Sora felt desperate, he finally got rid of Marcelo.

Give him ten chances, maybe only one can successfully break through.

This time is one in ten!

Tokro's position in front of the penalty area is just right, no one is guarding him.

As long as he passes, there is a high probability of scoring!


I don't know where this guy Li Chu came from!

This only chance to score slipped away in front of him.

Why is there such a strong person!

Sora didn't even want to go back to defend, just walked back.

Real Madrid's offensive pace will not stop. Li Chu made a long pass to Bale after stealing.

This is an old routine, Bale is very familiar with it.

After receiving the ball, Bale ran hard and relied on speed to get rid of Bilbao's midfielder.

Facing Alves Sua who came forward to block him, Bale chose to pass the ball without giving face.

Just eat you alive with speed!

Alves Sua couldn't keep up with Bale even with pulling and kicking, and even fell down.

"SHIT! Are there any normal people in Real Madrid? They are all monsters!"

Bale, who was running wildly, could not hear this. When he was sprinting, he noticed the space on the left side of Ronaldo, paused for a while and kicked the ball to transfer.

Ronaldo on the other side easily stopped the ball and continued to run wildly.

The defensive players of Bilbao could only run around.

When he came to the penalty area, Ronaldo had to slow down and fight one-on-one with Balenciaga.

"Cristiano! Here!"

Ronaldo looked over and saw Li Chu.

He was shocked. When did this guy get here?

Not to mention the speed, his physical fitness is really good!

Although he was surprised, Ronaldo's feet were not slow and he immediately passed the ball to Li Chu on the side.

The latter did not stop the ball and passed it directly.

It was difficult to defend one-on-one, and with Li Chu, it became a two-on-one.

How to defend!

Ronaldo received the pass from Li Chu and easily pushed the ball into the goal.

Although Iraizos correctly judged that he would hit the far corner, he still failed to save it.

He could only watch the ball go into the net.


"Real Madrid scored another goal! They are unstoppable!"

"Li Chu assisted a hat trick! Ronaldo scored the third goal for Real Madrid!"

"BBC scored one goal each! All three forwards were so excited!"

In the commentary room, the commentators were already crazy!

They didn't know how to lose this game!

Real Madrid can be considered to have won three points in this game!

The fans spontaneously formed a human wave, one after another.

For the Meilingges, today is the New Year!

The calmest person is the head coach of Bilbao, who was lying flat as early as the last goal.

It's useless even if you let the strongest head coaches in history coach together in this game.

You know that you are not capable enough!

After this goal, the Bilbao players are also ready to start playing badly.

Just defend well, don't think about attacking.

After the restart, they even spontaneously set up a bus, symbolically leaving Sora in front.

Of course, Sora didn't get the ball in the whole second half.

Li Chu was also substituted early in the 60th minute to conserve his energy for the next game.

In the next game, they will face Barcelona, ​​the second-ranked club in La Liga.

Real Madrid and Barcelona are old rivals. The two teams have fought for countless years, and neither has been able to conquer the other.

Therefore, Zidane also replaced Li Chu early and let him have a good rest.

It is precisely because of this that when Li Chu was tackled and fell to the ground, he wanted to kill.

After Bilbao set up a bus and gave up the attack, Real Madrid did not do too much. There was no goal in the second half, and the game ended with 3:0.

Li Chu got an assist hat trick, Benzema, Ronaldo and Bale each scored a goal.

The head coach of Bilbao was friendly and took the initiative to shake hands with Zidane.

"The Yan country midfielder you found is really amazing! My lineup has no effect on him!"

Zidane laughed.

"Li is really amazing. He has a very special talent. I am honored to coach him."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and the Bilbao coach said goodbye first.

"I wish you good results in the next round against Barcelona!"

"Thank you!"


In the post-match interview, the head coach and winger Sora from Athletic Bilbao were present.

As usual, the reporters asked about their views on Li Chu. The head coach just said some clichés. He had been tossed around by Li Chu and had no temper at all, and he had no energy to comment.

Sora was boastful.

"I had only heard about Li Chu's strength before, but today I finally felt it. He is everywhere!""When attacking, he is often the initiator, or he drives straight in."

"When defending, we don't even dare to play in the midfield, for fear of being intercepted by him. But he is still there when playing on the wing. I broke through the wing in the first half, and I thought I had a chance, but it was intercepted!"

"He is like a ghost, everywhere!"


Sora talked incessantly, looking like a fan of Li Chu.

In the end, it was the head coach who stopped Sora from continuing.

The time for the interview has also come.

Always, to sum it up in Sora's words.

I opened the quilt tonight, and it was full of Li Chu!

On the other side, Real Madrid's post-match interview was happy again.

Li Chu spoke first before the reporter interviewed.

"Are there any female reporters who want contact information today? If not, we will officially start the post-match interview!"

Everyone laughed, and the female reporter who interviewed last time happened to be there, and her face couldn't help but blush.

After the joke, the reporters started to ask questions.

"First of all, congratulations! Li Chu! You completed the assist hat trick! As for Real Madrid's first goal, you could have shot it yourself, why did you choose to give up this opportunity?"

Li Chu shrugged, looking indifferent.

"This goal belongs to Real Madrid, it doesn't matter who scores it. Is there any difference? In addition, I am now the first person on the assist list, and I still want to keep this position!"

Everyone knew that Li Chu was joking again. He is now more than twice the lead of the second place, but it is not so easy to catch up.

Soon, the reporter asked the next question, but it has nothing to do with Athletic Bilbao, it is about the next game about Barcelona.

"In the next game, you will face another giant Barcelona, ​​and the Bullfighting Derby is about to usher in. As we all know, Barcelona is very strong, especially in the midfield. The combination of Xavi and Xiaobai can be said to be stronger than Real Madrid's midfield. Do you have the confidence to win this game?"

Li Chu's eyes are serious and his face is serious.

"There is no doubt that Barcelona is a very strong team. I really enjoy playing against such a team. It will be a great improvement for me."

"I will learn their skills and strengthen my arsenal."

"Actually, this question should have been answered in the pre-match interview of the next game, but since you asked it in advance, I will answer it in advance. We will beat Barcelona!"

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