Football Modifier

Chapter 74: Natives help newcomers

Real Madrid first team training base in Madrid Sports City!

Why do you have to report in the afternoon?

Seeing Mata's puzzled expression, Lao Li smiled obscenely and thought to himself: Do you really have to let me tell you: "In fact, your potential is 194. Except for a few Mavericks with a potential of -10 in the database, your value is the best?"

If Lao Li really said this, then the kind-hearted Mata would probably quickly call a doctor who is good at treating fantasy to talk to the head coach about personality and ideals!

So Lao Li pinched the little boy's delicate face in a daze, and vowed: "I think you are a talented player. The team needs you to contribute your strength now. Work hard, little guy, you will become a new legend of Real Madrid!"

Li Tongfan didn't just say this casually. After reading the detailed information about Mata sent by Mentia, the head of the second-tier team Castilla, Li Tongfan found that the little guy was also born in a poor family, and his life before getting FM2007 was comparable. He immediately felt sympathetic. It would be unjust if he didn't cultivate such a "red-blooded" and "clean class" little boy into his own line!

Hearing Lao Li's high evaluation, Mata's rationality made him retain a trace of doubt. If the man in front of him, who was only four or five years older than him, was not the head coach of the Real Madrid first team, just looking at his wretched appearance of drooling when he spoke, Mata would definitely think that he had met a lustful human trafficker!

So the little guy politely said thank you, and began to train with the seniors of the first team in a daze!

To be honest, although they played in the same club before, Mata had never played football with the Golden Wolf Guti, the popular Beckham and other idols who were once pasted on the head of his bed in the dormitory as teammates. For Mata, a newcomer, it is inevitable to be a little nervous!

So much so that after several mistakes in stopping the ball, Mata was already a little at a loss. His dumbfounded look made the assistant coach Grede who was standing on the sidelines and observing him frown. To be honest, the old coach couldn't understand why Li Tongfan would transfer this "semi-finished product" who was almost 19 years old to the first team on a whim. However, considering that every time Lao Li did something amazing that others could not understand, he always achieved unexpected good results. Grede, who had developed a "blind obedience" to Lao Li, chose to support Li Tongfan's decision, but now it seems...

Grede shook his head. After just a dozen minutes of training, he found that the always magical Li Tongfan seemed to have stumbled this time! Obviously, this "young sprout" with a height of just 1.7 meters and a weight of only 65 kilograms is far from reaching the level of the first team!

Li Tongfan also stood on the sidelines and shook his head, but it was not because of disappointment. This situation was not beyond Li's expectations. It was almost the same as he expected. Although Mata had high potential, it would take some time for him to become the pillar of Real Madrid's first team.

However, Li Tongfan could not wait that long. At this moment, Li had already begun to plan a "shota ripening" plan in his heart. If he did not pounce on such a handsome young man immediately, Li's "shota heart" would itch hard to stop!

Thinking of this, Li stopped observing Mata's performance, greeted Beckham to come over, whispered a few words in his ear, and turned away!

This scene was clearly seen by the confused Mata. The sensitive little guy was aroused by the two first-team leaders, Old Ge and Old Li. He finally entered the first-team. If he was "returned" because of poor performance, he might as well cut off his own heart!

So, gradually put away his worship of idols, Mata threw all his worries aside, and started playing football in the way he was best at!

Stop the ball, turn around, fake moves, accelerate, pass, cross, a fat striker rushed to the top, and then the ball went in...

When there was a cheer from the side, the highly concentrated little Mata looked up, and an incredible look appeared on his pretty face: I just easily broke through Roberto Carlos's defense? Roberto Carlos, known as the best left back in the past decade?

The first to cheer was Beckham, followed by fat Ronaldo, and then the whole team...

Just now, Lao Li called Beckham over to arrange an important task for the two confidants - to help the junior brother Mata adapt to the rhythm and life of the first team as soon as possible!

Since he has made up his mind to train Mata, Lao Li will consider all aspects very carefully. If the "newcomer" wants to fully exert his strength in the new environment, especially a newcomer like Mata, he must get the support of the "local natives". Beckham and the alien are definitely tough guys who have both qualifications and political achievements in the first team of Real Madrid. As long as these two people can help Mata open the "dyeing factory", then the little boy's future will definitely be bright and red in Europe!

Of course, the little boy's biggest supporter is Lao Li. There is no one in the first team who dares to go against Li Tongfan, the celebrity of the club's top management, the darling of the media, and the savior of the fans. Since Lao Li wants to support him, everyone has to give him some face! What’s more, Xiaobei and Fatty are already completely devoted to Lao Li?

So after Beckham cheered, the alien who just received Mata's pass and scored with a header grinned and showed his two big rabbit teeth, with an exaggerated look on his face: "The ball just passed was really comfortable. It seems that Ronaldinho I'll have to be your substitute after I recover from the injury..."

After receiving such praise from his idol, Shota scratched his head in embarrassment. Then he looked at the friendly smiles of his superstar teammates around him, and his confidence was growing bit by bit!

In the subsequent training, the heartthrob Beckham, who controls the team's offensive rhythm, has been intentionally giving more ball rights to Mata, and Ronaldo always gives a thumbs up after receiving Mata's pass, no matter whether it is good or bad. , Marseille, Ramos, Modric and other Hammers who were assigned to Mata's group also intentionally or unintentionally gave Xiaozhengtai some help. By the end of the training, Mata actually became the team's number of receptions and passes. Although the effectiveness and threat of the most players are average, compared with the initial performance that was full of mistakes and at a loss, it is already a world of difference!

So much so that assistant coach Grad, who had secretly sentenced Mata to death a long time ago, was a little surprised. If he continues to improve at this rate, he might be able to adapt to the needs of Real Madrid's first team in a year and a half, but the little guy's This body...

After looking at Mata's physical condition, Grad couldn't help but shake his head. He was still not very optimistic about the future of Real Madrid!

But this time, the excited little Mata didn't notice the expression of the "second boss" Lao Ge. Little Shota, who had become more and more accustomed to the atmosphere of the first team, was completely immersed in the happiness that football brought him!

An even happier thing happened in the afternoon. In Li Tongfan's announcement of the home game against Real Betis, Juan Mata's name was listed!

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Let me tell you guys first, the knife is back in HD! Return to normal updates, three updates today, 6000, try to end before ten o'clock! After all, I stayed up late on the train for two nights in a row, and there was nothing more I could do! More to come starting tomorrow!

Secondly, due to Internet problems during this period, the reward for the essence has not been available. After the update of the knife in the evening, it will be given away in one go, as many as you can get! Starting from post number 9!

Stop talking and continue coding!

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