Jiang Yan remembers that when he first made egg fried rice, he learned to cook it like his mother was in charge.

First put oil in the pan, pick up the egg and touch the edge of the iron pan to crack it, break the eggshell with both hands to let the egg liquid flow into the bowl, and use chopsticks to beat clockwise to make the liquid. Then pour into the oil pan and stir-fry, then add rice and stir-fry, and then add an appropriate amount of salt and green onion to stir-fry the pan, the oil is moist and fragrant.

It's just that when he grew up and left home, it seemed that he had never eaten egg fried rice made by his mother again, let alone cooked for himself.

I ate in the cafeteria when I went to college, and I ate takeout after graduating from work.

Every day is busy like a spinning top, and I don't get the life I want.

In the end, he died suddenly, and let his parents send black-haired people to white-haired people.

Unfortunately, he died suddenly while working overtime in the company, and the money compensated by the company should be enough for his parents to enjoy their old age.

An egg fried rice recipe breaks Jiang Yan's pretense of strength little by little.

He thought that if he didn't think about it, he could treat it as if it hadn't happened, but the pain of losing a loved one was as silent as the night, but it was winding, and he inadvertently stuck in his heart because of an action, a thing, or a dish.

Food is often nothing special, just given special meaning by the person who eats.

After carefully reading the recipe, Jiang Yan blinked his somewhat sour eyes.

It turns out that stir-frying a bowl of delicious egg fried rice is not a simple task.

First of all, choose local eggs, the color of the scrambled yellow with red, has a unique egg aroma.

It seems that five eggs are very important.

It is also stir-fried with fresh lard, and the aroma of fried rice is created.

The heat also needs to be noted, when scrambling eggs, use medium heat to heat 60% oil, so that the scrambled eggs will not be simmered, but also tender and fragrant.

The most important point is to use overnight rice, preferably overnight rice with seeds that has been fermented overnight and scattered into grains, and the taste is the best.

Overnight rice that has been fermented overnight is the key to egg fried rice.

The fermentation itself is a process of flavoring, just as dried shiitake mushrooms are more mellow than fresh shiitake mushrooms, and the fermentation process from "fresh" to "dry" is a fermentation process.

After figuring out the recipe, Jiang Yan exhaled.

It seems that today's egg fried rice can't be reciped, so he can only make a bowl to taste himself.

He now has neither a koshiko to cook rice or an ordinary overnight meal.

Only freshly cooked rice still exudes heat.

But after obtaining the recipe, Jiang Yan also had a clear understanding of the preparation method of egg fried rice.

Know how to make the best egg fried rice with existing ingredients.

The warm rice is washed with ice water, washed away to wash off the heat, and the moisture is controlled and used as an overnight meal.

Then open a double pot at the same time, that is, bake rice without oil in one pot, while scrambled eggs in oil in the other pot.

When the eggs are scrambled, pour in the roasted and stir-fried rice and stir-fry, so that the fried egg fried rice is tender and less greasy.

And at this time, you can also choose whether to eat "omelet rice" or "rice egg egg" according to your taste.

The so-called "omelet rice" is to pour the egg liquid into the pot when it is not solidified, quickly pour the rice into the pot and stir-fry the egg, and then the egg will be wrapped in the rice one by one.

"Rice egg" is to stir-fry the egg liquid in a pot into pieces, cut it apart, and then cover the rice on the egg and quickly stir-fry it.

Jiang Yan likes to eat "rice wrapped eggs", and feels that this kind of solidified fried golden burnt eggs is more enjoyable when eating.

After the large egg pieces were fried with aroma, Jiang Yan obviously felt the difference between the eggs he bought and ordinary eggs.

The difference in fragrance between the two is obvious.

The five-dollar egg, the yolk is yellow and red, and after stir-frying, it is pure golden yellow, and the golden color is very tempting.

And when scrambling eggs, Jiang Yan also added some cooking wine according to the recipe when mixing them, while removing fishy, it can also make the eggs soaked and tender, which is surprisingly fragrant.

After a while, a near-perfect egg fried rice was out of the pan.

The golden yellow color of the egg sets off the white glow of the rice with distinct grains, and the green onions are even more emerald green and fragrant.

Judging from the appearance, this egg fried rice is much more beautiful than the first egg fried rice made when I was young.

It exudes a tempting fragrance, and the fresh aroma of eggs blends with the aroma of green onions and rice.

Jiang Yan was hungry, so he stood directly in front of the stove and started eating it with egg fried rice.

Egg fried rice is to be eaten hot, and to fill the mouth with a large mouthful, and then chew slowly and swallow, feel the egg fried rice and the aroma of egg fried rice burst out in the mouth, and the moment is really full of happiness.

Jiang Yan couldn't stop eating, holding the bowl and pulling it into his mouth one after another, without the need for side dishes, the chewy rice, very chewy, the fragrant eggs were tender, and the icing on the cake was delicious.

All longing seems to be healed in this warm bowl of egg fried rice.

Sometimes food can really relieve temporary nostalgia, make people temporarily comforted psychologically, so as to gain the motivation to continue to move forward, so as not to sink themselves in the emotions of longing.

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