The delivery method of the system can be selected by yourself, there are direct out of thin air, and there are one-hour delivery masters.

Jiang Yan has not tried it for an hour, and he always feels that the ingredients purchased in the system are delivered in reality, which is very mysterious.

But he himself has experienced the traversal binding system, which is very unscientific in itself, so he is not entangled.

The restaurant has not been stocked, and it is strange to be noticed by people with intentions.

After the successful purchase of the ingredients, he chose to deliver in one hour.

Compared with the direct shipping cost of five dollars, the free shipping in one hour is more cost-effective, that is, it will take some time.

You can't use it when you're in a hurry to cook, and you can still wait when you replenish the stock.

When the ingredients arrived, Jiang Yan rested while playing with his mobile phone.

On the whole, opening a hotel is better than working in his previous life, at least no one cares about him, busy when he is busy, and rest time when he is not busy, and the whole person is still free.

He also earned a lot, and if he didn't have those debts, he would be easier.

Open the door if you want, rest if you want.

It's beautiful to think about.


After the ingredients were delivered, Jiang Yan began to prepare the dishes.

The saltwater duck is mostly packed and may be the reason for the cold dishes.

In summer, many tasteless people like to eat cold dishes.

Because it is cold in itself, it does not affect the taste when it is packed back to eat, so it is popular and sold quickly.

After Jiang Yan dealt with the ducks, he saw that it was difficult to make a mistake with the ducks left over from today.

Ducks can be made into saltwater ducks, but duck blood, duck hearts, duck liver, duck intestines, duck belly are left.

To talk about this duck miscellaneous, the first thing that Jiang Yan thinks of is duck blood vermicelli soup, which uses these ingredients.

But he won't do it!

Jiang Yan was about to click on the system mall to see the recipe.

Thinking that he had just spent money on koshiko in the morning, and now he was buying a new recipe, then he had very little money left!

But isn't it a pity that these fresh duck miscellaneous are wasted?

After hesitating for a long time, Jiang Yan still clicked on the system to check how much the recipe for duck blood vermicelli soup costed.

This look is directly dead.

The recipe for duck blood vermicelli soup costs 38,808.

Don't hesitate, you can't afford it directly.

Jiang Yan gave up decisively.

He found that the recipe is expensive in the details of various recipes.

For example, the marinade of saltwater duck and the various spices used in marinating are the most important steps.

The more complex the steps of a dish and the more secret recipes involved, the more expensive the price.

Jiang Yan had a headache just by looking at that string of numbers, and he couldn't afford it!

Then wait for the duck to marinate and dry, ready to slow marinade.

Jiang Yan looked at this pot of brine, and then looked at the processed duck miscellaneous, and his eyes lit up.

Ready-made brine, isn't it good to make brine duck miscellaneous?

Duck miscellaneous can also be marinated! It's not that he hasn't eaten.

The brine left after the saltwater duck is ready, by the way, the duck is also marinated, and it is another dish.

This is probably where recipes are expensive, with this brine, you can not only make brine duck, but also make other brine brine dishes, cooking skills are sometimes really interchangeable.

Jiang Yan felt that he could do it again.

Effortlessly add a dish and earn money again!

The busy time passed in a flash.

After six o'clock, the hotel also began to be filled with customers.

Jiang Yan also began to get busy.

After Wang Geyun picked up his son from school, he came directly to Hao Zailai restaurant to order first, waiting for Wang Jun to come over from work to eat together.

Jiang Yan remembered Wang Geyun and said hello when he came to dinner with Wang Jun yesterday.

"Sister-in-law, here, what do you want to eat today?"

Jiang Yan saw them coming over and asked with a smile.

"What's the dish today?"

"Sauerkraut fish, saltwater duck, saltwater duck miscellaneous platter."

"That's all."


For the lack of menus in the store, Wang Geyun guessed that Jiang Yan should be busy alone, so there were few dishes.

She looked around, and there were already two tables of people eating in the store.

Look at the good look of business.

But also, the restaurant tastes so good, there is no queue for dinner, she is surprised, if no one comes to eat, it will be strange.

At this time, Sheng Hui's family also walked into the Hao Zai Hotel under the leadership of her boyfriend Kong Guangliang.

If you want to say that the restaurant is attractive, it must be that there are guests eating, and they are eating very happily, diners can smell the aroma of food as soon as they walk in, and in an instant people can feel that this restaurant is not wrong.

Sheng Hui's parents feel so.

Even if there is a sauerkraut fish noodle soup made by their daughter in the morning as a foreshadowing, but seeing that the decoration is not very good, they can't believe that such an ordinary restaurant can make amazing food.

But when their group entered the store, the moment the glass door was pushed open, it was like opening Pandora's box, and the rich aroma of food came to their faces, which immediately dispelled their doubts.

"It's so fragrant~"

This dinner, Sheng Hui has been looking forward to it from morning to evening.

Now it's finally time to eat, smell the fragrance, and the smile on the corners of my mouth has never fallen.

"There's a new dish today!"

Kong Guangliang was also very happy to see that the menu had more new dishes.

The first time he invited his girlfriend's parents to dinner, the dishes were not suitable, and it seemed that he did not pay much attention to his girlfriend's family.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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