Football Modifier

Chapter 222 Madman Li's Script

Winning the Triple Crown is a glory that any team can be proud of for decades. The Real Madrid fans in the stands did not know what was happening in the team's locker room and press conference hall, so they were excited and excited. Fanatic supporters are waiting eagerly in the stands for the King's Cup award ceremony to begin!

Since all the Sevilla fans had left the stadium, through the official mediation of the Real Madrid club, the infatuated Real Madrid fans who were waiting outside the Mestalla Stadium because they had not bought tickets were given the opportunity to enter the venue to watch the awards ceremony. Less than ten Minutes later, the Mestalla stadium, which can accommodate more than 50,000 people, became full again!

The climax is about to come!

The podium in the center of the stadium was quickly set up, and Spanish King Juan Carlos I would personally award the championship winner Real Madrid. When Raul received the championship trophy from the king, more than 50,000 fans in the stands were excited again. However, what puzzled many people was that among the crowd receiving the award at the scene, they did not find the young Chinese who took the most credit. The four to five hundred reporters who originally gathered in the media interview area were preparing to witness the Galacticos crowning the Triple Crown champion. It seems that most of it has disappeared...

Even those Real Madrid players who were standing on the podium of the highest honor and who should have celebrated their victory wildly looked a little listless when the camera swept over them...

In the end what happened?

At the Mestalla Stadium, the fanatical fans were still chanting in unison over and over again for the person who should most lift the trophy to accept their worship: "Crazy Lee...Crazy Lee...Crazy Lee!!!!"

Surging sound waves rippled in every corner of the Mediterranean pearl of Valencia, but on this night of Triple Crown glory that was destined to go down in history, the figure who had always stood with his players since the game After disappearing into the player tunnel, he never appeared again!

Because Li Tongfan is no longer in the stadium at this time!

After Li Tongfan attended the press conference, he cleverly avoided reporters, walked out of the Mestalla Stadium, and stepped into the luxury business car that had been waiting there without looking back. He did not even go back to the single-family villa to look at it again. At a glance, head to Valencia Municipal Airport with Tolosi Don!

When Raul, King of the Rings, took the championship trophy from King Juan Carlos I of Spain, the man who had swept all his opponents on the court in the 2006-07 season had already boarded the plane back to China and disappeared into the vast night...

The plane was bumpy and slowly lifted up from the ground. Li Tongfan looked back for the last time through the small round window of the plane at the dimly lit city that was getting further and further away——

Goodbye, Spain!

Real Madrid...goodbye!

# # #

The storm of public opinion caused by Madman Li's farewell to Real Madrid quickly swept across Europe and even the world's football world in less than six or seven hours like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves!

Since [God on the sidelines of the football pitch] personally admitted in front of more than a hundred media outlets at the press conference after the Copa del Rey final that he would not renew his contract, there is no need to question the accuracy of the news. The major websites in Spain have not yet announced during the championship celebrations At the end, he used a shocking headline to announce this reasonable but unexpected news to everyone!

The related video was also frantically reposted and downloaded three or four hours later after fans reacted!

“…the end of an era!!!”

"Crazy Lee ends his reign at Real Madrid..."

“God chooses to leave at the most glorious moment”

"Where did he go?"

"Why did you leave?"

"A heavy blow, the Galactic Battleship lost its best captain in history..."

“Who drove away Crazy Li???”

Major portal websites use the most shocking and eye-catching titles they can think of to tell this Chinese story. In this technological era with highly developed communication technology, mobile phones, emails, faxes, video calls, network transmission... everything All communication methods that can deliver news immediately have played a role!

After watching the live awards ceremony in front of the TV, the Real Madrid fans excitedly moved to the computer screen, wanting to chat and share their happiness with netizens and enjoy the constant flattery from the media, what caught their eyes was News that made them unbelievable...

City of Madrid!

Luis Garcia is an ordinary but extremely fanatical Real Madrid fan, but his poor family conditions prevent him from affording round-trip tickets and on-site tickets to watch the game in Valencia... But this does not stop him from being passionate about Real Madrid. His love for the team could not stop him from admiring that magical coach. Although the harsh boss rejected Garcia's request for leave, he, who had always been cowardly, did not hesitate to pay the miners' salary deductions to watch the game at home with his girlfriend!

Crazy Li and Real Madrid's performance in the final did not disappoint him. The figure standing on the sidelines was like an unparalleled genius director, putting all "plots" into the track that all Real Madrid fans hoped for from the beginning. Then a goal made everyone sit in the clouds. At this moment, there was no need to endure the suspense of the game with fear. Although the suspense can be unforgettable, the hearty victory made it possible to enjoy the joy and glory of the championship without any scruples. !

After the game, Garcia tried to find the figure among the crowd of award recipients. The fans at the scene shouted "Crazy Lee" and the sound was transmitted to the small bedroom through the TV. Unfortunately, Garcia did not find the target until the end of the award ceremony, so he excitedly went to the computer and started browsing the web...

Maybe Crazy Lee wanted to leave a surprise for the fans?

You know, that person is always creating miracles... Garcia comforted himself in his heart, but when he logged into the Marca website forum, he was mercilessly shattered by the eye-catching headline...

Left...left? How is it possible?

The beer bottle in his hand fell weakly and shattered on the floor with a click. The girlfriend's surprised voice came from the living room: "Honey, what happened?", but Garcia's mind was blank at this moment...


The scene that happened in Luis Garcia's home was repeated in every Royal fan family in Madrid, even in Spain and Europe. At the beginning, people still hoped that maybe the media was joking and celebrating the birth of the treble in this special way. They must be jealous and made up such a ridiculous lie to deceive the fans, this bunch of shameless bastards...

But soon the fans were shocked to find that not only "Marca", but also "AS", "Mundo Deportivo", "Daily Sports", "Quarter" in France, "Kicker" in Germany, "The Sun" in England, 》… All major newspaper websites were updated with relevant content at the first time. When fans opened the official website of Real Madrid with the last glimmer of luck, their hopes were shattered——

“The team won the incredible treble. This is a festival for all fans. A season of hard work has been rewarded. We should thank everyone for their hard work… Chinese head coach Li Tongfan decided not to renew his contract with the club. This is a regrettable decision. We wish Li Tongfan a smooth road in the future! The glory of Real Madrid will continue, and next season will be a brighter season…”

The official website of Real Madrid introduced the departure of Crazy Li in very brief words, and a lot of words were used to exaggerate the glory and glory of the treble. However, what the fans care about is precisely those few short sentences. Everyone wants to know, why?

Why would a meritorious coach who led the team to win the treble leave the club?


Apart from the disappointment and confusion of the fans, some people are considering whether they can use Crazy Li’s departure to gain something!

Calderon’s private office!

The curtains were half-closed, the lights in the room were not turned on, and a smell of irritability and tension filled the entire office!

The chairman was staring at the computer screen with a dark face, swiping the screen over and over again. So far, the impact of Crazy Li's departure has far exceeded Calderon's expectations. It was originally thought that the glory of the triple crown could dilute this matter, but now it seems that the fans are not buying it - the club's official website has been overwhelmed by crazy fans. Under the instigation of some fierce and unusually active IDs, the spearhead is directed at the club's top management!

What worries him even more is that this is only a small part of the fans. When the most fanatical hardcore fans who went to Valencia to watch the game react, it is estimated that things will develop into a more difficult situation. Several demonstrations by fans this season have left Calderon with lingering fears...

I don't know why, at this moment Calderon seems to have faintly smelled the smell of conspiracy!

At the window opposite the desk, Mijatovic was smoking a Havana cigar. Since the room was dark, the Serbian's handsome face looked a bit ferocious under the red cigarette butt!

Mijatovic was carefully observing the situation outside the window - in the square under the building, hundreds of fans were holding up large banners with unclear words on them and shouting loudly! And judging from the situation, the crowd was gathering more and more...

Calderon even felt a little wronged at this moment. I brought three championships to the club in my first year as chairman, but why did the departure of a coach make those fans who were still praising me a few hours ago betray me instantly?

"What should we do? We completely underestimated the influence of Crazy Li. It is impossible to keep him. Who will explain all this to the fans?" Uncle Calderon stared coldly at Mijatovic who kept smoking a cigar: "Someone has to stand up and take responsibility..."

Take responsibility?

The Serbians quickly understood what Calderon meant. The so-called person who should take responsibility in the chairman's mouth was obviously referring to himself, because only he was qualified to take responsibility. He couldn't attribute the reason for Mad Lee's departure to the Bernabeu groundskeeper, right? Only a fool would believe it!

Is the old fox going to sacrifice his pawns to save his coach?

Mijatovic must not let this happen. After fiercely extinguishing the cigar in his hand, he looked up and suggested: "There is a person who can definitely take all the responsibility. As long as all the responsibilities are pushed onto him, the fans will definitely not hold the club's top management anymore!"

"Who is it?"

In the darkness, Mijatovic's tone was a little hideous: "Mad Lee!"

# # #

While Calderon and Mijatovic were racking their brains to make an explanation to the fans, someone in another luxury villa in Madrid was trying their best to cause trouble for the two giants of Real Madrid, and It's big trouble!

"Perez, can we start now? Crazy Li has announced the news of his departure..." Ronskinu's fat face was full of excitement: "I have arranged for someone to point the finger at Calder. "Long, now the fans who are angry because the Chinese left are besieging the offices of Real Madrid and demanding an explanation, as long as we launch a thunderous blow..."

Ronskinu's mind could not help but picture the scene of Calderon's downfall and Florentino's successful restoration, and by then he would have no doubt entered the Real Madrid board of directors...

"Wrong! You're too anxious... Oh!" Florentino, who was wearing pajamas, held a glass of crystal clear red wine in his hand, stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window and watched the night view of Madrid, and exhaled with a sigh. Skinu's enthusiasm: "Using, instigating and provoking fans cannot solve all problems. You have to remember that although Crazy Lee has left, Calderon is the president who brought the Triple Crown to the club after all. He He has already gained considerable prestige in the hearts of fans, and this situation is not unsolvable for him..."

"Ah? Then what should we do? Should we continue to wait, or..."

"No, we have done what we need to do..." Florentine seemed to be completely obsessed with the night view of Spain, without looking back: "There is only one thing to do now, and that is to wait!"

"Wait? Uh...wait for what?" Poor Longkinu's brain is completely exhausted!

"When Calderon makes a mistake..." Fu Xiaoxiong finally let go of the bright night scene, turned around, and took a sip of the red liquid in the cup intoxicatedly: "Although Calderon is not stupid, people around him are... There is a Mijatovich... Haha, Crazy Li has already prepared the trap for them to jump down. In Crazy Li's script, it is not our turn to appear yet! If we want to regain everything, we must follow the instructions of Crazy Li! If Li's script continues, the scary young man... the fans cannot relax and continue to arrange people to incite, let's add fuel to crazy Li's plan..."

"What does this have to do with Crazy Li? Isn't he already gone?" The more Florentino explained, the more confused Ronskinu became!


This time, Florentino no longer explains to his loyal assistant!

Some people are born with slow thinking, such as Ronskinu. Although he is reliable, you can never expect him to be able to do things alone, while some people are born with exquisite clarity, such as Crazy Li, who said vaguely at the press conference, "Because For some reason", the graves of Calderon and Mijatovic have been dug...

This smart Chinese had already calculated that he would use this matter to attack Calderon, so he deliberately said such a sentence. Does this mean he was helping himself again?

All in all, before I knew it, I owed two favors to Madman Li...

Terrible young man, what a pity, but he cannot be used by me!

Florentino didn't know that there was a Russian who sighed quietly in Room 2014 of the North London Hotel half a year ago, "Why is this beautiful woman not available to me?" If he knew, he would definitely treat Abu Ramovich is regarded as a lifelong confidant! ——

There are no updates today, tomorrow is the climax, at least 9,000 words!

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