Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 808: She is the clown

Xue Yao felt that she had misheard.

What boss?

She turned her head and saw that Lu Wei had rushed to the little white face, wiping the cold sweat from her forehead, stammering and talking incoherently.

But the more anxious Lu Wei, the more unclear the explanation.

Xiang Huai's face was cold and he didn't speak, but Xue Xi was completely absent, as if thinking of something else, with a little confusion in his eyes, as if he hadn't seen Xue Yao at all.

At this time, Lu Chao next to him spoke: "Lu Wei, is this your girlfriend?"

Lu Wei was taken aback.

Xue Yao also swallowed, and when he was about to speak, he heard Lu Wei reacting suddenly, and said directly: "No, no, don't talk nonsense, brother!"

Xue Yao:? ?

She widened her eyes in astonishment, "Lu Wei, you..."

Lu Wei turned around and looked at her: "I haven't confessed to you before, and when I come back with you this time, I'm talking about coming to Bencheng to have fun. I'm just an ordinary friend. Since my brother is here, then I won't play with you anymore!"

After speaking, the whole person has slipped behind Lu Chao.

Lu Chao didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore, knowing that Xiang Shuai and Xi Sister definitely hadn't put Xue Yao in their eyes, so he said: "Okay, let's finish work! Go back first."

After Lu Chao finished speaking, he looked at Xiang Huai, and saw that he first helped Xue Xi, and when Xue Xi recovered from the process of being stupefied, he took the lead before he followed Xue Xi's side.

Lu Chao and Lu Wei followed behind them.

The four people passed by Xue Yao directly, and they all looked at her and never looked at her again!

Xue Yao's eyes widened in surprise.

She stared at the back of the four people.

She knew Lu Wei's strength. When she was in college, she saw Lu Wei doing things with her own eyes. No matter what department she was, she was kind to him.

It was also at that time that I learned that China had a special department.

Moreover, she began to pursue Lu Wei after repeatedly determined that Lu Wei was indeed very good. Lu Wei looked at the gentle, but it was not easy to chase him.

And that is such a person, his boss, turned out to be that little boy? !

Lu Wei is so amazing, how detached is his boss?

The most annoying thing was that when she was with Lu Wei, she took care of Lu Wei's emotions, and she had to be careful in speaking and acting.

But Lu Wei's boss was with Xue Xi... The little details that just let Xue Xi go first before he moved, are enough to show that this little white face respects and values ​​Xue Xi!

Xue Yao suddenly covered her chest, her instinct became so suffocated, she staggered out, and after going out, she didn't know how long she had been walking outside, until the cold winter enveloped her, she hit a car. Car, back home.

At this time, the sky was already dark.

The Xue family was brightly lit, and Liu Yiqiu and Xue Gui had already rushed back for the New Year. They were all at home. In the lively atmosphere, Mrs. Xue noticed that Xue Yao was back. She looked behind Xue Yao and found that no one was following. He grabbed Xue Yao directly and asked, "Where is Lu Wei? The boss and his family have just called, and they will be there in a few minutes! I also expect Lu Wei to come and give them a good start! What about others?"

Xue Yao: "..."

Looking at the face of the old lady in front of her, the folds on her face were drooping, and she was like a clown.

And just now, I was like this in front of Xue Xi, right?

After tossing so much and making trouble for so long, in the end, it was her who was ashamed?

Xue Yao couldn't help it anymore, and cried with a "wow", she pushed the old lady away and rushed upstairs.

Mrs. Xue was stunned: "Is this smashed?"

Just about to catch up and ask what happened, the nanny shouted: "Mr. Xue is back!"

In a word, Mrs. Xue stopped, and then looked at the door, she saw Xue Sheng, Ye Li, and the four of Xue Xi and Xiang Huai walking in.

Behind a few people, the babysitter at home followed them with New Year's gifts in their hands.

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