Football Modifier

Chapter 85 The Bats' Ugly Duckling Song

Everyone was trying their best to dispose of the dirty white football lying on the penalty spot in the most beneficial way for their team. Bat coach Flores stood on the sidelines and bulged his eyes, but he was the only one who was missing. I rushed forward to "share the worries" of the team members!

But fate often makes people crazy like this, because the closest to football is the person who just kicked it out - Juan Mata!

Before the fourth crisp sound, almost all Valencia fans in the stands covered their eyes.

Goalkeeper Luis Mora was still lying in the door and did not get up. The team's fastest defender, 21-year-old center back Raul Albiol, turned around and was even faster than Guti. Half a butt slower...

Mata started to rush forward the moment the Spanish goalkeeper Moura blocked the football. When the football fell back to the penalty spot, the young shot had already rounded his feet and whipped it hard again...


The fourth crisp sound came as expected!

"The ball scored... Ouch, hit the billboard? Unbelievable..." Brother Duan Xuan, who had prepared to give the 18-year-old youngster the compliments, had to hold back his beer belly: "It's less than 12 meters away from the goal. Mi, all of Valencia had surrendered, but Juan Mata, who had only participated in the league three times on behalf of Real Madrid, kicked the ball to the billboard behind... Look at the slow motion, the football passed by the goal, if 10 centimeters further in, maybe Mata can score his first league goal!"

Brother Duan Xuan's Spanish counterpart, the Spanish national TV gold medal football commentator Da Silva Crojas, while exclaiming, analyzed his views on the missed goal to the audience watching the game: "Juan Ma Mata used too much force... It seems that the doubts from the media during this period have seriously affected Mata's mentality. The little guy who was eager to prove himself chose to volley hard, but failed to grasp the part of the delicious ball... His mentality should be calmer. This will be a wonderful goal... I hope friends from the media can be tolerant of Huaan Mata, after all, he is only an 18-year-old child..."

Before becoming a football commentator, da Silva Croes had a very unsuccessful career as a professional player, so he analyzed the players' mentality very well during the game commentary.

This time, after relating to my own experience and judging others by myself, my attitude towards Mata seems to be much more tolerant. However, even if Da Silva wins the gold medal, he cannot represent everyone's opinions, because in front of him alone But there were 45,000 people with serious objections - Bat Legion fans at the Mestalla Stadium!

As opponents, bat fans, it doesn't matter whether you are 18 or 80 years old. Since your performance has embarrassed us, we will make you even more embarrassed!

"...There is an ugly duckling, his name is Mata... He looks like a little sprout. He is short and has a weak body... Oooh, the ball has been lost. Look at this little sprout, he is crying... He wants to find his mother. ...Mommy, Mommy, where are you..."

The Valencia fans in the north stand collectively waved cartoon banners with Mata's clown look on their hands, and started singing this short song at the top of their lungs. I don't know if it was written by that wicked ghost. Gradually, except for more than 10,000 Real Madrid fans, Outside, everyone in the stands responded!

"Mommy...Mommy is there!"


What the Valencia fans didn't expect was that when they collectively laughed at Juan Mata as if they were on steroids, there were more people laughing at them - outside the Mestalla Stadium, come and go Pedestrians often look at each other in confusion: Has Valencia already lost this game to this extent? Even the fans are crying and calling mommy?

After Mata kicked the ball away, he did not hold his head and regret like other Real Madrid hammers. Xiaozheng looked at his legs in surprise, shook his head, and a trace of doubt flashed in his big eyes: What happened? Well, your legs feel full of strength when you run today? The air around me is no longer as sticky as before, and it feels like a fish jumping into the water when playing football...

Is this the legendary "state"?

The boss insists on playing the starting lineup just to help himself find his form?

At this time, the "Ugly Duckling Song" of the Bat fans began to resound throughout the stadium. The cartoon banners in the north stand made every player on the field immediately understand who the song was for, and their eyes were all focused on Juan - On Mata's body...

Surprisingly, this time, Mata is no longer as dumbfounded as he was after the last two mistakes, and he does not put his head in his crotch and dare not see anyone!

The 18-year-old rookie even shook his fist at the provocative Bat fans in the North Stand!

Thinking over and over again in his mind before the start of the game, the running route and timing of forward penetration that the leader Li Tongfan repeatedly arranged for him in the locker room, Juan Mata became more and more confident: "Come on... come on... bring it on!

Little Shota ran over and took the football from the ball boy on the sidelines, placed it squarely in front of Valencia goalkeeper Luis Mora, then turned around and retreated to the position the leader had planned for himself!

bring it on!

The game continues!

Mata's vigorous attack just now did not make Flores give up his offensive tactics. Valencia's all-pervasive wingers continued to plunder the front and sides of Real Madrid's penalty area, while Real Madrid was dispatched by Bei Shuai and Gu Shuai. Next, Reyes and Mata's wings flew together and immediately responded!

The canine teeth are intertwined, and the sword is bloody!

The commentator's exclamations were accompanied by the fans' constant gasps of air-conditioning. Except for Li Tongfan, who already knew the result of the game through FM2007 predictions, everyone's heart capacity was limited to accept this thrilling challenge like a roller coaster!

If there is no goal in such an offensive battle, even God will probably not be able to stand it!

At 13 minutes and 31 seconds of the game, the deadlock was broken!

Joaquín, the sharp knife on the right side of the Bat Legion, was dragged down by Marcelo who was too hasty when he broke through...

Free kick!

This is the first free kick Valencia has received since the "killing" in the whole game has continued to this day!

Among the 11 players on the field of the Bat Corps, there is no outstanding free kick taker. This ball was taken by their rookie David Silva!

Villa, Vicente, Alberberda, Albiol...except for another central defender David-Navarro (David-Navarro) and goalkeeper Luis-Moura, all the "bats" are Flying into the penalty area of ​​Real Madrid!


Thanks to book friend 20100322, it’s great to read a book when you are bored! , Bai Fan Qiu Shui and others give big rewards!

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