Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 809: I have a pit in my head

Mrs. Xue immediately stood up straight and coughed. Then she took a look at the gifts and found that they were all medicinal materials and some ordinary gifts. There weren't any more expensive things?

The old lady's face turned dark suddenly: "Boss, how come you have become so stingy after a trip to Kyoto? Is it because the pharmaceutical factory in Kyoto didn't manage it well? Did you lose money?"

The old man immediately reprimanded: "What nonsense?"

The old lady curled her lips: "Why am I talking nonsense? Can anyone in Kyoto get a foothold? Haven't you heard a word? In Kyoto, you can drop fast bricks at random, and all the officials who hit them are officials with rank 5 and above. Boss, no one of you, can I introduce one to you?"

The old lady's words were unpleasant, and the old man continued to curse: "What is the fifth-rank, that is all about the dynasty! But, boss, there are really some contacts here for you."

Xue Sheng thought to himself, what kind of contacts does he need!

Xiang someone is his network!

Besides, he is doing business upright, and looking for someone means not being bullied. After all, he is new to Kyoto, and Kyoto people are also more exclusive.

Xue Sheng said politely: "I have someone, Dad, Mom, don't worry."

But after saying this, Mrs. Xue refused to forgive him: "Who? Who can you have? The God of Fortune Group? Let me tell you that the God of Fortune Group, no matter how powerful it is, is also in the business world. This person I introduced to you That's awesome!"

Xue Sheng frowned, "It's really unnecessary."

The old man opened his mouth: "Listen first, your mother is not bad this time."

The old man wants the two families to be tied together again for profit, so that in the future, the old family will never leave the second child.

Otherwise, when he and his wife are gone, Xue Gui and Liu Yiqiu will make the company go bankrupt immediately!

Xue Sheng tensed his jaw.

When Mrs. Xue saw this, she sat on the sofa slowly: "The person I introduced to you can help you get through any organization. No matter what you do, you will not be blocked, and it can also ensure that you will not be bullied. This kind of network is amazing, are you sure you don't want it?"

Xue Sheng:?

He asked curiously: "Who is it?"

The old lady came with interest: "Do you know the special department? Yaoyao found a boyfriend this time, Mr. Lu from the special department, tell you, I heard Yaoyao say that the special department handles affairs, all departments must let OK! If you have him to support you, you can do anything in the future!"

Xue Sheng had never heard of this department before, and was taken aback for a moment: "Special department?"

But I don’t think so, no matter what department, don’t you have to listen to someone?

Speaking of it, the real benefit that Xiao Xiang, the son-in-law brought to him, is that he knew someone Xiang Xiang!

Xue Sheng waved his hand: "What special department, I haven't heard of it. Mom, don't be fooled by someone!"

Mrs. Xue suddenly became angry: "What is being deceived? Don't you just think that Yaoyao's boyfriend is better than this idiot? Don't admit it, it is indeed very powerful! And I heard that the headquarters of the special department, just In Kyoto!"

Xue Sheng looked at Xiang Huai: "I have never heard that there is such a department, Xiao Xiang, you are from Kyoto, you say, there is such a department?"

Everyone looked at Xiang Huai.

Mrs. Xue also looked at him.

Xue Xi also looked at him, and saw Xiang Huai touched his nose and coughed: "Father-in-law, it's true."

Xue Sheng:?

The old lady was overjoyed immediately: "Look, I said yes, this department is particularly powerful, boss, now you believe me?"

Xue Sheng: "..."

He felt a little unbelievable, and couldn't help but comment: "What special department? It feels weird when I hear the name. What do they care about? Why do I feel so strange. The leader who established the special department has a brain hole? "

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Xue immediately cursed: "What are you talking about? Why can't people have this department? Also, you don't understand anything. Comment on other leaders here. You are careful to be heard by others. Arrived!"


Xiang Huai smiled and interrupted the old lady's words, making the old lady frown and look at him: "What are you laughing at? Am I wrong? The leaders of special departments, they must be very powerful! Your back comments He was heard, the consequences would be disastrous!"

Xiang Huai said slowly: "It's okay."

He raised his head and spoke faintly: "My father-in-law is right to criticize. My son-in-law was cheated and took over such a department."


[This paragraph of face-slaps really didn't delay the text, because the update seems to be a bit slower, but it is very neat. Can I ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month? 】

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