To be precise, although they are all creditors of Jiang Yan, they are not friends who talk about everything, and most of them get together for debts.

Adults, three points of face, can also be said to be ten, but they seem to have a good relationship.

Only Gao Huamao, who is simple, does not know that everyone's relationship is just looking good.

Now that I have found that Jiang Yan has such a craft, the future of the hotel can be expected, and people with vision naturally think more ~ more.

But there is no need to say what this person thinks, everyone knows.

"It's served, eat first, eat first!"

"Big brother, I'll pour you wine."

"A bottle is enough to drink, I also saved wine in Xiaojiang, now go and get it, let's have a drink today."

"I can't drink liquor, do I have beer?"

"Daughter-in-law, have you arrived?"

On the other side, Old Jin got off work one step ahead of his daughter-in-law, and went home to take a special shower and clean up before arriving at the door of the hotel.

His wife is a fastidious person, and she hates eating together with sweat and dirt.

Ms. Zhong left work in the evening, and after work, she went directly to the door of the hotel to assemble.

Looking at so many people queuing at the door of the hotel, Lao Jin called his daughter-in-law.

Before going out, they got the news, and the daughter-in-law should have arrived.

"Right away, get out of the car."

After speaking, Ms. Zhong quickly hung up the phone, paid the driver, and then quickly ran to the door of the hotel with her bag.

When she got to the place, she was also taken aback by the pomp and circumstance of so many people lining up.

Looking at the photos taken by my son at noon, I don't feel it, this will be experienced on the spot, there are really many people.

Or did she have the foresight to let her son come to the queue in advance!

If it weren't for this, I would have been queuing for half a day to eat.

They crossed the line and went straight into the store to find their son's location.

It can make the guests waiting outside envious.

"Mom and Dad, you can be counted as coming, I'm hungry for half a day."

Fortunately, three dishes, both of which were served in casseroles, kept warm.

There is also a cold dish.

Eating now is also the best taste.

"I really didn't expect the business to be so good today, and we didn't need to queue up when we came at noon yesterday."

Ms. Zhong looked at the full, very lively scene and sighed.

"The taste is good, the business is not normal."

Old Jin liked the food in this restaurant very much, and there was no surprise at all.

"Eat quickly, eat quickly, kill me."

Jin Ruicheng almost didn't say anything, don't talk about it, the dishes are all old for half a day!

Mom and Dad didn't come over, even if the food was served, he didn't move, at most he drank a bowl of chicken soup.

That's called a delicious.

Watching others eat their meals hotly, smelling the increasingly rich aroma in the air on the tip of your nose, is really torture.

"Hmm! Delicious! "

Ms. Zhong smiled and picked up the chopsticks and rushed to the elbow, eating it in one bite until the mouth was sticky but not greasy, not chewing between the teeth like lean meat, and not making people unappetizing like fatty meat, it can be described as extremely good taste, unique and delicious, as if eating a lot of collagen, very beautiful.

I feel that eating a gold and silver hoof is more moisturizing than applying a mask, these days eating and drinking well, the complexion is not a star and a half.

Today, there is a young person in the company who asked her if she has used any skin care products recently, or the medical beauty she has done, her skin has improved a lot, and she looks several years younger.

But it made her happy.

"Parents, you eat more, I checked this gold and silver hoof when I was idle just now, it is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to eat, appetizing and strengthening the spleen, and also beautifying."

The golden ham and the silver-white pork knuckle will make the water flow out involuntarily just by looking at its color.

Jin Ruicheng picked up a piece and put it in his father's bowl, and saw that his mother liked to eat elbow skin, and then peeled off the elbow skin and sent it to his mother's bowl.

"You also eat, it's not the first time for your parents to come here to eat, you just have to eat more, otherwise you won't be able to eat when you go back, and your parents can come over whenever they want to eat."

Ms. Zhong was very useful to her son's filial piety, and then said distressedly and put an elbow in her son's bowl.

This sentence was extremely lethal, and Jin Ruicheng's face turned green in an instant.

What a heart!

Things he didn't expect, this will be reminded, and suddenly the whole person is not good.

"Mom, eat more, don't talk about such unpleasant things when eating." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The villain in Jin Ruicheng's heart burst into tears.

Why is it so cruel!

He can take five days of hot vacation, yesterday day, today day, so he can only stay at home for two days, and he has to stay one day to take the car back to the city where he works.

Turning grief and indignation into appetite, Jin Ruicheng looked like he could eat as much as he could, and he was anxious to eat with a white face.

The three of them drank clean together with the local chicken soup.

In the end, they all supported the wall out of the hotel.

Jin Ruicheng: "Open tomorrow at 11 noon, then I will set the alarm clock and come over early for lunch!" "

As the editor of a food magazine, Geng Qingwan is a literature graduate from a prestigious university.

It stands to reason that a job after graduation should not be difficult to find.

But she has been delicious since she was a child, 165 in height, and her weight has been hovering around two hundred pounds, which is very fat whether it is among girls or boys.

Appearance is also one of the requirements for many job recruitments.

Not to mention how good-looking beautiful and handsome guys are, but at least not fat enough to affect health.

Because of her weight, Geng Qingwan interviewed many jobs after graduation and were brushed.

I was accidentally reminded by a friend that I like to eat, why don't I look for a job related to food.

She was then inspired to look for food-related jobs, and eventually became the editor of a food magazine with her knowledge of food and excellent writing.

My usual job is to look for food everywhere, and then write articles, and if the editor-in-chief thinks it is good, he will be hired for the magazine.

She loves this job very much, it can be said that she loves it.

All the time and energy are spent looking for food, then eating, and writing articles, and every day is very fulfilling.

With her sensitivity to food, when she saw Hu Hou's tweet, she knew that the dishes introduced in the article must taste delicious.

Especially after knowing that the address location is in the city, I will go straight to the Hao Zai Hotel as soon as I get off work.

Even so, because of the traffic jam during the rush hour, she arrived at the door of the hotel, it was past 7 o'clock, the store was full, and she could only start queuing.

While queuing, she was not idle, first searching the Internet for news related to this restaurant.

Then, according to the queue, as well as the dining situation in the store, I probably made an assessment in my heart to come to the restaurant again.

Judging from the expressions of every table of customers in the store, the taste of the food should be delicious, they all gobble up, eat very attentively, and basically chat less.

Whether it's a couple, a family, or a dinner with friends, etc.

Almost everyone enjoyed the expression on their faces, and their eyes were extremely focused on the dishes on the table.

(ps: The update on the shelf must be more than that, rest assured, there will be later, but the author is used to early morning codeword updates, so everyone gets up the next day to watch, this will first add a small chapter to add a snack to everyone!) vi).

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