"Wait until the evening to chat with Ji Zong of the technology company about the food ordering mini program, then it will be easier."

Jiang Yan stretched out and lazily lay on the table.

The ingredients purchased in the morning are just enough, and according to statistics, there are more people eating in the evening than at noon, and they have to prepare more.

Take advantage of the hour before the ingredients arrive, just take a break.

At the same time, Wan Siqi had already dealt with the matter of resignation.

The front desk of the educational institution is divided into morning and evening shifts, and the evening shift is two o'clock.

She happened to be working today, and as soon as she went to work in the afternoon, she asked the principal to resign, and there was nothing to hand over the work, all of which were answering the phone, making calls, and entertaining, with no technical content, and there were three front desks at the same time, and there was no shortage of her.

The principal immediately agreed, but the salary would not be paid to her until the ~ time of the next month's salary.

After packing up her things, Wan Siqi officially left - the place where she had worked for a year.

At the thought of going to work again soon, I jumped excitedly in front of my old club's house - twice.

Then send the good news to the sisters.

"Sisters, I successfully resigned and went to the front stage of the hotel again!"

Before the matter was settled, Wan Siqi did not reveal anything at all, and even the two girlfriends did not know.

Now the news is undoubtedly dropping a bomb.



Xiaomei and Xiaoyu all raised their own questions.

Even if you don't see each other for a few days, how can your girlfriend be out of the same world as yourself!

Under the pressure of her girlfriends, Wan Siqi explained the matter clearly, and then took the time to send a message to Jiang Yan, saying that she had left her job and could go to work now and ask if she needed it.

Wan Siqi said that she really loves her work, not for the free working meal and late-night snack.

The thought of being able to eat a good meal for free made her saliva uncontrollable!

The girlfriends also sighed with envy. And a little excited at the same time.

Now that they have people inside, won't they be able to know a lot of insiders about coming back?

For example, what new dishes are there, when not many people go to eat, or you can still count on Wan Siqi to bring rice.

It's exciting to think about!

Dongshi is a third-tier city, not big, not to mention anything new, young people who love the Internet can brush it.

As for where a new restaurant has opened, everyone who loves to join in the excitement knows it.

Not to mention the hot search for things like coming to the hotel again, the locals brushed the neck bib, which did not brush the article written by Mr. Hu Hou.

Now I am curious about the good and come to the restaurant again, and the popularity is very high.

There are a lot of people in the local circle of friends who have checked in, and also sent photos of queues and so on.

As Xiaomei, Xiaoyu, who has already eaten, I have recommended it in the circle of friends before to come to the restaurant.

Now that everyone knows about this restaurant, their circle of friends has been picked up, and many people have come to ask in private messages whether it is really delicious.

They replied, of course, that it was delicious, and highly recommended that everyone try it.

Complete tap water for good re-visit hotel promotion, every successful Amway to a person, very happy.

Now Wan Siqi goes to work in the hotel again.

When they brag in the future, they can also inadvertently mention that they have acquaintances in the good restaurant, wouldn't that attract the envy of a number of people!

Thinking of this picture, Xiaoyu and Xiaomei highly praised Wan Siqi's successful move to jump ship.

"Sister, in the future, the sisters will depend on you to eat, you know what I mean~"

Xiaomei sent a message and a seductive meme, which was enough to prove her enthusiasm.

As soon as Wan Siqi wanted to say two words, he saw Jiang Yan's reply to the news, and immediately left his girlfriends behind.

Jiang Yan was too late to be happy when he saw the news, and immediately returned the need.

It just happened to be a trial during business hours, and I could regret it if it didn't feel appropriate.

So Wan Siqi directly carried a bag of things and took a taxi to the hotel.

"Oh, it's a good way to come to the hotel on Health Road again?"

Taxi drivers walk around the city every day, running many places, and picking up and dropping off many guests in the same place, so they naturally have an impression.


Wan Siqi is a cheerful person who likes to talk, this will listen to the tone of the driver's master, feel that there is something in the words, and immediately inquire.

"Master, is there something wrong with this place?"

"Then no, it's that the meals are all sent to this restaurant these days."

"Hahahaha, it's really famous to come to the restaurant again, it's all on the hot search of the neck, the master you can also taste it when you have time, the restaurant tastes delicious."

Before Wan Siqi officially went to work, she had already dutifully publicized the new owner.

This Amway is genuine.

"You don't know how delicious that meal tastes, sauerkraut fish, sour and spicy, fresh soup can be drunk as fish soup, sour and fresh, not to mention fish fillets, are all live fish killed, tender are reluctant to chew!"

"There is also local chicken soup, that is, the local chicken raised by the hometown in the past, the chicken soup stewed out, without any seasoning, just a little salt, all fresh to make people drool, authentic local chicken stew!"


As soon as Wan Siqi thought that she would be able to work in the hotel soon, her excitement and lunch calmed down.

The driver's master just hit the muzzle, and was pulled by her to talk endlessly about the taste and texture of the dish.

Along the way, the driver and master said that they were hungry.

After all, Wan Siqi said sincerely, and when he said it, he swallowed his own saliva when he was excited, who can not follow the gluttony!

The driver's eldest brother, for a while, really wanted to taste it, and brought his family with him, so he asked by the way: "What time does the hotel open?" I'll go back and taste it too. "

"Six o'clock, master, go early, you will die in line at night."

Wan Siqi kindly reminded him.

When he got off at the place, the driver's eldest brother also kindly touched Zero.

After she got out of the car, the driver sent a voice message in the family group saying please go back and pick them up at night.

Although his wife and daughter did not understand why they wanted to go down to the restaurant in the evening, he said so, it was good to be able to go out to eat and not have to cook at home, and they all agreed.

Wan Siqi entered the store, and Jiang Yan and the three were still resting.

Say hello to each other, and the four of them will play with their mobile phones together.

This leisurely atmosphere made Wan Siqi, who wanted to do a big job, a little uncomfortable.

Is it so idle?

She is no longer a newcomer to the workplace, and Wan Siqi knows how to survive very well.

Just arrived in a familiar place, don't think about making your own claims, the boss and the old employees do whatever they do, first integrate into the collective is the last word.

Otherwise, what awaits her is exclusion.

And in addition to her one female employee in the hotel, the other two plus bosses are men, so it's better to be quiet and not be a demon.

She cherished the opportunity very much.

Where to find such a good job, she can't wait to come to work, but she is also afraid that her job will be robbed.

Well, the restaurant is now so popular, there are many people who are reluctant to eat in the restaurant every day, want to eat the dishes made by the boss, and like her, choose to interview the front desk.

She had to hurry up and take the job.

Until after four o'clock, after the ingredients were delivered, Jiang Yan and the three of them all moved together.

Wan Siqi also immediately stood up and followed everyone out to move goods.

"The ingredients are very heavy, you don't have to do heavy work as a girl, the three of us have moved in two trips."

Jiang Yan is essentially a man who pities Xiang Xiang and cherishes jade, and he is not unworked, where girls are needed to move things.

Wan Siqi blushed and stood aside, almost stunned by Jiang Yan's words.

Who the hell is this tall, handsome man who cooks deliciously!

It's impossible to refuse!

Wan Siqi screamed madly in her heart, and on the surface she was still very reserved standing in place, paying attention to whether she needed her help.

When the ingredients arrived, Jiang Yan and Li Xia began to prepare dishes.

An Feibai is not idle, taking Wan Siqi to familiarize himself with the environment, as well as the price of dishes, memberships and so on.

After the introduction, An Fei was sweating profusely tired.

He really hasn't been in close contact with a girl for so long, and he hasn't even said so much at once when he is with his girlfriend.

The waiter who had worked hard for a few days was much more comfortable to communicate with people, otherwise he would have to stutter nervously.

I don't know why, talking to women will be nervous, it's really nobody!

"Thank you Xiaobai."

An Feibai said very clearly, Wan Siqi listened and recorded at the same time, ready to go home in the evening to memorize it well, and strive to familiarize himself with the work as quickly as possible.

"You're welcome, then I'll go clean up."

After explaining the matter, An Fei ran to the bathroom to get tools and start cleaning.

Only this is what he does best, you can just keep your head down without speaking.

Then Wan Siqi found that the boss and An Feibai Li Xia were busy, and she didn't know what to do alone.

One of the laws of the workplace, when everyone is busy and you have nothing to do, you are the special one, easy to be put on small shoes and not fit in

How does this work? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This will be her still a trial time, not a little better, what if the boss feels that she is not suitable for this position?

So she first went to the kitchen to ask if there was anything she could help, and seeing that there was no work for her to do, she ran outside to find An Feibai to help him.

And then, of course, it was rejected.

For the first time, Wan Siqi found herself so active in looking for work, but she couldn't find a job?

So she cleaned the toilet.

An Feibai was stunned when he came to wash the mop.

Are there any girls who can work now?

And she also cleans the toilets!

An Feibai's shocked mop fell off.

Wan Siqi heard the voice and turned around to greet him with a friendly smile.

"Slow down, just finished dragging, the water on the ground hasn't dried yet."

In a trance, An Feibai answered, continued to clean the mop, and then returned to the hall to reflect what he had just seen!

Immediately came to the back kitchen with a mop, and spoke to Jiang Yan and Li Xia with a shocked face.

Jiang Yan and Li Xia were also shocked.

Cleaning the toilet is already a dirty job, and no one wants to clean the toilet when you go to school.

Unexpectedly, there were young girls who were not afraid of getting dirty and took the initiative to clean the toilet.

"Brother Jiang, did you order?"

Li Xia asked curiously.

Jiang Yan quickly shook his head, this is not to wronged him!

"How can you let the girl clean the toilet, Xiaobai, you go and let her stop working, we will clean it when we get back to work."

Jiang Yan and Li Xia are both dealing with the ingredients, it's not good, it's not clean, so let An Feibai go for a run.

After a while, An Feibai came back and said that the toilet had been cleaned.

At this time, Jiang Yan also smiled helplessly.

Unexpectedly, this little girl is quite brisk, not afraid of dirt and tiredness.

The pre-opening preparations are almost complete.

Staff meals are also ready.

Because new employees are welcome.

Today's staff meal was very hearty, Jiang Yan scrambled egg fried rice, and fish-fragrant eggplant.

Saltwater duck, gold and silver hooves, and local chicken soup can also be eaten.

The sumptuous one made Wan Siqi can't believe that this is an employee meal.

As soon as I wanted to speak, I was choked by the saliva secreted from my mouth.

Such a humiliating side was also seen by everyone, and Wan Siqi's face turned red for a while.

"That... I just choked on saliva..."

It's good not to explain, as soon as it is explained, everyone can't hold back their laughter.

"Ahem, it's okay, maybe you're tired, drink some chicken soup first to moisturize."

Jiang Yan endured a smile and took a bowl and filled her with a bowl of local chicken soup.

Wan Siqi was ashamed and indignant, took the bowl, and directly buried his head to reduce his sense of existence.

Jiang Yan suppressed a smile and beckoned everyone to eat.

These multiple girls are just different, and they are more interesting to get along than to stay with two big men.

Jiang Yan absolutely did not admit that this was his own bad taste.

Eating and eating, Wan Siqi was completely immersed in the deliciousness of the meal, completely forgetting what had just happened.

She must be because she has just arrived in a new environment and is not familiar with everyone, so she can't let go and show her appearance.

It will definitely not be so when you get familiar with it.

She cheered herself up and brainwashed herself in her heart, and then cooked seriously.

The speed of grabbing vegetables is not slower than Xiaobai Li Xia.

Only Jiang Yan eats his own food every day, he is used to it, eats slowly, carefully tastes the taste, and looks very elegant.

Seeing that it was less than twenty minutes before the business hours, An Feibai ate fast, holding the bowl, gulping egg fried rice into his mouth, and a piece of buckled meat and rice could be stuffed into his mouth and chewed together.

For a while, the aroma of pork belly with the salty sweetness of plum vegetables blended with the aroma of rice and eggs, and the rice was fragrant.

Can't stop eating at all.

He looks like he can't wait to eat all the food into his stomach.

People who like to eat are somewhat protective of food.

The speed of eating can also have an impact.

Just like in the examination room, everyone makes the same papers, and suddenly someone turns in the papers first, and naturally some people are in a hurry.

Wan Siqi because An Feibai ate fast, unconsciously also increased the speed of his own eating, that posture and An Feibai you chase me, people who don't know still think who eats faster in the competition!

"Eat slowly, there are many dishes, there are still in the pot, eating so fast is not good for the stomach."

"Eat a mouthful of food."

An Feibai said while moving non-stop.

It's true, if you really chew it slowly, a lot of food loses a certain deliciousness.

For example, barbecue, eating skewers directly, is definitely better than using chopsticks to remove the meat skewers, and eat them one by one.

The same goes for eating noodles.

A large chopstick sucked into the mouth is definitely more fragrant than picking them up one by one and putting them in the spoon and eating them in the mouth.

Jiang Yan looked at their fragrant eating appearance, and unintentionally their appetite was brought a little better, and they ate more and more.

I started with just one bowl of rice, but now I can eat two bowls.

After eating, there are already customers entering the store in advance.

Geng Qingwan had the experience of eating the day before, and this time brought the editors of the food editing team over, and the editor-in-chief were invited by her.

Because she tasted the taste of the dishes in the restaurant, she felt that Hao Zai could occupy a separate tweet to highlight the recommendation.

So I took a department of people and came directly to the hotel at five o'clock.

To avoid queuing, skip work ahead of schedule to eat.

When editors apply for expatriate shop visits, they can skip work directly as long as their boss approves it.

Because their job involves visiting various places, looking for food, staying in the company, where they can know other people's delicious restaurants, and writing attractive articles.

Of course, you have to go out to eat by yourself, and then write it out, take photos, etc., these are all work content.

"This hotel is the place that Teacher Hu Hou focuses on?"

It's not a key recommendation, Hu Hou never writes a place alone.

This is the first time that I have recommended a restaurant on my personal social platform.

People in the industry will be a little curious about what the taste of a restaurant that can be recommended by a foodie like Hu Hou is.

This recommendation can directly drive the business and popularity of a restaurant.

You must know that many famous restaurants have invited Hu Hou to open or hold gourmet banquets and other activities, just to get his praise and gain a foothold in the industry.

It would be even better if it were written into the book by Hu Hou.

It's really the first time that you can directly write a long article on your personal social platform to recommend it like Hao Zai Lai Hotel.

"Yes, I came to eat it yesterday, and it was even better than what Teacher Hu Hou wrote!"

"You'll have to taste it then, the camera is with you?"

The editor-in-chief believed in Geng Qingwan's ability to work, and also attached importance to the next dinner.

They eat, but not just meals, but more workers.

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