Casillas reacted quickly and threw the ball to Li Chu in the middle.

Iturraspe wanted to fight for the ball, but Li Chu stuck behind him and easily headed the ball to Alonso.

Alonso took two steps forward and passed the ball to Modric beside him.

Li Chu was running frantically, repeatedly pulling Bilbao's midfield defense.

Bilbao players knew that Iturraspe could not watch Li Chu alone, so they distracted a lot of attention on him.

Li Chu ran very fast and came to the front two squares of the penalty area in a blink of an eye.

Midfielder Herrera was very nervous and subconsciously moved closer to Li Chu's position, trying to form a siege with Iturraspe.

But he didn't notice that Modric on the side quietly sneaked into the vicinity of the penalty area.

Even the central defender Balenciaga's attention was all on Li Chu. They were really afraid of Li Chu!

Bilbao's lineup showed a very strange state, with three or four defensive players around Li Chu.

The other Real Madrid players were at most one person, and some even missed defense.

The Bilbao coach was so angry off the court!

The players were just like idiots!

Li Chu was indeed very strong, but should we not care about the other players?

The opponent was not just a weak team with only one strong player, they were the giants Real Madrid!

"Don't just focus on Li Chu! Keep an eye on the others too!"

Fortunately, the Bilbao players reacted after the coach's reminder and quickly adjusted their positions.

But at this moment.

Li Chu suddenly started and quickly ran to the edge of the penalty area on the left.

Modric kicked almost at the same time and passed the ball to Li Chu.

This was originally the position where Ronaldo should be, but he had already moved to the penalty area, waiting for a good opportunity at any time.

Full-back Etshet faced Li Chu. This was the first time he faced this Real Madrid star directly in this game.

He still had some ideas.

Unlike midfielders, full-backs need to be a little fierce.

Etshet has done a good job of this. Facing Li Chu, he stepped forward decisively to press Li Chu's space.

Stepping forward but not kicking, very aggressive defense.

If it was any other young man, he might have been intercepted, but it was Li Chu.

Li Chu suddenly stepped over the ball with his left foot, and at the same time, his body turned in the air, and when he landed, he took the ball with his right foot.

Marseille turn!

Li Chu used this trick again, and immediately resolved Etshet's defense.

Li Chu accelerated and dribbled forward, squeezing the defense of the Bilbao players.

Central defender Balenciaga hurried over to make up for the defense, but Li Chu reacted faster and gave the ball out before Balenciaga got to the position.

The target was Benzema near the arc of the penalty area!

Beautiful inverted triangle cooperation!

Real Madrid's attack was very beautiful. Ronaldo was in the penalty area, ready to grab the ball at any time, Bale was ready to receive the ball at the far point, Benzema was in the penalty area, and Modric was in the outer circle, ready to compete for the first point of clearance.

At the moment when Balenciaga moved, Bilbao's defense had a flaw, and they briefly left Benzema empty!

How could Li Chu miss this opportunity? He immediately passed the ball.

Benzema did not stop the ball, but directly swung his right leg and shot with force!

The angle of the ball was not tricky, but the power was too great and the speed was extremely fast. Although Iraizos touched the ball with his hand, he still couldn't stop it from entering the net.

"GOALLLLLL!! Real Madrid's next game! This time it's Benzema's goal!"

"Of course, it was still Li's assist! He took on the responsibility of a winger this time!"

"Benzema has always been a supporting role, and this time he finally added a touch to his goal!"

"Li Chu assisted to score twice! I wonder who he will assist next? Will it be Ronaldo? The fruit-toothed man hasn't scored yet!"

After the commentator cheered, he began to guess the next player to score.

The Bernabeu commentator is so confident about Real Madrid now!

The French star finally scored the first goal since Li Chu came to the Real Madrid first team. He pointed at Li Chu with a smile on his face.

"Li! I think you can also play as a winger! Your cross is so good!"

Li Chu laughed and said that he also wanted to be a striker.

Bell pretended to be nervous and said quickly.

"No, you have to leave a way for our winger! I am faster than him, but he beats me in other aspects!"

Modric also joined in.

"Let alone winger, except for goalkeeper Li Chu, which position can't he play?"

Everyone thought that with Li Chu's vision and interception ability, there is probably no position that he can't play.

"Let alone the players, let's let that bald guy retire and let Li Chu play!"As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed.

Real Madrid hasn't had such a relaxed atmosphere for a long time. With Li Chu, Real Madrid's goal seems to have become a piece of cake.

It's so easy!

On the sidelines.

Zidane saw the players so happy, and he grinned.

If he knew why they were so happy, he might not laugh.

The head coach of Bilbao was not angry. He sighed and sat back on the bench.

The gap between the two sides was too big. If Li Chu was not there, and Bilbao's players were in hot form, there would still be a dozen.

But now Real Madrid scored as easily as drinking water, and he really couldn't see the hope of winning.

The head coach thought so, but the players on the field did not play badly.

They wanted a goal to save their dignity. No matter what, they must score one!

This is the self-esteem of professional players!

After the midfielder served the ball, the defensive midfielder Herrera quickly passed the ball to the winger.

It was passed to Sora on the right side, and Sora faced Marcelo again.

This time, he was going to try a single-point blast.

He slowly moved the ball forward with his right foot, testing Marcelo.

He suddenly took the ball a step further, and Marcelo really didn't miss this opportunity, and tried to steal it.

Sora was delighted, and he pulled the ball back and broke through from the left!

This was a flaw he deliberately sold, just to attract Marcelo to be fooled!

After getting rid of Marcelo, he continued to accelerate forward, came to the bottom line, and observed the situation in the penalty area.

Almost everyone was watched closely, except Tokro who came in later!

Sora's heart was pounding, this opportunity came too suddenly!

This might also be their last chance of the game!

Sora swung his right foot and prepared to cross the ball!

The football under his feet suddenly disappeared! Kicked away by the person behind him!

Sora was stunned. Marcelo was gotten rid of by himself, and he didn't come so quickly. Who could it be?

Sora was confused as he watched the white figure flash by.

Until he saw the number behind the white figure.

No. 8!

Sora almost cursed!

Why is it Li Chu again!

Why is Li Chu everywhere!

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