin's eyes moved and he turned off the stove to cool the beef.

During the cooling process, the aroma of the meat finally subsided, and the audience returned to normal.

But their eyes were already firmly locked on Fang Lin's cooking table.

""Proceed to the next step of beef processing." Fang Lin continued to take out a frying pan, spread olive oil on it, and poured a little white beef, which is beef fat.

When the fat slowly melted, he took out the cooked beef from the pot just now, put it squarely in the pot, took out a small bowl, and poured the white soup on the beef.

At this moment, the preparation of the rice bowl has slowly come to an end, because Fang Lin also cooked the rice in the rice cooker at the same time.

"Okay, time is almost up, please start serving."

"So far so good"

"My rice bowl is ready." On Fang Lin's cooking table, in several round bowls, a whole piece of beef adorned the rice bowl like a gem.

Fang's Feast Beef Rice Bowl is ready.

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