After eating a bowl of rice, Jiang Yan sighed with satisfaction.

It's delicious!

A large bowl was full of sharp points, and he actually ate it all.

You know, this is served in a soup bowl!

That's it, or he didn't make it exactly according to the recipe.

I can't imagine how delicious the egg fried rice made with overnight rice is.

Jiang Yan curiously searched for the rice dumplings in the system mall.

Then there were a lot of koshiko at different price points.

Koshiko is an ancient cooking utensil and is the most traditional way to cook.

It is mainly used to steam rice, and the outside is slightly like a wooden barrel, but the inside grate is a conical steaming bottom made of bamboo fence with an inward, slightly arched upward arch, so there are many small holes for steaming food on the pot.

In the past, there was no rice cooker, and not only did the rice cook, but also cooked vegetables at the feet and steamed vegetables inside, killing three birds with one stone.

Nowadays, every household has a rice cooker, and it is rare to cook with a koshiko.

According to the recipe, the rice is not only delicious, but also has a special flavor.

The rice cooked with no trees will have a different tree aroma.

Jiang Yan almost didn't need to think, so he chose the cheapest koshi, the sand inside is made of toon trees, and the rice made by the introduction has a fragrance and will be a little red.

One koshiko costs 3888

Jiang Yan twitched in distress.

He always felt that something was wrong.

Get a free recipe, but because you need his useless utensils to make, you have to pay for it.

In this way, free recipes are not free.

How much money is spent within the system.

Is this really an auxiliary system?

I'm afraid I'm not here to make him money!

In order to make the most of it, even if he didn't serve egg fried rice today, but bought a koshiko, he directly abandoned the rice cooker and used the koshiko to cook rice.

Boil water in the largest iron pot first, wash the rice during the period, and when the bottom of the pot bubbles, the washed rice is washed.

After the water is boiling, reduce the heat until the rice pot remains open, but not spread out.

When the rice has been cooked until eight to nine years old and there is still a little hard core, turn off the heat.

Pour the rice and rice soup into the leaky net and drain the rice soup.

Then the iron pot was mixed with water, the freshly bought koshiko was put in, and gauze was spread on the grate. Pour the drained rice into it. Insert holes in the rice with chopsticks so that steam can come up. Turn on a high heat, after gassing, adjust the medium heat, and steam for more than ten minutes!

During this period, Jiang Yan was particularly curious about the rice cooking, so he sat in front of the stove and watched.

A koshi is as tall as a wooden barrel, and it cooks a lot of rice at one time.

Jiang Yan is going to put the cooked rice back into the rice cooker to keep warm, so that the aroma of the rice will not dissipate with the cooling.

And when preparing dishes, cook the rice eight to nine times in advance, and after the rice is eaten, it will be good to cook it in ten minutes, which is faster than cooking rice in a rice cooker.

Time passed in Jiang Yan's preparation, cooking, and eating.

At 11 o'clock, there were no guests in the hotel, and Gao Huamao's phone called first.

"Brother Jiang, did you see the message I sent you, the dishes ordered and the address were sent to you."

Gao Huamao's happy voice came from the phone, Jiang Yan really didn't see the message he sent, nodded in response, and opened WeChat, and there was indeed a dish ordered by Gao Huamao.

Three servings of rice, one serving of sauerkraut fish, half a saltwater duck.

"If you see it, I'll do it for you right away, and send it over."

"Okay, thank you Brother Jiang."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yan began to prepare takeaway.

At the same time, place an order on the rider platform in the same city and wait for the rider to come and pick up the meal.

After realizing it, Jiang Yan thought that today's rice was rice and hesitated to add money? This is what he bought for 3888, and this money cannot be spent in vain.

But after thinking about it, it's not good to suddenly increase money, and it's not appropriate to do business like this. Then try it and see if the rice cooked in the rice cooker is better or the rice bowl.

Then he reacted, he could add a rice type and earn back the money from buying the dumplings first.

The ordinary rice cooked in the rice cooker sells for two yuan a bowl.

A bowl of high-quality Wuchang rice cooked with koshiko.

Yes, just do it, this is an additional income!

He is really an ordinary business genius, and he can come up with new tricks to make money!

Jiang Yanle cooked the dishes he

"Today's rice is made with ancient rice cooker, if you try to eat the taste is different from the rice cooked in an ordinary rice cooker, which is delicious."

Although Gao Huamao looked at the photo, although he didn't know what the rice was, he still praised with his eyes closed with his confidence in Jiang Yan's cooking skills.

Just as the rider came to pick up the meal, Jiang Yan also told Gao Huamao to take the meal.

On the other side, Gao Huamao also received a text message that the rider was delivering, and an excited carp got up from the bed to wash.

Yes, he hasn't gotten up yet.

As soon as he woke up and saw that it was 11 o'clock, he quickly called Jiang Yan to order food, and just washed up when he was waiting for the meal, without delay.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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