Football Modifier

Chapter 33 Loyalty 100 for Potential 300

Click on FM-MM (data modifier) ​​to read the game in progress, then search for Beckham. After a while, the data in the "Basic Situation" category of Beckham is clearly visible:

Potential: 180

Current ability: 164

Domestic reputation: 8599

International reputation: 8599

Net worth: 8610008 (unit: pounds)

Physical condition: 10000

Competitive condition: 10000



Old Li took a quick look. To be honest, among the famous stars, Beckham's data is not dazzling, and it can even be said to be low. It seems that the system is not very optimistic about the elderly popular boy!

However, these are not problems, because Old Li accidentally discovered a data that surprised him: Loyalty 100?

Is it so possible?

Li Tongfan clearly remembered that even Joel Luca and Ronaldo, who had been given special treatment by Li Tongfan, had a loyalty of only more than 60 to him. Why did Beckham, who had not tasted the sweetness yet, reach 100?

Touched! So touching!

Li Tongfan decided to modify Beckham! We can't let the "direct line" feel disappointed, right?

So Li gritted his teeth and spent a little character points to modify Beckham's potential to 300...

Then he continued to observe Beckham's other important data in the "ability" category:

Injury tendency: 25;

Big competition: 80;

Prediction: 69;

Creativity: 84;

Determination: 95;

Teamwork: 89;

Game investment: 97


In this category, Li Tongfan decided to modify only the "injury tendency" item, because Beckham's "potential value" had been modified before, so in addition to the "injury tendency" in the "ability" category, the values ​​of other items will automatically increase with the amount of training in reality, so there is no need to waste character points!

For the evil forces such as "injury tendency", Li Tongfan did not hesitate to modify it, and changed it directly to 0.

Then it’s time for the heavyweight part of this “First Beast Waist Development Plan” – the modification of the “Goalkeeping and Position” category!

Only after modifying the “Position” ability value, will the heartthrob transform from an English-style winger to a player capable of competing with Gago and Diarra for jobs!

The “Goalkeeping attribute” is naturally not considered. In the “Position” attribute, Beckham’s current data is:

Goalkeeper: 1;

Sweeper: 1

Defender: 1

Defensive midfielder: 10

Midfielder: 10

Offensive midfielder: 15

Forward: 1

Fullback: 6

Libero: 1

Left: 15

Right: 18

Center 10

Li Tongfan didn’t think twice and directly clicked the mouse to modify:

Increase “Defensive midfielder” from 10 to 20;

Increase “Midfielder” from 10 to 20;

Increase “Offensive midfielder” from 15 to 20;

Increase “Center” from 10 to 20.

The above modification consumes 4 points of character points in total, plus 2 points of character points for modifying "potential" and "injury tendency", this modification consumes 6 points of "quick-acting heart-saving pills" of Lao Li...

There are 93 points left!

The character points that were hard to earn, but they were said goodbye before they were warm in Li Tongfan's pocket! But Lao Li was very happy, just for Xiaobei's incredible 100 points of "loyalty", these 6 points of character points were worth it!


On August 29, there is still one day before Real Madrid will play against Getafe at home in the next round of the league!

Real Madrid just finished the game with Mallorca on the 27th, only three days apart, a veritable double game in one week. Assistant coach Grede complained bitterly. Just taking the bus back and forth from Mallorca Island, more than a day had to be spent on boring sightseeing on the highway!

On the 28th, the players took a routine break. On the morning of the 29th, they had physical recovery training and tactical drills in the afternoon!

Under Li Tongfan's insistence, Beckham appeared in the team's defensive midfielder position. His performance changed from being at a loss at the beginning to becoming more and more comfortable. When the tactical drill ended in the afternoon, Beckham actually assisted Ronaldo and Raul twice each in the team's simulated confrontation. The success rate of midfield interception reached an astonishing 66%, and he made 13 effective tackles!

This is definitely an atypical Beckham!

Whether it is the players or the staff, they all looked at Li Tongfan standing on the side of the training field with an incredible look. Everyone knows what Beckham has been doing these days...

When the heartthrob crosses his legs and takes a deep breath with a determined face, or sits in the locker room and twists his fingers into a twist, or stands upside down against the wall while muttering something in his mouth, everyone will cover their mouths and laugh secretly, thinking in their hearts: David will not offend the boss? How can there be such a training method?

But today, Beckham's performance made them feel embarrassed and helpless...

The "black statue" standing by the training ground suddenly rose to a thousand feet in everyone's mind, and the smarter ones began to think about how to get a "striker's terrifying goal-scoring method" or "winger's invincible breakthrough, passing and dribbling" from the head coach...

Introduce your beautiful sister to the boss?

Buy a few bottles of "Moutai", which is said to be loved by all Chinese people, as a bribe?

Let’s get some boxes of melatonin, a golden partner...

The players' eyes turned green when they looked at Li Tongfan, as if a wild cat that had been wandering for more than half a month suddenly found a fat and trembling salmon in front of them!

Of course, there are exceptions. The physical coach Angulo Meda is just the opposite. He feels like he is the fat and trembling salmon lying on the knife board waiting for Li Tongfan's dissection...

At about 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the tactical training ended. In order to ensure the physical strength of the players, Li Tongfan waved his hand, completely ignoring the flirtatious glances from assistant coach Grad, and gave the superstars a half-day holiday. They will gather at the Madrid Sports City before 2 pm tomorrow afternoon. !

Gray's eyes were numb with embarrassment, but he did not stop the idiot from saying "amnesty to the world" after his vanity was greatly satisfied, and said anxiously: "Li, tomorrow is a home game, just in case..."

"Nothing goes wrong, Lao Ge, just Getafe, the hot guy can win with his eyes closed," Li Tongfan gritted his teeth: "Let Schuster, that German piece of wood, know who is better... "

Grad suddenly realized that this man had a rivalry with Getafe head coach Schuster, but considering Schuster’s previous arrogance, it’s no wonder...

So what did the former German midfielder say that made Lao Li so fond of him?

PS: The opinions of the editors about the modifier are all good, but Xiaodao wants them to be implemented slowly. Regarding the "potential" issue mentioned by the second senior brother Bajie, let Xiaodao be stubborn for a moment!

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